Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 183 Just like that, is it over?

"No, stop him quickly!"

Ju Zhaolie's spiritual thoughts outside the wall of the world let out screams of terror.

The seven Xiaoyao realm experts from the Ju family have been peeping at the battlefield situation in this small world.

Originally, they had been feeling extremely comfortable watching Sugu being suppressed and kept on the verge of life and death.

And when they saw Sugu taking off with the attack of the Star Titan, he quickly moved towards the Gray Pillar.

The faces of these powerful men in the Xiaoyao Realm were full of panic, even a little frightened. This is the first time they have shown such an expression since they sat here.

"Those losers from the Akamatsu family, hurry up, hurry up!"

"Didn't those two aliens even anticipate this situation when they were fighting? Sure enough, these aliens are all brainless."

"Hurry up! Use your combat skills and your racial magical powers to stop Sugu! At this time, no mistakes are allowed!"


They cursed one after another, with ferocious expressions on their faces. Some of them even couldn't restrain themselves and let their murderous intentions show up, attracting the attention of other strong men here.

But I can’t control that much now.

The Tachibana family has paid a lot to welcome a true mythical creature.

Guang negotiates with foreign races to gain trust, and maneuvers among the other ten and the human federation to avoid unnecessary suspicion. In these two matters, a huge amount of resources have been spent.

At this critical moment in this matter, there must be no room for error!


In a small world,

Everyone in the Chisong family, as well as the two starry sky aliens, naturally understood the importance of this matter.

They seemed to be going crazy, running desperately on the ground in the direction of Sugu flying in the sky.

The Starry Sky Titan and the Hell Demon Spider did not hold back at all and tried their best to knock down Sugu in the air.

The people of the Chisong family who followed closely behind were even more panicked.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Brothers, if you still have any desperate skills or treasured long-range moves, then use them quickly!" Akamatsu Buta shouted to the tribesmen around him while running desperately:

"If we still have reservations and it really affects the Ju family's plan, then it would be a trivial matter for us to be punished until death. I'm afraid the whole clan will be implicated!

If you still have reservations, think about your parents and family! "

Upon hearing this, everyone in the Chisong family trembled. As the gloves of the Tachibana family, the people of the Akamatsu family know best the viciousness behind this family.

"Fight! Try everything you can to stop Sugu!" Someone in the crowd at the Chisong family roared.

The next thing these people treasure is the secret medicine that extracts potential and has extremely side effects, and the magic formula to enhance strength. It was displayed by these people without any scruples.

Boom, boom, boom! !

After these people improved their strength, they frantically attacked Sugu flying in the sky.

The terrifying combat skills are like fireworks, constantly blooming in the sky.

Facing this dense attack, Sugu looked relaxed.

His figure was moving around at will in the sky. How could these attacks, which were already crazy and even irrational, pose a threat to Sugu.

His figure was not affected at all, and he rushed towards the gray-white light beam reaching the sky.

Sugu's gaze could already glimpse Tachibana Guizhi in the beam of light.

At this moment, Tachibana Guizhi was bathed in the beam of light, his body suspended between the heaven and the earth in this world. The expression on his face was solemn, and between his eyebrows, there was a golden spot of light.

Sugu's murderous intention was firmly locked on Tachibana Guizhi.

As long as he is killed, everything here will be over.

Seeing such a scene, the enemies who had been chasing behind them all showed expressions of despair.

"Don't worry, the gray-white light pillar is the center of the Blood Sacrifice Array, and it is also the largest gravitational pull away from life energy."

"With Sugu's current injuries, he won't survive for more than a second if he goes in! He may not be able to kill Tachibana Takayuki." Starry Sky Titan looked at Sugu's back and roared loudly.

It didn't look like he was comforting others, but rather he seemed to be comforting himself.


When I feel that the golden light protection spell that I have been using can no longer fully protect my body, and there are vague signs of my life energy being withdrawn.

Sugu decisively bit into pieces the Tiancang Dan that had been pressed under his tongue.

This is the elixir Feng Yan gave him, which can quickly heal wounds and adjust himself to peak condition!

The liquid in the hard medicine shell flowed down his throat and into his body. A strange energy surged through its limbs and bones.

The wounds that were still on Sugu's body just now were like charcoal lead on the canvas, which was directly erased with an eraser.

Sugu waved the Miao Dao in his hand, and his whole figure stepped into the light beam like a fish jumping into the water.

The blade of the sword was pointed directly at Tachibana Takayuki, who was defenseless at the moment.


At this moment, the Starry Sky Titan and the Hell Demon Spider let out a wail at the same time.

They wanted to stop it, but it was too late!


The black knife penetrated through the chest.

Tachibana Takayuki, who had just been wrestling with the alien spirit and obsessed with the pleasure of gaining power and knowledge, opened his eyes in disbelief.

When Sugu's figure was reflected in his pupils, the look on his face was ferocious and terrifying.

He wanted to use his powers and try to buy time, but how could Sugu give him a chance.

A slash of the knife.

Ju Guizhi's head was separated.



"How dare you!"

"I will tear you into pieces!"

The seven Xiaoyao of the Ju family, who had been communicating with their divine thoughts, could no longer hold back their anger at this moment. Almost at the same time, the seven people expressed their anger in their hearts.

They roared loudly and lost their composure.

Such a situation attracted the attention of other Xiaoyao Realm strongmen present.

"People of the Ju family, what did you find?" Someone came over with a frown and asked.

If it were a few minutes ago, Ju Masako would definitely walk over and carefully send this person away to avoid unnecessary suspicion, but now it is not important.

She even stopped exploring the interior of this world directly, and began to devote all her strength to breaking the wall of the world with the other six Xiaoyao of the Ju family.

"Hurry up and find a way to open the wall of the world! We must go in immediately!" Ju Zhaolie said.

Even if this operation really failed, they must enter quickly to minimize the losses.


Su Gu's face kept flashing in Ju Zhaolie's mind.

Uncontrollable murderous intent spread in his heart.

I can't let you live any longer!



Ju Takayuki's head fell from the sky. It seemed that he didn't have time to use his supernatural power to heal his wounds.

With Ju Takayuki's death, the gray-white pillar that reached the sky also dissipated, and the blood sacrifice formation that had been trying to extract life energy also stopped.

Just like that, is it over?

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