Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 187 Breakthrough, life or death

"Enough fighting."

Watching the opponent clench his fist and listening to the opponent's questioning.

Sugu's response was quite simple.

When the right hand is controlled, the left arm immediately waves.

Another heavy punch hit Yu Si's face.


Yuji was knocked upside down by Sugu's punch, and the terrifying speed even produced a sound of breaking through the air.


Yuji's body hit the ground hard, and the black ground was dented. A big hole soon appeared in this area.

"Not yet, how about you endure it a little longer?" Sugu said calmly.

At this moment, his fighting spirit was fully aroused. His lower body was like a rock, his spine was like a swimming dragon, he was holding a fist, and his hair was dancing wildly.

The scene in front of them made the Starry Sky Titan and Hell Demon Spider who were watching want to close their eyes and insist that they would not see such a scene.

How could the top expert of the Saint Clan be beaten as a sandbag?

Although the Lord cannot use racial talents now, and the realm power he can use is also limited.

But they still find it difficult to accept such a scene.

These two aliens felt that the faith they had insisted on throughout their lives was being shaken, and even seemed to be a sign of collapse.

"How can a mere human being be so strong?" the two murmured dryly.

And at this moment, a terrifying and violent soul power surged out from the hole where Yu Si was blasted.

Along with this terrifying energy, Yu Si walked out of the ground where he was driven step by step.

This time the wounds on his body did not recover, and one-third of his face had completely disappeared, which was the mark left by Sugu's punch.

His terrifying appearance has the feel of a thriller movie. But now, no one here cares about such boring things.

The only thing left on Yuji's face was a look of madness, like a gambler putting everything on the gambling table.

Under his guidance, the violent soul power began to become calmer. Then it began to condense and compress, and the original transparency began to become visible to the naked eye, and then it began to condense into milky white.

After milky white, it begins to transition towards golden color.

The golden soul fire visible to the naked eye was ignited on Yu Si's body.

"Soul Shaping Realm! Has the Lord achieved a breakthrough?!"

"Use your spiritual thoughts to descend on a dead human warrior from the Seeking-Me Realm, and then use this dead body to break through the martial arts realm!"

"As expected of the Lord, I am afraid that no other person in history can do such a thing, and only the Lord can do such a thing!"


The Hell Demon Spider and the Star Titan let out a warm sigh.

Control a dead human body and break through to the next level of martial arts. The battle between the two creatures in front of them has exceeded their imagination to a certain extent.

Sugu looked at Yu Si, who was now completely transformed, with a smile on his face and no trace of panic on his face.

"You just resisted my attack and used your powers to quickly repair your body. At the same time, you stimulated the potential of this body and sought a breakthrough. I didn't expect that you actually did it." Sugu looked at his opponent and admired it. 's review said:

"But in order to confront me head-on after the breakthrough, your supernatural power must have been exhausted just now. Next, you will not be able to use Izanami again."

Yu Si stared at Sugu, the golden flame soul power on his body was beating, and the powerful pressure was centered on him, pressing towards Sugu.

"You don't think that if I kill you now, I still need to use supernatural powers."

Facing the opponent's pressure from a distance, Sugu's face remained calm. The powerful pressure suppressed his body, like waves crashing on the rocks, but it had no effect at all.

At this moment, Sugu hugged his chest with his arms, and his eyes were filled with light.

He licked his lips and thought to himself:

"This is decent!"

At this moment, the desire to fight in his heart was completely aroused, and the sense of oppression brought by Yu Si made him even more excited.

Suddenly Sugu said: "I remember you said that because of Tachibana Takayuki's physical death, you can only stay here for ten minutes."

"It's been eight minutes now and you still have the last two minutes left."

When Yu Si, who had just made a breakthrough, heard this, the expression on his face was extremely ugly.

Sugu was right, he did not have much time left. After ten minutes, no matter what the outcome of this battle, his spiritual thoughts will dissipate.

If he cannot kill Sugu in these last two minutes, it will be Sugu's victory.

"Damn it, if Sugu gives up confronting me head-on, starts kiting, or even runs and guerrillas, how should I deal with it?"

"Even now that I have broken through this body, the power that can be used has been greatly increased. But if Sugu insists on escaping from the battle, I am not sure of taking him down."

Yuji was in a state of mind at this moment.

He regretted extremely now, regretting why he wanted to be the fastest and tell Sugu this important piece of information.

And when Yu Si was struggling, Sugu, who had been looking at him with clear eyes, said calmly:

"Since time is running out, let's hurry up."

"There are only two minutes left for me to kill you. If I haven't killed you before your consciousness dissipates, I will be sad."

kill me?

After hearing these two words in Su Gu's words, the expression on Yu Si's face suddenly froze.

The purpose of this human being from the beginning was not to escape but to kill himself?

How many years have passed, how many years have passed, a creature dared to say such words to him. For a moment, Yu Si didn't know what kind of mood and mentality to face this matter.

Weird, surprised, stunned...

All kinds of emotions surged in his heart, and finally turned into the anger of the gods being provoked by mortals.

Even if I came here with only a trace of my original divine consciousness, even if my power is completely unable to be exerted because of the limitations of this weak human body at the moment.

But even so, my life level is not something you can reach. Not to mention that it is not something that a human of your realm can provoke!

"Okay! Since you want to die so much, I will fulfill your wish!"

Yu Si roared, and then the terrifying power gathered on his body.

And Su Gu, who was confronting him, was no less.

The martial god state was running to the limit, and the violent power merged outside his body in a way visible to the naked eye.

A terrifying field formed between Yu Si and Su Gu.

In order to be able to kill each other at the last moment, they both made the same decision.

The final blow determines life or death!

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