Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 24: The provincial champion is locked in in advance, and thousands of people support him out

Sugu casually threw the broken blade aside. After swinging the knife, not only was the blade broken, but he also felt as if all his strength had been drained.

His intuition told him that the A-level combat skills that had reached perfect proficiency were not powers that could be fully mastered by the cultivation level, so this happened.

"I still don't practice enough."

Sugu sighed softly in his heart.

At this moment, Zhou Zhengsheng, who had been in the sky and witnessed the entire battle, slowly fell down.

He looked at Sugu with a complicated expression and praised:

"It's amazing. This is my first time as a college entrance examination examiner, but I probably won't see students like you again in the future."

"You can actually master powers that don't belong to your own realm, and kill enemies across borders."

Sugu made the fist-holding ceremony expected of a warrior from the Xia region, accepted the other party's praise generously, and then said: "Thank you, senior examiner, for your compliment, and thank you for coming to the rescue."

Zhou Zhengsheng looked at Sugu who behaved generously and appropriately. The more he looked at him, the more he admired him. Finally he couldn't help but say:

"Sugu, do you want to come to the military academy to develop?"

"I still have some connections in the military. If you nod, I can write you a letter of introduction and you can go to any top military school you want to go to."

Listening to the examiner in the live broadcast saying this, everyone had envy on their faces.

Although those military academies do not directly participate in college rankings, they directly have the resources of the military. It is by no means worse than any top martial arts university in Xiayu.

And looking at the military medal shining on Zhou Zhengsheng's chest, and having a letter of recommendation written by such a person, Sugu has reached the sky in one step.

Although envious, no one showed jealousy. They all knew that this was what Sugu deserved.

Sugu was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect such a development. After thinking for a moment, he said:

"Thank you, senior examiner, for your kindness, but I am used to being careless by nature, and a harsh place like the military is not suitable for me."

"That's such a pity." Zhou Zhengsheng said regretfully, and then said in a serious tone:

"In that case, let's talk about business. As the examiner of this exam, I will manually grade the students' performance in solving the final exam questions."

"In this exam, some people neglected their duties and mistakenly brought the Warrior-level Star Titan into the exam room, which almost led to a big mistake."

"Fortunately, Mr. Sugu showed martial arts prowess far beyond his age and level, and was able to save the world."

"First of all, on behalf of the staff behind the martial arts test, I would like to apologize to Mr. Sugu. We will give you another explanation about this matter."

"As for your score, I will give you 10,000 points! This score is the limit that I can give you within my power, but I don't think it represents your ability."

10,000 points? !

Although I had already had psychological expectations, hearing this score still made me dizzy.

The combined scores of all the martial arts candidates in a general school are not as high as Sugu's alone. It's really too abnormal.

And what the examiner means is that this is the limit he can give, not the limit of Sugu's personal ability. This kind of evaluation is really too high.

"What's Sugu's score now?"

"18761 points."

"My dear mother, this is over 5,000 points higher than the highest score in previous years."

The students murmured and sighed, looking at Sugu in the image as if they were looking at a monster.

"The top scholar in the province this year must be Sugu, a student from Hangzhou!"

Mayor Liu Chenghui let out a roar regardless of his image.

Only then did everyone remember this.

Yes, with Sugu's results, he has surpassed the previous number one pick by nearly 5,000 points.

Who else can compete with him?

"Damn it, my brother became the number one scholar, my brother really became the number one scholar!"

"Sugu is my student, and I am his class teacher. My student became the top scorer in the martial arts exam!"

"We have won the top prize in the first high school in Hangzhou!"

Ma Mingjie immediately hugged the person next to him, raised his arms and roared. The head teacher Zhou Li also completely gave up on female restraint, wearing six centimeter high heels and still jumping up and down to celebrate. Lu Yuanmin, the principal of Hangcheng No. 1 Middle School, went crazy as if Fan Jin had passed the national examination.

"Look, Sugu has come out of the fallen city." Someone pointed at the sky and shouted.

After the examiner Zhou Zhengsheng finished announcing the scores, he put Sugu on his shoulders and took him out of the examination room.

"Sugu is awesome, Su Shen is awesome."

"Sugu, from now on you will be our martial arts test god in Hangzhou. From now on, I will tell my juniors and juniors that I must come to pay homage to you before the exam."

"Sugu, forever a god."

"Can you tell us how you practice? Give a sharing lecture on combat skills. I'll pay for it."

Before Sugu fell from the sky, the shouts of students could be heard all around.

Among these people, there are students from martial arts high schools and students from comprehensive high schools.

At this moment, they put aside all their previous prejudices and conflicts, and shouted at the top of their lungs to Sugu.

This is the support and worship of the martial arts masters who defeated the powerful alien races in the starry sky, which was born in the dark ages and passed down for hundreds of years.

This spirit easily transcends the stereotypes caused by the so-called different schools.

Not far away, Zhong Pojian was being treated on a stretcher. He was kicked by Sugu and suffered a concussion and fainted.

When he woke up and happened to see this scene, his hairless head was immediately filled with jealousy.

How he wished that he was the one standing in the center of those people at this moment, so he turned his head and fainted again.

Just after Su Gu was sent down from the sky by Zhou Zhengsheng, a group of people rushed up.

Those people stretched out their hands to Su Gu, almost lifting him back into the crowd.

This made Su Gu, who had just experienced a great battle and had consumed a lot of physical strength, feel very uncomfortable, and he didn't stop until the army came out to maintain order.

"The martial arts exam is over. Please all students get on your own troop carrier. We will leave this fallen city next."

The sound of the horn suppressed the surging crowd. Seeing the people around him gradually retreat, Su Gu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

When he was about to find Ma Mingjie and take the troop carrier he came from, Mayor Liu Chenghui stopped him.

"Student Su Gu, come, you and us and the chief examiner take a car."

Su Gu was stunned for a moment. He didn't know this middle-aged man in a suit.

But looking at the principal of his own school beside him, he showed an extremely envious look, and the head teacher Zhou Li kept hinting with his eyes.

I almost guessed the other party's identity.

"Thank you for your invitation. I will obey your order."

Then Su Gu walked side by side with the mayor and sat in a car with the examiner Zhou Zhengsheng and the mayor Liu Chenghui.

This scene was not deliberately concealed. The students looked at where Su Gu was going with envy.

This was completely in the eyes of the big shots.

Su Gu's life has been completely changed through this exam.

These people also understand that this is what Su Gu deserves.

No one cared when he came, but when he returned, he locked in the provincial champion. How many people can do it?

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