Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 21: A surprising change in the martial arts exam, a general-level alien race

At this moment, Lu Yuanmin's face looked a little dazed as the huge shocking fact shocked his spirit.

Amidst the blessings from the principals of Hangcheng, he felt that his feet were a little unsteady.

He understood very well what Sugu had brought to him. Looking at the enthusiastic crowd below, it was no accident that Sugu would become the idol of the entire Hangzhou students.

In the future, relying on Sugu's name, he will be able to attract students who are far better than he is now.

And next, if Sugu can win the provincial champion, the provincial educational resources will also be tilted towards their school.

If we can seize this opportunity, Hangcheng No. 1 Middle School will be prosperous!

As the principal, he never thought that one day he would be able to take advantage of his students.

"The next step is to distribute the final test questions. After completing this question, Sugu will become the provincial champion!" At this moment, Mayor Liu Chenghui said proudly.

After finishing speaking, he inadvertently glanced at the examiner Zhou Zhengsheng next to him.

Then, the expression on his face became more relaxed.

The alien race in the starry sky that appears in the last question is the alien race in the starry sky that is about to break through the awakening level and reach the warrior level.

This is not for ordinary students to kill at all. This is for selecting the top group of warriors born every year.

For those top martial arts universities, the score in the last question plays a big part in determining whether the student will be recruited.

The last question is manually scored by the examiner.

The examiner Zhou Zhengsheng obviously had a very good impression of Sugu.

As long as Su Gu's performance is not too outrageous, it will be safe to win this year's provincial champion!

The expressions on the faces of the principals who stayed in the VIP viewing room at this moment also became excited. No matter which school they were students from, they were all from the same city.

They all had a strong sense of participation at this moment.

The examiner Zhou Zhengsheng nodded, and then said on the radio:

"Start distributing the final test questions to the two remaining candidates in the examination room!"

Under his command, a white transport plane slowly took off.

After the transport plane took off, the aliens in the starry sky inside would keep roaring and roaring.

And this transport plane carrying the quasi-warrior-level starry sky aliens was surprisingly quiet. It was so quiet that people looked at the transport plane and felt an inexplicable sense of depression.

"To celebrate my good brother winning the provincial championship, I just asked my housekeeper to reserve the largest hotel in the city, the Tenglong Hotel, for my brother's entrance banquet!"

"As long as you want to come and eat, just go to Tenglong! I will pay for all the expenses."

Ma Mingjie held his cell phone and shouted excitedly, and he was responded to by a burst of equally excited shouts.

"Master Ma is awesome. I will definitely go to Su Shen's college entrance banquet."

"Holy shit, any meal costs thousands."

"I guess this is the only hotel in our city that can host Su Shen's entrance banquet!"

Infected by such a strong atmosphere, even the previously somewhat hostile martial arts high school students congratulated Sugu from the bottom of their hearts.

The previous quarrel was because they thought Zhong Pojian and Su Gu were still competing. Now that they have discovered that they are not on the same level, there is nothing to quarrel about.

Next, in the same city and in the same grade, the provincial champion will be born. As students from Hangzhou, they are also happy from the bottom of their hearts.

The snow-white armed transport plane flew slowly in the sky, and the roar of the engine sounded above Sugu's head, getting louder and louder.

The transport plane began to lower its altitude.

Sugu looked at the armed transport plane in the sky and narrowed his eyes slightly.

This was the armed transport plane that he was quite concerned about before the college entrance examination started.

Looking at this transport plane at that time, he had the feeling that the creature inside was staring directly through the iron sheet.

It was a suffocating feeling as if being buried in the deep sea, which made Sugu's memory quite profound.

Now I see again that although many combat skills have been strengthened and improved due to the fighting in the examination room, there is still a sense of danger lingering around Sugu.

He couldn't help but tighten the spear in his hand.

"Sugu, don't be complacent! I still have an A-level combat skill that I haven't fully mastered! With my second blood-heat potion, the final kill of the star alien in the test may not be yours! "

Zhong Pojian looked at Sugu and roared unwillingly.

He knew that all the teachers and all the remaining candidates must be watching the live broadcast, and now all their eyes must be on Sugu.

He is not willing to give in. This position should be his!

He is the one who should carry everyone's expectations and win the provincial champion.

Now they have all been snatched away by Sugu.

"I must take back all of this with my own hands!"

Zhong Pojian shouted crazily in his heart.

After hearing this, Su Gu frowned slightly. He looked at Zhong Pojian and said:

"Hurry up and press your survival watch now. What comes next is not something you can face."

Although the other party has been provoking, as they are both human beings, Sugu does not want him to die at the hands of a foreign race.

"Are you suspicious of the military plan?" Zhong Pojian snorted coldly and ignored Sugu's dissuasion.

If it weren't for Sugu, he would have been the strongest martial arts examinee in this city.

You Sugu can face the next college entrance examination questions, but I have to run away?

What a joke!

Su Gu shook his head gently. Good words can't persuade the damned ghost. Since the other party didn't listen, he didn't say anything more.

He held the spear with both hands and stared at the star aliens imprisoned in the transport plane that had already been released. His eyes were burning with fighting spirit.

A gray metal box covered with yellow warning strips fell from the transport plane in the sky.


As the box was dropped on the ground, an AI prompt sounded.

"The final test questions have been released. Please do your best and put your own safety first."

Then the sound of metal gears biting sounded, and the walls of the gray metal box fell from all directions.

A humanoid creature stood up from inside.

After he stood up, he was five meters tall, like a low building. The skin of his body was black, but under the sunlight, it reflected colorful light, with a kind of weird beauty.

This is a star titan.

After Zhong Pojian injected the second blood heat potion, he rushed towards the monster.

He couldn't beat Su Gu in terms of speed anyway, so he couldn't care about tactics, he had to attack quickly!

B-level combat skill "Thirteen Chop of Shocking Stone"!

Zhong Pojian's B-level combat skill, which was enough to kill high-level awakening realm in seconds, had always been invincible. Now he stood on the legs of this creature without reservation.


After the axe collided with the body of the creature, a dull sound was made, but nothing else happened.

Zhong Pojian's expression was dull, it shouldn't be like this.

Even if it was a star alien who had reached the perfect awakening level and was about to step into the general's position, it shouldn't be like this after being hit by him.

Then he felt a strong force coming, and then he heard the sound of several bones breaking in his body.

The giant seemed to have just woken up, from the initial confusion of looking at the environment to a human smile on his face, but this smile looked extremely cruel.

He looked at Su Gu not far away, and Zhong Pojian, who had just been accidentally slapped away by him, and said slowly:

"Finally let me out, human!"

He, can speak? !

Ma Mingjie swallowed hard.

Those who watched the live broadcast had their hair standing on end for a moment, and they knew exactly what this meant.

In the VIP viewing room, Zhou Zhengsheng stood up suddenly and shouted at the radio:

"Stop the exam, go save the students!"

"This alien has been promoted to a general!"

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