Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 188 The World Barrier is Broken

On Yu Si's body, the fire of soul power began to become violent. The golden light reflected on his body, making him look sacred and inviolable.

On the other side of him, Su Gu, because he mastered too many martial arts professions and fighting methods, his soul power was extremely changeable. At this moment, under the effect of the martial arts state and the all-encompassing "Wan Xiang Tian Yuan Gong".

His changeable soul power began to melt into one at this moment. Finally, on his body, it turned into black and white.

At this moment, the two people in confrontation used the most peak power they could control.

Star Titan and Hell Demon Spider, the only two bystanders in this battle, felt their bodies trembling under the pressure of these two people.

One is to possess the body of a dead human with a divine thought. And successfully use the dead body that does not belong to him to break through the realm of the practice system that he has not practiced.

One is in the realm of seeking me, and mastered all martial arts professions and the number of combat skills that ordinary people can hardly imagine. He developed the martial arts state that ordinary people can't imagine.

Su Gu and Yu Si.

Two peerless figures of their respective races are now going to decide the winner and the loser, and decide their lives.

"The Lord will win."

Starry Sky Titan said a little anxiously.

At this moment, both he and the Hell Demon Spider showed human tension on their faces.

And the next moment, this tension turned into a miserable howl.

Su Gu and Yu Si collided with each other at a speed that the two creatures could not see clearly.

Gold and black and white, two extremely violent forces, collided and squeezed. In this small world, it turned into an energy black hole, swallowing everything around.

And how could just one collision make these two people decide the winner?

Boom boom boom!

Su Gu and Yu Si collided fiercely at a speed that the naked eye could not see at all.

One after another, energy black holes were born from the collision between the two. The violent energy tore the land and even changed the terrain of this area.

"Master, help me, Master!"

"Please fight with that human farther away, we are dying."

The Hell Spider and Star Titan within the range of this force soon understood what hell was.

The energy black hole tore their flesh, and every time Su Gu and Yu Si collided, the aftermath of the battle made the two guys scream miserably.

In this battle, these two commander-level aliens completely lost the qualification to watch.


When the two commander-level aliens who were seriously injured and dying and lost consciousness finally woke up.

They saw Su Gu and Yu Si, who were already covered with wounds after the collision.

The breath of both was very weak, and it was not surprising that anyone fell down.

"Who won? Who lost?"

"I don't need to doubt it, the final winner must be Master!"

When these two aliens had this thought in their minds, Yu Si's body began to dissolve like a pool of mud.

Hiding in this body, Yu Si's divine consciousness emerged.

This guy, whose facial features could not be seen clearly, showed his true face in front of Su Gu.

This was a feminine and handsome face, except for the vertical pupils in his eyes, which was no different from ordinary humans.

"Su Gu..."

The divine thought floating in the air finally chanted this name, as if to remember him forever.

Then, this divine thought turned into light particles and dissipated.

"The master lost..."

Looking at Su Gu, who was still standing and still had a breath of life. The Star Titan and the Hell Demon Spider turned into human form, opening their mouths blankly.

One of the supreme beings of the Saint Clan, who fought at the same level or even suppressed a level, was defeated by humans.

At this moment, they felt their faith collapsed.

Suddenly, they felt a sharp pain in their chests.

A force passed through the chests of the two guys, and Su Gu, who had completely lost his strength, used his last bit of strength to hit this blow.

The Star Titan and the Hell Demon Spider had long been torn to death by the energy black hole created by Su Gu and Yu Si. In addition, witnessing the defeat of the tribe's myth, the faith collapsed.

The double blow of the body and spirit made them lose the will to survive.

The two aliens who did not use any means of defense were killed by Su Gu.


After doing all this, Su Gu felt a wave of fatigue. He lost his balance and fell backwards. Su Gu collapsed on the ground, and he didn't even have the strength to move.

"The last time I was so tired was when I just came into contact with martial arts in high school." Su Gu smiled bitterly.

During this period of time, the crazy fighting and running around, even Su Gu is now almost paralyzed by fatigue.

It was okay during the battle, but now the battle is over. Su Gu felt that every cell in his body was protesting against himself in pain.

"I can't faint now, after all, it's still very dangerous here." Su Gu murmured.

Then, in order to prevent himself from completely losing consciousness in this place, he began to review the battles during this period in his mind.

"Although I won this battle, many problems were exposed."

"Because Takayuki's physical body was destroyed by me, Yu Si has been fighting me with the human power system. But even so, if I don't use the martial arts form, I am still not his opponent."

"The reason for this situation is the supernatural power."

Su Gu thought thoughtfully.

"For me, I have already reached the limit of my combat skills at this level. Continuing to improve and learning new combat skills will not have much effect on improving my combat power."

"Yu Si is right. If I want to become stronger at this level, the most direct way is to improve my superpowers."

A flame rose in Su Gu's hand.

According to Su Gu's perception, after bathing in the blood of the Star Titans and the Hell Spiders, his fire control ability has approached the A-level superpower.

In addition, he has also comprehended new abilities.

"Improve superpowers?" Su Gu smiled bitterly.

"With the number of superpowers I have now, I am afraid that even if the ten major families give me all the blood pools, it will not be enough to push all superpowers to the limit."

"Does it mean that I can only give up this path in the future?"

Thinking of this, Su Gu's face showed a tangled look.

After all, this is another broad road. It would be a pity to give up without seeing the scenery along the way.

But if he doesn't give up, there won't be enough alien blood to promote the evolution of his superpowers.

For a moment, Su Gu was in a dilemma.

Just when Su Gu was struggling for his own future.

The sky above his head suddenly shattered like an eggshell.

The whole world began to shake.

Then a dark starry sky appeared in the shattered sky.

The barrier of the world was broken.




Brothers, I will take a day off tomorrow (the 17th).

Don't wait for the update, go to bed early!

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