Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 173 Saving a life from the jaws of death

In the black wilderness, two men wearing colorful animal skins walked slowly forward.

One of them was more than two meters tall, while the other was as short as a dwarf.

In addition to their eye-catching height, the two men walked in a very strange posture, like babies who had just learned to walk on two feet. Every step they took was swaying left and right.

Behind the dwarf, there were two white "silkworm pupae"-like ellipsoids floating, and the two silkworm pupae kept shaking behind them.

Suddenly, a curse came from the silkworm pupae on the right.

"Demon Spider, if you have the guts, let me out. What's the point of relying on Kuang Zhen, that waste, to defeat me? Let's have a life-and-death duel between us!" This voice belonged to Feng Yan.

After hearing this, the dwarf suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the silkworm pupae. The hair draped in front of his face spread out the moment he turned his head.

On the face of the dwarf, on both sides of a pair of human eyes, there were six scarlet compound eyes!

This is the Hell Demon Spider that has reached the commander level and transformed into a human form!

"Let you out?" The Hell Demon Spider wanted to show a sneer on his face.

But he had just completed the transformation into a human form and could not control the muscles on his face finely. So he looked like he was twitching at the moment.

"Why should I release the food? As long as you stay here for a while, you and the girl's internal organs will be turned into my favorite pulp."

Hearing this, Bai Yujing and Feng Yan, who were trapped in the white silkworm pupa. Despair gradually appeared in their angry pupils.

"Leader, how long can you hold on?" Feng Yan said to Bai Yujing beside him.

When he was attacked by Kuang Zhen, if Bai Yujing had not helped him out with an arrow, Feng Yan might have died there.

But because of that arrow, Bai Yujing was caught by the Hell Demon Spider first.

"My soul power is not enough to stop the erosion of this spider web woven into a silkworm pupa, and my legs have lost consciousness." Bai Yujing's bitter voice sounded.

At this moment, she closed her eyes in despair.

She knew that outside, in addition to the Hell Demon Spider, there was also a Commander-level Star Titan.

With such a configuration, even if she and Feng Yan went out from here, they would not be able to escape.

"I didn't expect that I would die in such a place." Bai Yujing thought desperately in her heart.

"Damn it, Kuang Zhen, that guy, I should have killed him since the first day we met!" Feng Yan's words were full of anger.

After the two said this, the erosion of the spider web toxin deepened. In order to resist this erosion, the voices of both of them fell silent.

Feeling that his two preys finally calmed down, the Hell Demon Spider tried hard to make a human smile on his face.

Then he turned to look at the commander-level Starry Sky Titan beside him and said, "Are you sure you remembered it correctly? The Blood Fire Phoenix Bird flew in this direction?"

"It must be right. He is the strongest among the three of us. It stands to reason that he should have broken through to the commander level long ago. Why can't I feel his breath now? Is there an accident?"

"Accident? How is it possible? There are no humans here who can threaten us. Maybe he didn't wait for us and went directly to the Lord's landing place to meet up with the Orange family."

"This... is indeed possible. In this case, let's go quickly. Maybe we can ask the Lord to give us a name."

After the aliens reach the commander level and can transform, it is not appropriate to call them by their ethnic names.

According to their social customs, they will pray to the strong to give them their names. And the stronger the strong who gives them their names, the more it is a symbol of honor.

When they thought that they might get the name given by that adult.

The faces of these two aliens were inexplicably smiling.

And at this moment, they suddenly felt a chill coming out of their souls.

The two aliens turned back at the same time, and saw a handsome and cold-faced boy holding a black Miao Dao, who had appeared behind them.


When did he sneak up here!

A sense of horror was beating wildly in the hearts of the Hell Demon Spider and the Star Titan. They immediately raised their hands and prepared to attack.

But how could these two aliens, with their unfamiliar human bodies, be faster than Su Gu, who was always ready to go!

A-level combat skills, sword-drawing skills!

