Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 20 Clear the examination room and strive for the provincial champion

The high mobility of the assassin and the destructive power of the gunner are perfectly combined in Su Gu.

At this moment, he is galloping in the entire examination room, killing every star alien he meets.

At first, the aliens would take the initiative to attack when they met Su Gu. Now they run away when they hear a little noise. The high-level star aliens deployed in the entire examination room are rapidly decreasing and consuming because of Su Gu alone.

"Does Su Gu want to clear the entire examination room by himself?"

Outside the examination room, a martial arts high school student who was watching the live broadcast with his mobile phone murmured.

His voice was not loud, but this sentence resounded in everyone's heart.

Everyone stared at the live broadcast screen of the mobile phone, and they were witnessing the birth of the legend of the college entrance examination.

Soon, after the last high-level skeleton twins were pierced and became corpses.

This is something that no one dared to think about, Su Gu did it.

One person, one gun, clear the examination room!

At this moment, the whole world seemed to be quiet because of him.

At some point, the students ranked 3 to 10 who were still fighting in the examination room came over to Su Gu.

They looked at the group of corpses and Su Gu holding a spear, with a bitter smile on their faces.

They took the college entrance examination in the same year as such people, and they were lucky to witness a college entrance examination legend. But unfortunately, no one cared who they were or what they did in this college entrance examination, and all the glory was taken away by Su Gu alone.

"I quit." The seventh one pressed the survival watch.

"I quit too." The fifth one said.

"Exit the examination room." The third one said.


Although there will be a star alien race that will be put on the battlefield as the final test question, these people know that they can't snatch points from the powerful Su Gu, so they just quit directly.

The college entrance examination for these people is over.

The effect of Zhong Pojian's blood heat potion on the side has faded. He is pale. Looking at Su Gu holding a spear, his face suddenly becomes ashamed and angry, and then desperate.

Isn't he an assassin? Why can he still use a spear.

Too strong, why is he so strong.

Countless questions flashed through his mind. He wanted to press the survival watch to end the college entrance examination, but he didn't do it in the end.

"I still have the last blood heat potion! In the final test, I will definitely be able to get points from Su Gu. The gap between him and me is not that big."

Zhong Pojian roared wildly in his heart.

For Su Gu, he had already thought that he could beat him from the beginning, but now he only wanted to get points from him.


In the examination room, Ma Mingjie looked at the figure of his good brother on the screen of his mobile phone and laughed wildly.

He was too lazy to argue with the classmates of Zhong Pojian from the First Martial Arts High School. The two sides were not at the same level at all.

"Top ten in the province! That's right, my brother's expression can definitely enter the top ten in the province!"

"Next, according to the expression of the last star alien killed, the examiner will manually give points. With my brother's performance, he may be able to impact the provincial champion!"

Provincial champion!

Such a student has not appeared in Hangzhou, where the martial arts atmosphere is low, for a long time.

At this moment, the students of the comprehensive high school who regarded Su Gu as their idol, their faces became more enthusiastic, their hands kept waving in the air, jumping, and shouting:

"Top scholar Su Gu!"

"Su Shen is awesome, too strong, really too strong!"

"Do you know that Su Gu is from our school, a student of Hangzhou No. 1 Middle School!"

The rest area of ​​the entire examination room was in a carnival.

Although it has not been decided yet, after watching Su Gu's performance, no one thought he couldn't do it.

One person cleared the examination room, such a strong performance has not been achieved by many people over the years.

If this kind of person can't be the top scholar, who can be? !

Such a noise even forced the army stationed nearby to come to maintain order and force these fanatical students to turn off the fire.

Although some students of the martial arts high school did not join the carnival, no one finally believed that Zhong Pojian could still win this competition.

The corners of their mouths twitched, their expressions were a little dull, and they said in disbelief:

"How is this possible? Why is he so strong with a spear in addition to his double daggers? Didn't our teacher tell us, 'You can only hone one weapon in three years of high school and use it as your future martial arts path?' Why can Su Gu do this?"

Su Gu's behavior of drawing his gun and dominating the examination room has refreshed their martial arts views.

"Maybe this is the gap between us and geniuses." Someone said bitterly.

"Even if he is a genius, this is too exaggerated. You know, Zhong Pojian is also a genius in our school, but Su Gu, who doesn't even have superpowers, can crush him with two different martial arts professions."

"And there is a gap in the quality of their weapons. Su Gu is even using fine steel products."

"That's right, he doesn't even use superpowers."

"This...this, I can only say that this is a monster."


"Su Gu...he is not an assassin?"

In the VIP viewing room,

Lu Yuanmin widened his eyes. What happened to his student was far beyond his understanding as a principal.

I can only ask you at this moment

"It should be said that Sugu is not just an assassin."

Zhou Zhengsheng murmured: "Whether it is the combat skills of the assassin or the combat skills of the spear warrior, he has practiced to a level that ordinary students cannot understand."

"I'm afraid that at least he has perfect mastery of his combat skills, and most of them have already reached the level of mastery."

His words caused the entire viewing room to fall into silence.

Generally speaking, their students who have fully mastered a combat skill are considered to be the top students in the school.

Have you mastered every aspect perfectly, and have you mastered many combat skills?

Where did this monster come from?

"And don't forget, Sugu also has a knife on his waist."

Mayor Liu Chenghui said a bit gaffefully:

"Before, we always thought it was a decoration he used to confuse his competitors, but after he pulled out a gun, I feel that Sugu's skill with a knife is very likely to be as good as a pair of daggers and a spear."

A student in the college entrance examination can crush all candidates with any of three weapons?

The corners of the mouths of the principals here twitched. If someone said such things to them in the past, they would suspect that the other person was mentally retarded.

But now, they want to refute but don't know how.

After a while, a martial arts high school principal stood up, walked to Lu Yuanmin, the principal of Hangcheng No. 1 Middle School, and said:

"Congratulations, Principal Lu, your school has produced such a good student."

Then others followed suit.

"Congratulations, your Hangcheng No. 1 Middle School has suddenly become prosperous."

"In the future, I hope that our schools can deepen exchanges."

Principal Qian of the First Martial Arts High School had a blank expression on his face. After a moment, he also stood up to congratulate Lu Yuanmin, maintaining a trace of dignity for second place.

Although the school's Zhong Pojian is still persisting in the examination room, even as the principal, he doesn't think he has any hope of making a comeback.

The gap is really too big.

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