"My lord is wise! You are right in your judgment. This human being must not be allowed to stay!" said the Hell Demon Spider, who was kneeling on the ground and kowtowing to Yu Si.

The starry sky titan, who had always been silent, now also said in a deep voice: "Even in the history recorded by our holy race, there are few people who can match this human power. If we don't kill him now, when he grows up, he will probably become a man in the future. My holy clan is in serious trouble."

After fighting against Sugu, their enemies knew best how terrifying the human in front of them was.

That's why they risked their lives to remonstrate with Yu Si.

"Since all my subordinates have said so, I have no choice but to ask you to die in these ten minutes."

Yu Si was still smiling a second ago, chatting with Sugu.

The next moment he appeared in front of Sugu, and no one could see how he moved. At this moment, his index finger was wrapped around Thunder and pointed towards Sugu's heart.

S-level combat skill, Thunder Finger!

So fast!

Sugu looked shocked, but then reacted with fighting instinct. He tilted his body to the left and escaped this fatal point kill.

At the same time, the black Miao Dao turned into red again!

S-level combat skill, Ambergris Fire Knife!

The red blade slashed towards Yuji's face, trying to force him back.

Facing these several times of killing and killing the leader-level aliens and his tried-and-tested combat skills, Yu Si had a slight smile on his face.

Instead of being pushed back, he stepped forward. The lightning flashed with the index finger of his right hand, and he pointed at Sugu again.

He wants to trade injury for injury? !

Sugu's pupils shrank, and then a trace of fanaticism flashed across his face.

OK, I changed it!

The scorching fire knife slashed down without reservation, directly cutting off Yuji's left arm and shoulder.

The terrifying fire poison dyed the cross-section of his wound dark red, and pieces of flesh and blood were corroded by the poisonous gas.

But Yu Si seemed unaware and still stepped forward firmly, Tian Lei pointed at Sugu's ribs.

The defensive combat skills on his body seemed to be turned into paper when faced with this style of thunder finger, and were easily pierced.


Terrifying electric current pulsed on Sugu's body, and a hole the size of a coin was poked in his side.

The pain radiating from my body was almost unbearable.

But the nerves on Sugu's face seemed to be dead, and there was no fluctuation in his expression.

If you only pay this price to make this terrifying opponent lose its combat effectiveness, it would be a huge gain.

"Sure enough, it's not that simple." Soon, Sugu sighed softly in his heart.

The fire poison on Yuji's body dissipated, the body parts that had just fallen to the ground disappeared, and his severed limbs began to reappear.

Time ran backwards through his body.

S-level power, Izanami!

"When he uses this power, it makes me feel much more terrifying than Tachibana Takayuki." Sugu thought to himself.

Then he no longer had a head-on confrontation with Yuji, gave up the strategy of exchanging injuries for injuries, and prepared to open up a position.

And how could Yu Si let Sugu escape so easily? His figure quickly approached and suppressed him non-stop.

The two men fought back and forth, and terrifying power surged in the space.

"As expected of the Lord, he actually used the human power system to compete with the genius of the human race and suppressed him head-on!" Seeing this situation, the Starry Sky Titan secretly praised in his heart.

"After all, this person is the one of our saint clan who is most interested in human beings. Contact with human beings is solely responsible for this person." The Hell Demon Spider said: "My Lord's understanding of human power. It is enough to crush any warrior below the Xiaoyao realm among humans."

"When the fighting ability between two people cannot tell the difference between the winner and the loser, the gap in other aspects becomes extremely important."

The Hell Demon Spider said calmly:

"This Sugu has mastered a huge number of combat skills, and each one is extremely powerful."

"But compared to his combat skills, his superpowers are too weak. When fighting against the most powerful people in the same realm, this shortcoming will be infinitely magnified, and Sugu won't be able to hold on for long."

As if to fulfill what the Star Titan said, after using S-level combat skills to attack each other, the two figures crossed each other and stood facing each other at opposite ends.

At this moment, Sugu was covered with wounds, and his injuries were even more serious than when he was besieged before.

On the opposite side, Yu Si relied on his superpowers to not even have much dust stuck to his body. He looked at the panting Sugu with a relaxed expression, and said with a smile:

"In terms of combat skills alone, we are in the middle of the pack. But I can rely on my superpower advantage to exchange injuries with you infinitely."

"You must know in your heart that if you continue to fight like this, you will definitely die. It is a pity that a talented person like you ends up like this."

"In that case, do you want me to give you a new option?"

Sugu looked at Yu Si's pity expression and said coldly: "You don't want to fight? You mean you want to commit suicide directly."

"Humans, please don't insult the Lord!"

The Star Titan and Hell Demon Spider on the side were furious after hearing this.

But Yu Si ignored Sugu's provocation and said calmly:

"You swear on your soul and declare your allegiance to me."

"As long as you do this, even if you are light years away from me, I will still have the ability to control your life and death! In this way, the contract between us is completed."

Hearing this, Sugu's face showed a sneer.

But before he said anything, Yuji continued:

"I have always been clear about rewards and punishments. As long as you are willing to join, the benefits you will get are much greater than you can imagine."

"If you still want to go further in your current realm, the blood of my holy clan is indispensable."

"As long as you are willing to make this oath, I can guarantee that your superpowers will be pushed to S-level immediately. You are already invincible in combat skills, and now you have S-level superpowers."

"I am afraid you can compete for the position of the world's number one genius."

Yu Si's voice was gentle, easily letting people down their guard, like a venomous snake in mythology that tempted people to eat forbidden fruit.

"If you are still worried about moral issues, it doesn't matter.

After this incident, you must have seen clearly that the attitudes of all classes of your human race are different when it comes to cooperating with us.

You are definitely not alone."

Hearing these words, Su Gu smiled. It seems that he was really persuaded.

Seeing this, Yu Si nodded secretly, and his emotions rose in his heart.

Although the cooperation with the Ju family was destroyed, it would be a good thing if we could take this opportunity to subdue a top human genius.

Su Gu said: "It seems that you are really familiar with us humans."

Yu Si smiled and said: "Of course."

"Then do you know that in my hometown, there is a four-character proverb to describe guys like you?"


Su Gu smiled and said lightly: "A monkey in a cap."

The expression on Yu Si's face suddenly became stiff.

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