Mu Guan Er Hou.

The four words Su Gu said stabbed Yu Si's heart like a poisonous sting.

The gentle smile on the face of this mythical creature disappeared completely. Instead, there was a cold and incomparable killing intent.

"The master... is angry." The Hell Demon Spider, who was watching the battle from afar, shuddered and said.

The killing intent of the mythical creature, even if it was not deliberately aimed at them, just the residual power made them feel cold.

Starry Sky Titan cast a pitying look at Su Gu.

It is indeed a genius. Not only does he have the strength of a genius, but also the bad temper of a genius.

I don't know if his mouth will be as hard as before when he is captured by the master and tortured!

But when he stared at Su Gu, he was suddenly stunned.

What is this human doing?

At this moment, the temperature around Su Gu began to rise, and there was a hint of burning in the air. When you look over, you will feel that objects have become a little distorted.

Compared to the high temperature around him, Su Gu gave people a feeling of "quietness". Looking at him was like watching a spring of windless lake water.

When facing the killing intentions of mythical creatures, this human was so indifferent!

The Taishan Mountain collapsed in front of him without changing his face, and the elk rose on the left without blinking.

In a trance, Starry Sky Titan remembered this ancient saying of humans.

Is it talking about this state?

And suddenly, Su Gu's momentum changed.

The originally windless and quiet lake water was boiling at this moment!

The terrifying soul power burst out from his body, and the air around him turned into a gust of wind, flying with his hair.

He did not make a move, but the ground under his feet began to crack because of the release of his power.

"Is this a breakthrough on the battlefield?!" Starry Sky Titan and Hell Demon Spider said in unison.

In the genetic memory they inherited, some scenes of human geniuses breaking through on the battlefield were recorded. These memory scenes are extremely rare, but they are all extremely profound.

Those human geniuses who break through in battle, if they can survive, often bring a lot of trouble to their Saint Clan.

"I didn't expect that we could actually witness such a scene."

"But the level of evilness you show, it's not surprising that you can do such a thing."

Star Titan and Hell Demon Spider whispered to each other.

The strong wind raised by Su Gu blew on Yu Si's gloomy face.

Break through in battle?

What a bunch of idiots!

If it was really that simple, it would be great.

This human's martial arts realm is still in the realm of seeking me.

But the power he bursts out now is not inferior to the top soul-shaping realm! And the secret method he is using now has not overdrawn his potential.

He can use this method of leading himself into this state as a regular combat skill!

"There are some soul burning skills like our Saint Clan, but they don't require such a high price. And the effect seems to be even stronger!"

"I have come from the era of the holy war against humans, and I have seen many secret methods of humans to improve their strength, but none of them can compare with this one."

Yu Si's face was gloomy and terrifying.

"I thought I came here just to kill a human genius, but I didn't expect that I would see the spark of human innovation in martial arts here!"

"If I had known earlier, I would have paid a little more. The fire must be extinguished in advance before it spreads."

Su Guruo took a breath like a whale sucking water.

At this moment, his "Wanxiang Tianyuan Gong" was running rapidly, frantically digging and outputting soul power towards his body.

Now the peak of his soul power output every second is at the limit that can be achieved in the Xunwo Realm. And the frequency of outputting soul power seems to have no trough, and at a very high position, it presents a terrifying straight line.

Martial God State!

This secret method of Agrus, which has only been used in the virtual spirit world, can crush S-level superpowers with one blow.

At this moment, Su Gu used it for the first time in reality!

"Come on, monkey who likes to learn from humans." Su Gu smiled, and Yu Si's figure was reflected in his pupils: "Let's continue!"


As soon as the words fell, the confronting humans and aliens collided with each other, and the terrifying shock wave was pushed out faster than the sound.

"Retreat quickly!"

The Starry Sky Titan and the Hell Demon Spider who had been hiding in the distance all showed a horrified look on their faces.

They were already exhausted hiding in the distance, and they used up the last bit of their body to escape to the back.

"Damn it, this human was still holding back when fighting with us!" The Hell Demon Spider cursed: "It's really a monster."

Boom! Boom! Boom! !

The terrifying power roared in this small world.

Feng Yan, Bai Yujing, Arnold and others who were trying hard to escape in this world heard this terrifying sound. Thinking of Su Gu who was still in danger, these people's faces were all worried.

"Humans like you must be killed in advance!" Yu Si's face was no longer calm. The expression on his face was completely replaced by ferocity and murderous intent.

On the other hand, Su Gu's face was full of excitement and enthusiasm.

Even in his heart, he still had a little gratitude for the enemy in front of him.

Nothing in the world can make Su Gu more excited than an opponent who makes him fight with all his strength.

The long sword had long been broken because it could not withstand the force. At this moment, Su Gu was fighting the myth with empty hands!

S-level fighting skills, the desolate killing fist!


The already powerful S-class combat skills, under the all-round blessing of the martial arts state, exploded with unimaginable power.

With just one blow, half of Yuji's body exploded.

But in the next moment, Yuji's body was restored by supernatural powers.

Seeing this scene, Sugu was not depressed at all, but said with great interest: "I want to see whether you recover faster or I kill faster!"

Terrifying killing moves were used by Sugu one after another.

Yuji's body kept repeating the process of explosion, reorganization, explosion, reorganization...

"How... could this happen!" Looking at the scene in front of them, Starry Sky Titan and Hell Demon Spider's eyes were splitting.

This is the myth of their holy clan, representing the pinnacle of their clan.

Such a person was actually suppressed like this by a mere human from the Seeking Me Realm. Even if Yu Si uses the power of the same realm, they cannot accept it.

At this moment, they have a feeling that their faith is collapsing.

"Damn it, now the Lord can only use the human power system to fight. If he could use a trace of racial talent, how could he make the human in front of him so arrogant!" Starry Sky Titan said angrily.

Faced with the terrifying suppression of the martial arts, Yuji's body was unable to resist from the beginning, but gradually he began to hold on for a while.

However, the speed at which his body was repaired by supernatural powers also began to slow down visibly to the naked eye.

Finally at a critical point, Yu Si's body seemed to be on fire. He pinched Sugu's fist and said fiercely:

"Enough fighting."

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