Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 178 Desperate Situation, It’s Su Gu!

Listening to Lin Zihan's words, Jiang Lu had tears in her eyes, and her finger that touched the trigger trembled slightly.

"Hurry up!" Lin Zihan said angrily.

Jiang Lu gritted her teeth. She didn't want to make this decision, but she knew she had no choice.

"Senior, I like you."

Sure enough, there are some things that should be said earlier.


The huge cannon roared, and the densely suspended black stones in this world were blasted out by this heavy cannon in a beautiful arc of artillery fire.

Jiang Lu tried her best to gather all her strength, and poured it into Lin Zihan and Akamatsu Taro without reservation.


The scorching energy caused Akamatsu Taro to scream in agony. Lin Zihan died immediately, but his body was still hugging the enemy tightly.

When the energy dissipated, Lin Zihan's body was completely carbonized. Akamatsu Taro looked like an animal that had been stripped of its fur, revealing the bloody muscles under his skin.

"Damn it, if I hadn't taken the secret medicine and been forcibly promoted to the soul-shaping realm, I would have been really in danger just now." Akamatsu Taro said bitterly.

His eyes wandered back and forth on Jiang Lu, who was kneeling on the ground.

After seeing the military uniform that was held up on her chest, the anger in Akamatsu Taro's eyes turned into a different kind of desire.

Taro Akamatsu broke off Lin Zihan's carbonized right hand, and then said to Jiang Lu:

"You said you liked this guy, right? Come on, I'll stand in front of your dead senior today and let him know how beautiful you are."

After saying that, he walked greedily in front of Jiang Lu quickly.

At this moment, Jiang Lu fell to the ground.

Such a scene made him stunned for a moment, and then he immediately understood what was going on.

"The attack just now left no trace of soul power to protect the body. And creatures without soul power protection will have their lives sucked out in an instant in this blood sacrifice array."

"She already had the will to die just now, and she was going to die for her love."

After understanding this matter and knowing that his obscene desires could not be satisfied. Akamatsu Taro's right foot stepped heavily on the ground.

"Damn my cousin! You're going to die, why don't you let me feel better!"

Thinking of this, Akamatsu Taro reluctantly raised his weapon. The anger in his heart drove him to want to whip corpses and humiliate people.

"The scum of mankind! Stop it!"

A shock wave flew over and forced him back.

That was Arnold from another battlefield. He was looking at the scene next to him with eyes wide open.

"Fight with me, you have time to worry about other things."

The sword flashed and struck the giant ax in Arnold's hand.

Akamatsu Hideshiro's figure pressed forward, and Arnold, who was heavily armored, was actually shaken by the suppression of the sword.

"Return the scum of mankind? Do you know that the winner is king? When we get out, we will be the only heroes who returned alive from this alien riot!"

While suppressing Arnold, Eichiro Akamatsu taunted disdainfully: "After we get out, we still don't know who will get the title of scum."

Listening to these words, Arnold was furious.

But although he was angry, his eyes fell on the other corpses beside him. In that boundless anger, there was a trace of sadness.

Among these people, there are aristocratic families and common people.

Some of them had irreconcilable conflicts, but they all put aside their prejudices and united together because of the common enemy.

But now, he is the only one left.

"Eishiro, there's only one left, please take it easy and play slowly." The other members of the Akamatsu family who had been standing aside without making a move shouted.

"Give him to me and let me kill him, Eichiro. I owe you, okay?"

"No, give it to me. Eishiro, I'll give you federal coins, and you give me this stupid guy."

After listening to the words of his compatriots, Akamatsu Hideshiro turned around and replied with a smile:

"Go away, you broke the toy too quickly, and you want to steal it from me!"

Arnold's eyes were full of blood red at this moment. This kind of contempt from the enemy is the greatest insult.

But besides anger, there was also despair in his heart.

Except for the members of the Chisong family, all the enemies had not mobilized. The two commander-level aliens had been guarding around the gray-white light pillar, and they had not taken any action.

This time, I might die.


A cold light flashed in Arnold's eyes.

Even if I must die from this today, I must drag someone into the water!

S-level combat skill, Ten Directions Splitting Sky Axe!

The soul power of Arnold's body surged, and dense cracks appeared at the point where the heavy ax and the sword were wrestling.

This blow caused the space to vibrate.

Facing the opponent's life-threatening blow, the expression on Akamatsu Hideshiro's face was still extremely relaxed.

On his body, the soul power gathered together, and then burned like a flame. This burning, inexhaustible fire of soul power is the characteristic of the Soul Shaping Realm!

Akamatsu Hideshiro relied on the power of the realm to slowly resist, consuming Arnold.

And in this blood sacrifice formation, how could Arnold, whose soul power was being continuously extracted, compete with Eishiro in terms of soul power consumption?

Soon, he fell to the ground.


Seeing that Arnold's moves were completely blocked, the seven Xiaoyao from the Ju family who had been silently observing the battlefield here showed a satisfied smile.

"Like I said, what can these little bugs do?" Ju Zhaolie said with a smile.

But in this blood sacrifice array that constantly absorbs soul power and life, these geniuses may not be able to exert even one-fifth of their abilities.

And in this situation, if they can still fight across levels, that would be really weird.

"The two little guys from the Akamatsu family have ended the only remaining resistance force. This is much easier than we expected." Tachibana Masako said with a smile.

"Yes, these people are really like moths to a flame. Just waiting for our young master Takayuki to successfully accept the divine thoughts of the alien mythical creature." Tachibana Jiro also said with a smile.

Their eyes continued to stare at the screen. Completely killing the enemy is also part of the victory of the Tachibana family, and they naturally want to witness it.

"Eishiro, kill him!" Akamatsu Taro shouted loudly.

As he spoke, he pinched Jiang Lu's neck with one hand and lifted her up. He wanted to tear off this woman's clothes. This bitch who disobeyed him, he would not give her dignity even if she died!

"Do you need to say it!" Akamatsu Eishiro responded excitedly.

He raised the sword in his hand and wanted to chop off Arnold's head!

And just when he was about to swing the sword.


A crisp sound, like a watermelon being smashed, sounded in the direction of Akamatsu Taro.

Akamatsu Eishiro was stunned for a moment, and his eyes followed the sound.

He saw that the head of Akamatsu Taro, the leader of their generation of Akamatsu family, was broken into several pieces.

Bone residue, brain matter, blood, brain tissue... began to fall to the ground like scattered puzzle pieces.

"Who! Who is it!"

"Who is there!"

The other members of the Akamatsu family who had been leisurely on the side, now took out their weapons and were on guard nervously.

A guy with the ability to detect fired a bullet.


A black seedling knife emerged, separating the bullet. Then, a hand with distinct joints appeared at the handle of the seedling knife.

A handsome figure appeared with a cold killing intent.

And the moment he appeared, the two commander-level aliens who were originally staying in place, the Starry Sky Titan and the Hell Demon Spider, roared and screamed at the same time.

The seven Xiaoyao from the Ju family outside this world also cried out in surprise.

"It's Su Gu!"

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