Big drops of sweat fell from Sugu's body. Some sweat beads were even mixed with blood.

His breathing was also rarely mixed with a trace of disorder, which was unimaginable to people who were familiar with him. Obviously, the cost of getting here was not a small burden for him.

However, the disordered breathing had been adjusted when Sugu put the black Miao Dao behind his back.

He glanced sideways at Akamatsu Taro's head-decapitated body, and said calmly: "I want to see if Tachibana Takayuki can restore you to your original state this time."

This sentence is like adding a ladle of water to the already tense atmosphere. For a moment, the Akamatsu family members looked at the fallen body of Akamatsu Taro with scarlet eyes.

"Sugu! This time the man surnamed Yin from the Federation is gone. Don't think you can come back alive this time." Akamatsu Hideshiro stared at Sugu, his wide-open eyes full of incomprehension. Hatred.

"My fellow clansmen, although Sugu is strong, we have completely changed. Now, with a level of cultivation higher than his, we can suppress him and beat him. This time, we will definitely be able to return the shame of a few days ago!"

Akamatsu Hideshiro's call was quickly responded to by everyone.

"That's right, he just killed Taro with a sneak attack. Why is he so crazy!"

"Eishiro is right, we are not what we used to be! Kill him today and use his blood to bring shame."

"We must not let him go back alive this time!"

"It's best to capture him alive. I want him to have a taste of how our Akamatsu family treats prisoners."

Amidst a burst of shouting, the rest of the Chisong family who had been resting aside all stood up with their own weapons.

Their scarlet eyes surrounded him, as if they wanted to eat Sugu alive.

Arnold on the side couldn't help but shudder.

He hated these scum of mankind with a passion, but because of their fights, he understood how powerful these scum were better than anyone else.

I don’t know what kind of drugs these people have taken. The weakest people here are now in the quasi-soul-shaping realm, and Akamatsu Hideshiro has truly stepped into the soul-shaping realm.

More than a dozen warriors with murderous intentions and martial arts realms higher than themselves surrounded him. No matter who you are, you will feel depressed.

"No, we can't just watch here." Arnold gritted his teeth and raised the giant ax in his hand again.

"Even if I can only hold one person back, I will go in and relieve Sugu a little of the pressure."

Sugu, who had his back turned, seemed to have eyes behind him. Even if he didn't turn around, he knew what he was doing.

"Don't do unnecessary things, you will only hinder my hands and feet here."

After hearing this, Arnold gritted his teeth and wanted to argue.

At this moment, a terrifying neighing sound sounded. The power conveyed by the voice made him stagger.


Two huge creatures fell from the sky, one on the left and one on the right blocking Sugu.

The two commander-level aliens, Starry Sky Head Up and Hell Demon Spider, who had been protecting Ju Guizhi, could no longer sit still.

"I was worried before, what if you, a little bug, ran away? Now it seems that although you are very talented, you are not very smart, and you actually ran away to die like this."

The hell spider's compound eyes were staring at Sugu, and all of its eyes were filled with unbreakable murderous intent.

The starry sky Titan on the other side also showed the same murderous intention.

"You human being is too dangerous, we must not let you grow up!"

Seeing this scene, Arnold, who fell to the ground beside him, had a dull expression on his face, and then he put down his ax obediently.

Sugu was right. If he walked into such a battlefield without knowing the importance, it would really just add chaos.

"But even though they are teammates, the difference in treatment is probably too big." Arnold thought in his heart.

He and other survivors who wanted to make a last stand, united together, but they couldn't make the Akamatsu family go all out to fight the enemy.

After Sugu appeared, he immediately alerted all the guards here.

Is this the treatment of top geniuses...

Arnold's eyes wandered back and forth several times on the surrounding aliens and humans.

Every foreigner here looked at Su Gu with deep-seated hatred. How did he do this to offend so many people in such a short period of time?

"However, this also shows that Sugu is in extreme danger now." Arnold secretly worried Sugu.

Commander level, soul shaping realm.

Every creature that surrounded Sugu had a higher level of cultivation than him.

Any martial artist in the Self-Seeking Realm that Arnold knew was in such a desperate situation that he could not resist.

"Everyone, stand shoulder to shoulder! Let's suppress him with our realm. Even if this Sugu is really a monster, he will still suffer here today!" Akamatsu Hideshiro said bitterly.

And at this moment, Sugu moved!

B-level superpower, the art of controlling fire!

Circles of flames were like ripples under his feet, rippling towards the surrounding enemies.

The faces of all the enemies suddenly condensed.

The power of this ability is only B level.

The body of any creature present will not suffer any damage even if it withstands this attack.


This is Sugu's attack!

And it’s something I’ve never seen before, his superpower!

How is this possible? It's just that simple.

"Everyone retreat, don't touch those flames!" Akamatsu Eishiro commanded loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, all the people of the Akamatsu family retreated together.

Even the Star Titan and the Hell Spider, two leader-level alien races, did not choose to retreat and did not resist.

Although these people and alien races wanted to eat Su Gu alive right now, although they clamored that their realm was higher than the opponent and they were outnumbered.

But when facing this terrible opponent, no one did not remain absolutely cautious.

They were all afraid that Su Gu had a backhand hidden in these flames.

And it seemed that as they expected, the flames did not touch the enemy, but only forced the enemy back.

Su Gu's figure disappeared directly from the original place.

"Be careful, be alert! Form a defensive formation!"

Akamatsu Eishiro roared, and the people of the Akamatsu family who were originally fighting separately immediately gathered together tightly and launched their best joint attack method.

The two alien races, the Hell Spider and the Star Titan, also looked nervous, and even prepared to use their own racial talents for defense.

But soon, everyone was stunned.

Su Gu's body movements were extremely fast, but he did not attack anyone.

What was he doing?

But soon, they all understood what Su Gu was doing.

In the short time these enemies were stunned, all the human bodies that died here were collected by Su Gu and placed behind him.

"Keep an eye on them, and bury them after you go out."

Su Gu still turned his back to Arnold and said in a calm tone.

And Arnold looked at his dead companions, his body trembling, and tears kept flowing down his serious face.


"Even if I die, I will not let these beasts touch them again."

After understanding what Su Gu did, the faces of his enemies became extremely ugly.

"This bastard, in this situation, dared to play with us!" In the Akamatsu family who had formed a defensive formation, someone couldn't help but curse.

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