Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 22 Desperate Situation, Su Gu Draws His Sword

Awakening, generals, commanders, kings...

Every time the Star Aliens cross a level, they will get an essential improvement and leap. Among them, the most significant difference between the awakened Star Aliens and the generals is that the generals have wisdom that is no less than that of humans, and can even communicate with each other in language.

Among them, those Star Aliens with a long heritage even have a human-like inheritance for the younger generation!

So humans will capture awakened Star Aliens for trials, but the generals will never use the generals as materials for their own selection trials.

The uncontrollable factors of wisdom are too high. Killing the generals of the Star Aliens can only accumulate military merits!

Ma Mingjie was dialing frantically with his mobile phone.

"Butler, don't worry about the entrance banquet for now, call an ambulance quickly, come and save my life, it's urgent."

At this moment, he was extremely anxious, but he couldn't go in, so he could only make other preparations now.

"Who put this thing in the examination room?! Are you taking an exam? This is killing people."

Su Gu's head teacher Zhou Li seemed to ignore the reserve of a female teacher and roared at a garrison soldier.

For students who are still in the self-cultivation realm, the alien race of the general level is equivalent to a big martial arts realm ahead.

Only warriors who have stepped into the realm of seeking me with the help of martial arts can fight with it.

Even fools in this world know how big the gap is.

How to fight this, it will cost lives.

She wanted to rush into the examination room to save her students, but was stopped by the guards.

"Please calm down, the chief examiner Zhou Zhengsheng has personally led people to rescue, please wait here patiently."

After hearing this, teacher Zhou Li sat on the ground with a depressed look on her face.

Just as the garrison soldier said, the chief examiner Zhou Zhengsheng jumped out from the height of the basin, like a flying eagle, walking and running in the sky. Approaching the area where Su Gu and Zhong Pojian were at a very fast speed.

Looking at the top warrior in the sky who was enough to subdue the general-level alien race, Zhou Li's hanging heart was slightly settled.

At this moment, she silently prayed that her students could hold on until the rescue arrived.

In the examination room of the fallen city,

the Starry Sky Titan looked at Zhong Pojian who was knocked away by him and the battle axe in his hand, and his black face showed uncontrollable anger.

"I feel the breath of my people on your weapon!"

"How dare you blaspheme like this! Humans, you deserve to die!"

After saying this, the ground that the Starry Sky Titan had just stepped on suddenly sank, and then he rushed over at a speed that was completely inconsistent with his body size.

A fist the size of a person smashed down fiercely on Zhong Pojian's body.

Zhong Pojian looked at the fist covering his entire body, and his hairless face was twisted because of fear. He seemed to see the scimitar of the god of death.


A long spear pointed at the joints of his fist.

Su Gu's calm but high-spirited eyes met the enemy's angry eyes.

Silver gun, black fist.

The collision of powerful forces caused the air to vibrate, rippling a circle of visible ripples.

The starry sky titan looked at Su Gu with a look of surprise on his face, but then the surprise turned into excitement.

Since he was captured by humans, he had no intention of returning alive.

He chose to use a secret method that could be called self-mutilation to avoid the eyes of the top human powerhouses and conceal his own strength.

He just wanted to get himself into this trial of human selection of warriors and kill as many human geniuses as possible!

"Although my origin is greatly damaged now, the punch just now was a realm higher than yours after all! I, Buanu, will die without regrets if I can pull such a potential warrior among humans to be buried with me before I die!"

Buanu, the starry sky titan, flashed with excitement in his eyes and increased the strength of his fist again.

The silver spear, facing the bending pressed by the black fist, Su Gu frowned slightly.

He said to Zhong Pojian beside him: "Hurry up and press the survival watch!"

Zhong Pojian looked confused. Facing such a monster, what use could the energy shield of the survival watch have?

But he still pressed it.

When he was wrapped in the energy shield, Su Gu turned the spear in his hand and pulled the fist to the right.

After stopping the wrestling with the opponent, Su Gu took advantage of this gap and kicked the energy shield.

The energy shield that could block the direct shot of the submachine gun was deformed and broken by Su Gu's kick, and then kicked Zhong Pojian in the face.

"Su Gu, fuck!"

Zhong Pojian's teeth flew with him, and then he flew away from the battlefield with this huge force.

"When I was robbing my monster, I wanted to do this. It was really cool."

