"That's it, is it over?" Sugu's eyes glanced around.

The gray-white light pillar reaching the sky has disappeared.

As Ju Gui's breath of life dissipated, the snake eyes that were densely covered in the sky disappeared.

The black stones floating in the air began to regain gravity and fell little by little. Covering up the blood sacrifice array patterns underneath that had faded due to loss of energy.

The world begins to return to its original state.

Everything seems to be really over.


The Starry Sky Titan and the Hell Demon Spider released their soul-burning skills and fell to the ground exhausted.

After burning their lifespan for a long time to fight, they are now exhausted. Judging from their looks, they probably don't have many years to live.

"Kill him and never let him go back alive!" Akamatsu Wutai pointed at Sugu and said irrationally.

If the plan fails, then the chess pieces of the Ju family will be useless, and they will surely die next.

And how could Sugu, who pushed them to death, make him feel better next!

Ta Ta Ta Ta!

Behind Akamatsu Buta, there was a sound of footsteps, from near to far, Akamatsu Buta looked back with a stiff expression.

He saw his fellow tribesmen fleeing from here quickly, carrying him on their backs.


Akamatsu Buta was about to say something, but suddenly, he realized something.

Sugu, who had just been seriously injured, was still able to persist for so long in the face of the siege of so many of them. But now he doesn't know what method he used, and all the wounds on his body have been healed.

And beside him, the two aliens who were the strongest combatants were now exhausted and fell down.

If you still want to kill Sugu, what should you use to kill him?

At this moment, Sugu turned his head and looked at Akamatsu Buta.

Akamatsu Butai suddenly felt like he was being stared at by the god of death.

His body was trembling with fear.

"Don't come here! I am the illegitimate son of the head of the Akamatsu family. My mother and grandfather are members of the Human Federation. There is also the Tachibana family behind me. You can't kill me..."

Akamatsu Taketa panicked and gave out identities that could usually save his life.

How could Sugu care about this? He casually slashed with the black seedling sword in his hand, and the terrifying force of the sword cut straight into Akamatsu Buta's neck.

Then Sugu didn't even bother to see this person's ending, and turned around to chase the others who had just escaped.

This move is enough to kill him.


And at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

The move that should have directly killed Akamatsu Buta was blocked by a mysterious rune.

Sugu turned around fiercely and saw that the rune that suddenly appeared turned into a chain and locked Akamatsu Buta's neck.

The ecstasy of escaping death had not yet dissipated on Akamatsu Buta's face when all his soul power and life energy were forcibly extracted from him by the chain around his neck.

The whole person turned into a mummy in an instant.

"This..." Sugu's eyes suddenly condensed, and he looked into the distance.

I saw that the other Chisong family members who had just escaped had collars on their necks at this moment.

Their situation was exactly the same as Akamatsu Buta, all of them were turned into mummies.

Sugu then turned his attention to Tachibana Guizhi, who had just been beheaded by him.

His head was still on the ground.

But a new head appeared on his neck!

The face with the new head seemed to be covered with a hazy veil. His expression could be seen, but his facial features could not be grasped.

When this "new head" appeared, the two foreigners who had just exhausted their energy and energy suddenly became excited.

The Starry Sky Titan and the Hell Demon Spider transformed into human forms, then supported their bodies, knelt down on the ground in the direction of Tachibana Takayuki, and kowtowed seriously.

"As expected of your lord, you still have a backup plan until now!"

"Congratulations to the Lord for successfully coming to the star field where humans live again after hundreds of years."

"Please Lord, give us names."


Hearing these words, Sugu's face suddenly turned cold.

Obviously, this "new Tachibana Takayuki" is the creature these people want to summon in such a big battle.

Sugu didn't hesitate at all. The black knife in his hand rotated and slashed directly towards him with terrifying combat skills.

Almost instantly, this new "Tangerine Noble" was torn into pieces by Sugu.

"You..." The expressions of the Star Titan and the Hell Demon Spider changed suddenly. The two creatures were about to say something, but saw that their master's body returned to its original state in an instant.

Seeing this situation, Sugu gritted his teeth and cursed in his heart. Having seen it once, he naturally understood what it was.

S-level power, Izanami!

"Takahiro Takayuki is dead, but can his powers still be used by the new owner of his body?" Sugu said with an ugly expression as he clenched the handle of the knife.

This kind of time-based ability is really a bug if used properly.

And at this moment, this "New Orange Noble" opened his eyes.

The moment this person looked at each other, Sugu felt the skin all over his body tighten. There is an unpleasant feeling like someone is pointing at your throat.

At this time, "New Orange Takayuki" had already stood up. He looked at Sugu in front of him and did not attack immediately.

Not only that, but after a moment he clasped his fists, lowered his head slightly and said:

"You can call me, Yuji."

This action and self-introduction made Sugu stunned for a moment. This is a body movement commonly used by two unfamiliar warriors to express humility when introducing themselves before a fight.

At this moment, there is an indescribable feeling of weirdness in this person who is obviously related to a foreign race, making such an action.

"You seem strange, but I understand your human culture." Yu Si said with a smile.

His tone of voice was very soft, as casual as chatting with friends.

"Isn't it strange that you humans have defeated our holy race before and have a deep understanding of powerful enemies?"

"Are you a mythical creature?" Sugu asked tensely.

"Yes." Yu Si smiled and replied, "You interrupted this ceremony and brought me a lot of trouble."

"Now I can only forcibly absorb some unclean human life energy, and force my spiritual thoughts to occupy this dead human body."

"In order to do this kind of thing, I also paid a high price, but even so, it only allows me to use the power of you human Seeking Me Realm warriors for ten minutes."

Yu Si was quite talkative, and this cordial attitude did not make Sugu relax at all, but made his nerves even more tense.

"In ten minutes, at such a high price, you can only use the cultivation level of Seeking Me Realm. What do you want to do?"

Yu Si raised his lips and said, "Of course I'm here to see what kind of genius the human race is that can single-handedly prevent my coming."

"If possible, it would be best to eliminate it in advance."

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