Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 23 Crossing the border to kill the enemy, the style of a peerless sword

"Su Gu has pulled out his knife. Is he going to fight to the death?"

"If I were Su Gu, I would use my speed to consume time and try to delay until someone who can break this layer of black curtain comes."

"That's also difficult. The Starry Sky Titan is tall, but that doesn't mean it's slow. In the confrontation just now, Su Gu didn't have an advantage in speed. Running away blindly will only make him die faster."

"Damn it, what should we do? That Titan can regenerate even penetrating wounds at a high speed. How can we students beat it?"

Whether it's students, teachers, or the principal who are watching the live broadcast at this moment, the expressions on their faces are extremely anxious.

They don't know how good Su Gu is at using a knife, they can only estimate that it's the same as his using double daggers and spears.

But this can't stop the Titan. Didn't the use of the spear just now prove that the weapon will be broken by the Titan after one round?

At this moment, Su Gu stood in place, breathing the air calmly and melodiously.

With every breath he took, the proficiency of the only A-level combat skill he mastered was rising rapidly.

[Complete a breath], [A-level combat skill: Lion Roar Ten Thousand Tigers Sword] experience +200, [Current combat skill proficiency is, slightly accomplished]

[Complete a breath], [A-level combat skill: Lion Roar Ten Thousand Tigers Sword] experience +200, [Current combat skill proficiency is, slightly accomplished]

[Complete a breath], [A-level combat skill: Lion Roar Ten Thousand Tigers Sword] experience +200, [Current combat skill proficiency is, slightly accomplished]


Countless martial arts experience and knowledge were catalyzed by the atmosphere of this death battle and poured into Su Gu's mind.

Sure enough, only fighting can make his superpowers improve more quickly.

Su Gu rushed towards the Titan in front of him, and the knife in his hand swung towards the enemy like a wave.

Buanu showed a mocking expression.

This is an opponent who is one realm higher than him, and he dared to take the initiative to attack. He is brave but not wise!

He waved his arms, trying to break the knife like a spear.

The fist and the knife collided with each other, and there was a moment of stalemate between the two, but then Su Gu's knife began to press towards the fist.

Buanu roared, he wanted to smash Su Gu's weapon, but every time he was cleverly relieved by Su Gu.

At this moment, he actually felt that he was completely suppressed in terms of fighting skills.

He roared and waved more violent fists, but it was still useless.

Su Gu seemed to have seen through all his fists, and the terrifying knife force was actually forcing him back!

Everyone's expression was dumbfounded. They could never think that Su Gu would dare to take the initiative to attack.

What was even more unexpected was that Su Gu, holding a long knife, could actually suppress the alien race who was one level higher than himself with his own martial arts skills.

"Is he really the same age as us?"

Someone murmured.

The chief examiner Zhou Zhengsheng, who was separated from the battlefield by the flag of life and death, looked at the scene in front of him with deep eyes.

He quietly put away the pills he had taken out.

This is a pill that can improve the realm and strength of life.

Originally, he took this highly stimulating drug and returned to the Soul Shaping Realm temporarily to save Su Gu at the cost of sacrificing himself.

After all, how can a disabled veteran compare to such a newcomer with unlimited possibilities?

Now it seems that it is not necessary for the time being.

"Su Gu, how many surprises can you give me?"

Zhou Zhengsheng looked at this student who had been beyond his expectations since the beginning of the exam and said in his heart.

At this moment, under Su Gu's constant pressure and suppression, Buanu retreated one after another.

Once he wanted to fight back, he would be cleverly resolved, and then he would be greeted with a more fierce attack. Su Gu's swordsmanship, like an endless wave, has completely suppressed him.


Great shame!

I was suppressed by such a lowly race as humans, and it was a human who was one realm lower than me.

I am a Star Titan! A race born for fighting.

Buanu's eyes gradually turned scarlet, and the black skin on his body began to turn gray.

His power suddenly became extremely huge, and he used force to break Su Gu's sword domain. Su Gu noticed something was wrong and quickly pulled away.

"Ah, ah!"

At this moment, the Star Titan Buanu seemed to have lost his mind, turned into a beast again, and let out a crazy roar.

"Blood burst skill! The Star Titan has gone berserk."

The person watching the live broadcast said excitedly.

This is the burning life skill launched by the Warlord-level Star Alien when facing a mortal enemy stronger than himself, which can greatly improve

"Su Gu, run away quickly, as long as we can hold on until the Titan's power declines, we will win!"

Someone shouted in his heart.

But the next second, they were slapped in the face.

The figure of the Star Titan Buanu kept moving in the entire space, turning into countless afterimages covering Su Gu.

With his inky black skin, it seemed to cover the dark curtain of the world.

"This... is too fast. Such a huge body can move like this. It's a foul."

"It's over. The opponent didn't give Su Gu a chance to avoid the fight. Now the field is small and we can only face it head-on."

"This... how can we fight? This is a crazy alien race that is one level higher."

In the desperate eyes of everyone, Su Gu slowly exhaled, and his eyes became excited.

[A-level combat skill: Lion Roar Ten Thousand Tigers Blade, proficiency has been improved. ]

[Current combat skill proficiency is, perfect mastery]

This combat skill he mastered before the college entrance examination is difficult to improve after a small success. At this moment, under the pressure of a strong enemy, he finally completed a breakthrough!

Su Gu put the knife into the sheath, holding the handle in his hand, as if accumulating strength.

No matter how the Titan moved, he stood in place, responding to changes with the same.

Suddenly, Nabuanu pounced on Su Gu, and the huge body seemed to be pressing down on Su Gu's mountain.

This was his last life-threatening blow.

It was over.

The students and teachers watching the live broadcast shouted in their hearts, they couldn't think of anyone who could stop such an attack.

And at this moment, Su Gu's knife was unsheathed.

It was like the roar of an ancient beast, coming from the knife.

The blade seemed unable to contain such a strong force, and began to tremble and disintegrate. Finally, when the knife turned into pieces, the knife light turned into a solid entity and chopped out.

The mountain that pressed towards Su Gu was cut off from the waist in an instant. At the same time, the black area that had been covering the surrounding environment began to dissipate.


With a loud bang, the body of the alien fell to the ground, and the black curtain covering the surroundings began to dissipate.

The sun passed through the basin and shone on the body of the young man in the center of the fallen city.

At this moment, everyone watching this live broadcast had their eyes wide open. Many years later, no one forgot this scene.

The slender young man held the broken handle of the knife, and next to him was the body of the alien that he had cut in half.

A piece of sunlight fell, covering the young man with golden brilliance, like a god.

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