Su Gu said lightly, and then tapped the ground lightly, quickly pulling away from the Starry Sky Titan.

At this moment, the teachers of the First Martial Arts High School were secretly relieved when they saw their students leaving the battlefield.

"Zhong Pojian flew at least several hundred meters just now. The nearby rescue has arrived. He is saved now."

"What about Su Gu?"

"The examiner Zhou Zhengsheng will be here soon. As long as Su Gu can survive the next round of attacks from the Starry Sky Titan, he can be saved."

"Resist the attack of an alien race with a higher level? Is this... possible? I think it is more reliable to run to waste time."

The students watching the live broadcast outside the examination room talked a lot and began to make suggestions for Su Gu's escape.

Some friends and teachers who were close to Su Gu put their hands together and prayed for him, hoping that he could survive this period until rescue arrived.

At this moment, Su Gu shook his spear lightly, and a bunch of gun flowers bloomed. Looking at the Starry Sky Titan, his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

In the moment of wrestling just now, he had improved his proficiency in several combat skills to a complete mastery.

This was the speed of combat skill improvement that had never been seen in the entire college entrance examination.

Strength improvement, encounter with strong enemies, life and death crisis, everything that happened to Su Gu was stimulating the adrenaline of this martial arts fanatic at this moment.

His current state is incomparably good!

Buanu looked at Su Gu's appearance and smiled.

Gradually destroying a hopeful human being, this process is a top enjoyment.

"I like to torture geniuses." He said lightly.

Then, two figures of different races suddenly disappeared on the spot, and the roar in the air and the constantly interlaced black and white light told the collision of the two.


This was the sound of flesh being pierced, and the figures of the two species reappeared.

The right shoulder blade of the Star Titan Buanu was pierced.

The spear in Su Gu's hand also broke into pieces and turned into scrap metal.

After the two figures crossed each other, they stood on their own sides.

At this time, the figure of the examiner Zhou Zhengsheng, who was rushing over quickly, could be vaguely seen.

Seeing this situation, everyone's faces showed excitement.

"Su Gu did it! The examiner is here, this Star Titan is dead."

"Too strong, it can actually withstand the attack of an alien race that is one realm higher than itself, and even hurt the other party."

"In the future, Su Gu will definitely be able to cross the star sea in his physical body!"

Just as the faces of those who were watching the live broadcast were filled with the joy of welcoming victory, a strange smile appeared on the face of the Star Titan Buanu.

He took out three small flags with strange shapes and threw them in three directions.

When the three flags were planted on the ground, three black curtains immediately rose up, forming a three-pointed cone-shaped field, covering the two people.


Zhou Zhengsheng, who was outside the field, used his iron fist to hit the black curtain fiercely. The terrifying force sucked the surrounding air into a vacuum in an instant, but the black curtain did not shake at all.

"The secret treasure of our tribe is the flag of life and death. The creatures in the field divided by these three flags must be separated into life and death before they can get out."

"Unless they are old monsters at the commander level, no one can break this field from the outside."

The face of the Buanu showed a sadistic expression, and then said:

"I will enjoy the process of killing the pride of the human race."

Then, the penetrating wound beside Buanu's shoulder blade recovered rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if it did not exist.

After listening to Buanu's words, Teacher Zhou Li threw her mobile phone aside helplessly, not daring to watch the next live broadcast.

Ma Mingjie's expression also became dejected, and he also looked desperate.

The commander level corresponds to the soul-shaping realm on the human side, and the great power of igniting soul fire.

There are not many such people in the whole city of Hangzhou, and these people can't rush here quickly for Su Gu.

Next, Su Gu must fight a life-and-death battle with a creature that is one level higher in this area.

"How to fight this? This monster can recover quickly from penetrating wounds, and Su Gu's weapons are useless."

Someone murmured.

At this moment, Su Gu looked at the flag covering him with some curiosity, and then his expression became excited.

He threw the silver spear in his hand that was broken into pieces aside, and took off the double daggers that he would not use next.

The last thing hanging on his waist was the long sword that he had always carried but had never had the chance to unsheathe.

At this moment, he held the hilt of the sword and slowly drew the sword out of the sheath.

The tiger has the intention to hurt people, and people also have the intention to subdue the tiger.

The other party wanted to kill Su Gu to bury him, and Su Gu also wanted to prove his truth with the other party's blood!

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