Superposition, S-level combat skills, army-breaking sword skills!

The dazzling sword light, at this moment, rushed out in all directions with Su Gu as the center.

The fierce slashing was slashed continuously in the direction of the two aliens.

"Human!" Star Titan and the Hell Demon Spider roared at the same time.

They fought against this slash together, but even if the two commanders tried their best to fight, they were forced to retreat one after another.


Finally, with a bang, the human bodies of the two monsters finally flew backwards.

"Brother Su!"

"Su Gu!"

At this time, the silkworm cocoons of Feng Yan and Bai Yujing had been split open from the outside by Su Gu.

After the two saw the light again, the first person they saw was this extremely reliable figure. In response, the look of joy and excitement overflowed on their faces.

"Don't talk nonsense, let's go." Su Gu didn't have time to greet the two people, and said immediately.

He looked at Bai Yujing's legs that had changed color due to toxins, frowned, and immediately put her on his back.

For the first time in her life, Bai Yujing's hands seemed a little flustered when she was close to a man's body. But after a moment, she obediently put her slightly red face on Su Gu's back.

Seeing this scene, Feng Yan smiled with a relaxed smile and joked:

"Brother Su, you can carry me too, it doesn't matter if there's only one more."

Although the situation is extremely critical now, there is an inexplicable sense of security with Su Gu by his side.

"Stop talking nonsense, those two things were just repelled, they are not dead yet!"

Then he immediately took the two people and ran away together.

"Go? None of you can go!"


In the direction where the two monsters were knocked away, there was a roar like an explosion.

At this moment, the two aliens gave up their unfamiliar human bodies and revealed their true appearances again!

A spider with red eyes all over its body was floating in the air.

He flew quickly towards Su Gu, and the mouthparts that looked terrifying kept spitting out spider webs.

Boom, boom, boom!

On the ground, a giant who made the folded space look a little annoying was running.

He didn't attack, just running, and the ground trembled.

"Trouble." Su Gu said with a headache.

If it were normal times, he would really like to try to see if he could fight directly against two leader-level aliens.

But now he has injured companions around him, so it is not the right time to fight.

After dodging a spider web, Su Gu looked back at the two monsters approaching.

Now it seems that it is only a matter of time before they are caught up.

"In this case, we must make these two things realize that they cannot afford the price of continuing to approach like this!"

Looking at the two figures approaching at high speed, Su Gu snorted coldly. He took the initiative to stop and put Bai Yujing aside.

"It seems that he also knows that he can't escape, so he gave up." The Hell Demon Spider laughed harshly.

He looked at Su Gu's body, greed in his eyes. The more powerful and talented humans are, the more delicious they are to eat.

He couldn't wait to use toxins to turn the internal organs of this kind of genius into pus, and then take a bite.

And Su Gu confronted the two powerful aliens approaching quickly, and his face was calm, which was not seen in normal times.

The black Miao Dao in his hand gradually turned red. At the same time, a flame emerged from his right shoulder, spread to his right hand, and finally wrapped around the blade.

S-level combat skill, Longyan Fire Knife, plus B-level supernatural power, Fire Control Technique!

The bright red knife light slashed towards the fast-approaching Hell Demon Spider.

Swish, swish, swish!

After feeling the weight of the knife, the Hell Demon Spider's mouthparts began to spit out spider webs continuously, trying to weaken the power of the knife.

But it was useless.

And the combat skill with fire poison, combined with the fire supernatural power, produced a strange effect.

The bright red knife light turned into a red dragon soaring into the sky in the air. The red dragon tore the spider web that captured itself, opened its bloody mouth and bit towards the Hell Demon Spider.

All the pupils of the eyes on the Hell Demon Spider shrank. At this moment, he really felt a threat that was fatal enough, and his mouthparts made a chirping sound.

"Titan, save me!"

The giant's legs fell from the sky, blocking the red dragon and the hell spider.

Racial power, the Titan's indestructible body!

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