Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 174 Humans and Aliens, the Suffocating Truth (I)

Against the huge size of Xingkong Taita, the burning red dragon quilt looks like a tiny insect.

And it was this tiny insect that bitten hard on the indestructible body of the commanding starry sky titan race, the magical power of the titan!


After the impact, the burning red dragon form dissipated and turned into eternal flames, which attached to the body of the Star Titan.

Compared to the terrifying body of the Star Titan, a spark of fire started a prairie fire in the blink of an eye!

The flames spread to the Starry Sky Titan's entire huge body in an instant, wrapping him completely. The body that originally stood upright was now burning like the sun.


The starry sky Titan let out painful roars one after another, and the terrifying roar seemed to make the earth tremble.

Amidst the roars, the bodies of the Starry Sky Titans, which could have squeezed the entire space, began to gradually become smaller.

Bai Yujing and Feng Yan on the side showed pain on their faces and couldn't help but cover their ears.

Sugu, who was watching with cold eyes, raised his sword again, looking like he was preparing to take action again.

"Titan!" The Hell Demon Spider looked at Sugu and said angrily.

Then the terrifying mouthparts began to spit out spider silk towards the starry sky Titan.

After those spider threads touched the flames, they were not burned, but instead entangled in the eternal flames. The eternal flame was sealed into cocoons by spider silk and fell to the ground.

Racial magical powers, spider silk divine conferring method!

After a few breaths, the terrifying flames on the Star Titan were completely sealed.

Sugu, who was about to take action again, stopped, and his eyes collided with the two commander-level aliens in the air.

Feng Yan and Bai Yujing, standing on both sides, suddenly felt extremely depressed. The air seems to have become thicker because of these people.


Sugu sheathed the sword, carried Bai Yujing on his back again, and then said to Feng Yan again:


The three of them stood up and left slowly.

This time, Sugu walked very slowly. It didn't look like he was rescuing people or escaping the pursuit of aliens. Instead, he looked like he was taking a walk.

His posture made the enemy behind him look like his eyes were spitting fire.

"You, a human from the Seeking Me realm, how dare you face two leader-level aliens like this!"

The Hell Demon Spider was angry, and he hissed. The eyes on the body were bleeding, and the spider silk on the mouthparts began to turn black.

We must not let this arrogant human being leave so easily!

"Demon Spider, wait a minute!" At this moment, the Starry Sky Titan shrank its body and stopped the Hell Demon Spider who wanted to fight to the death.

"Don't continue chasing. Although this human being is not at a high level, he is extremely dangerous. If we fight here with all our strength, even if we can win, we will pay a heavy price."

"So what! If humans with such potential can be killed here in advance, even if the two of us are sacrificed, it will be a gain for our tribe. Only this kind of enemy is worth killing!"

As he spoke, the Hell Demon Spider narrowed his compound eyes and said to the Starry Sky Titan: "Are you afraid of sacrificing yourself for the saints?"

"What nonsense are you talking about! I have never been afraid of sacrificing myself for glory!" Star Titan snorted coldly:

"Our lives are small, but we must not let this kind of thing affect the adults' plans! Our existence is to contain the Tachibana family to prevent them from causing trouble during the ceremony."

"Although we have the most pleasant cooperation with the Tachibana family, they are still humans after all, and humans cannot be trusted!"

After hearing this, the Hell Demon Spider looked a little calmer, but still unconvinced:

"If it really doesn't work, isn't there the Blood Fire Phoenix Bird guy? He is the strongest among the three of us, and it's basically enough with him here."

"That human just now cannot be kept!"

Starry Sky Titan was silent and said after a moment:

"Don't you feel that there is the breath of the blood-fire phoenix bird in that boy's flames?"

"You mean?!" The anger in the Hell Demon Spider's eyes became even more intense, but after a moment, the anger was suppressed by reason.

He looked at Su Gu's retreating back, and the murderous intent flashing became even more intense.


Is this how we are saved?

After walking for more than ten minutes and making sure that the two commander-level aliens were not chasing after them, Bai Yujing and Feng Yan finally felt a sense of reality that they had been rescued.

It was clear that it was a certain death situation just now, and both of them even accepted their fate, but they didn't expect that it would turn out so unexpectedly.

"Fortunately, they didn't follow. If they really choose to continue fighting, I really can't guarantee your safety." Sugu said with a sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry, Sugu, for holding you back." Bai Yujing said with a blush on Sugu's back, "Thank you for saving me."

"We are all classmates, and we are all human beings. When facing a foreign race, of course we have to work together in the same boat." Sugu said with a smile.

"Brother Su, you have B-level powers!" Feng Yan said excitedly.

"Yes." Sugu nodded: "Only the leader-level aliens can be killed. After the bloodbath, the superpowers have mutated, which can be considered a breakthrough."

It was confirmed from Sugu's mouth that those flames just now were indeed the queen of supernatural powers.

Both Bai Yujing and Feng Yan couldn't help but take a breath of air.

Although it feels like this ability level is not as good as the two of them. But how powerful the power is depends on who owns it.

A genius like Sugu, who has always relied on combat skills to output, now has added supernatural powers. Just like a student who is extremely partial to subjects, subjects that have always scored zero points suddenly improve by leaps and bounds.

The improvement of his combat power is probably more terrifying than mastering a few more S-level combat skills.

"Congratulations, Su Gu." Bai Yujing whispered in Su Gu's ear.

"Just lucky." Su Gu said.

After confirming that there were no pursuers behind them, the three stopped to rest in a shady place. Su Gu took out the remaining medical supplies and silently bandaged the wounds of the two to remove the effects of the toxin.

"Damn Kuang Zhen, it's all his fault!" Feng Yan cursed: "After I go back, I will kill him with my own hands no matter what! Brother Su, even if you stop me this time, I will do it."

"You have no chance. After you left, he stayed and planned to plot against me. Otherwise, I wouldn't know your location so quickly." Su Gu said.

Kuang Zhen is dead?

Feng Yan frowned, but after a moment, his brows relaxed again.

Although he was not killed by himself, he was a little unhappy. But I believe Brother Su will not let this thing die easily.

"Cooperating with alien races and trading alien blood..." Bai Yujing smiled bitterly:

"From this point of view, the fact that Kuang Zhen's B-level ability was upgraded to A-level is also very suspicious. I'm afraid that this kind of cooperation relationship started when he first joined the Star Air Force Brigade."

"Why did this scandal happen in our school? I'm afraid that after this incident, the backbone of our Star Martial University will be broken."

When talking about this topic, Su Gu fell silent. When interrogating Kuang Zhen, he also learned some other information.

Combined with what he saw and heard in the Star Air Force Brigade this time, this information is like a thread, stringing together all the scattered beads.

After a moment, Su Gu said softly: "In fact, if the alien race really only cooperates with Kuang Zhen, it is just an isolated case, then it is not bad."

"The real trouble is that this kind of cooperation is not an isolated case at all, but is universal."

After hearing this, Bai Yujing and Feng Yan frowned at the same time:

"This is impossible. If it is a common phenomenon, the people of the top ten families cannot fail to notice it."

"They may be greedy and disgusting. But as the top forces of mankind, their foundations are all based on the word "human". I don't believe that these people will be completely indifferent to such root-digging things."

"And even if the people of the top ten families don't want to deal with such things, the federal government can always be trusted. How can they not take any action?"

Hearing the rebuttal of the two people, Su Gu smiled, and after a moment of silence, he said:

"But if I tell you that there is really something that can make these top human forces tacitly choose to turn a blind eye to such things."

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