Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 25 Sugu won the first place? Classmates were shocked

Sugu stepped into the troop transport vehicle where the mayor and examiner were sitting. The scene inside made him raise his eyebrows slightly.

The interior of this car was much more luxurious than the one he came in. Not only were the chairs made of leather, but there was also an ice cellar inside for refrigeration of drinks. It was like a small mobile RV.

After Sugu stepped into the car door, Mayor Liu Chenghui personally opened a bottle of champagne for him and Zhou Zhengsheng.

"Congratulations to you, classmate Su Gu, and congratulations to us in Hangzhou for finally having a top pick after so many years."

The three of them drank the champagne in their respective glasses. Sugu looked at them sincerely and asked:

"Two seniors, could you please give me some advice on my application for school and my next level of martial arts in the future?"

One of these two people is the mayor of a city and has a higher vision than himself.

One's martial arts realm is much higher than mine.

Taking advantage of my free time now, I will definitely benefit a lot from asking these two people for advice.

Liu Chenghui said with a smile: "With your grades, you don't have to worry about school matters at all. According to the practice of previous years, top universities will send people to recruit you. At that time, you only need to choose the one you are interested in, the top one in the country. Just go to a top professional school, they will definitely not refuse.”

After hearing this, Sugu nodded slowly.

"As for martial arts advice, I won't do it for you."

After finishing speaking, Liu Chenghui looked at Zhou Zhengsheng, who was sitting aside with his eyes closed to relax.

Seeing this, Sugu also looked at the strong man who took the lead in coming to save him during the exam.

Feeling the gazes of the two people, Zhou Zhengsheng opened his eyes, coughed lightly, looked at Sugu, and said calmly:

"Searching for Me Realm does require the guidance of skills, but each skill focuses on different directions. Those skills that are suitable for shooters will be greatly reduced if they are re-equipped and practiced, and vice versa."

"If you also need to consider the compatibility of the skills with your own abilities and the weapons you are good at using, there are even more things to consider."

"If you can't find a suitable technique in the Seeking Me Realm, and you want to learn combat skills from other martial arts professions to make up for the innate deficiencies in your abilities, the effect will be greatly reduced."

Sugu nodded slightly, and he really should think carefully about the next step.

Then he began to ask about the top martial arts techniques owned by top martial arts universities. This thing can be said to be confidential and cannot be found on the Internet.

But in Zhou Zhengsheng and Liu Chenghui, they can get answers. It's just that Sugu asked a lot, but he didn't find his favorite technique, which made him frown.

After you get to college, you can choose the exercises that suit you. If the improvement of your realm is slowed down due to problems with the exercises, then the gains outweigh the losses.

The sound of brakes sounded.

"We have arrived at classmate Sugu's school." Liu Chenghui said softly, "Do I need to take you home?"

Sugu said: "No, just stop here."

At this moment, he was still thinking about the choice of future exercises, so he took advantage of the opportunity to think about it carefully on his way home.

After saying goodbye to the mayor and examiner, Sugu opened the door and got out of the car.

"Student Sugu, the mayor and I will also be here when you wait for your college entrance banquet. I will give you a gift then. Although it cannot solve your problems in this area, it will help you choose the path to find me. At that time, I was much more calm," Zhou Zhengsheng said while looking at Sugu with a smile, his eyes filled with praise.

"Thank you, senior."

Feeling the goodwill conveyed by the other person's eyes, Sugu earnestly clasped his fists and saluted.

But Su Gu didn't know at this moment that his current figure was being seen by his classmates in the literary examination class, monitor Liu Jingjing and others.

These students are all waiting for the head teacher Zhou Li, who wants to invite the teacher to have a teacher-appreciation banquet together.

Thank you to the teacher for your three years of dedication and hard work.

But I didn't expect to see such a scene.

Seeing Sugu walking out of the personnel carrier, they just wanted to go up and say hello. But looking at the other people in the car who were talking to Sugu, they immediately stood there blankly, not daring to move rashly.

"The person there must be Mayor Liu. I've seen him several times on TV."

"Did you see that the soldier sitting next to the principal is wearing a military medal? This is a soldier with military exploits. He seemed to be instructing Sugu just now."

"This Sugu...how can he be so virtuous?" Someone said jealously.

"Did Sugu take the first place in our school's martial arts exam?"

Someone murmured about such a possibility.

"But even if our school ranks first in the martial arts exam, it is impossible for us to take the same car back to school with the mayor. Moreover, Sugu is in our liberal arts class and just applies for the martial arts exam forcibly. How can it be possible that our school ranks first in the martial arts exam?" One. Have you been sleeping for three years as a student in our school’s martial arts examination class?”

As soon as this possibility was mentioned, it was immediately met with strong rebuttal.

The students in the liberal arts class took the first place in the martial arts exam. This was really too whimsical, and no one soon mentioned it.

"I think we are overcomplicating things. It's very unusual for Sugu to take the martial arts exam as a liberal arts candidate. The mayor out of curiosity invited him to sit in the car and have a chat."

"That soldier who had won military honors happened to have a very good temper. Hearing that Sugu was working very hard, he gave him some guidance."

After hearing this, everyone nodded silently, feeling that they had discovered the truth.

They watched the mayor's car drive away, and when they were about to go up to say hello to Sugu, troop carriers braked and entered the school after the mayor left.

Soon, the students of the martial arts exam class of Hangzhou No. 1 Middle School got off the troop carriers.

At that moment, the students of the liberal arts exam class saw a trace of panic on the face of Su Gu, who had always impressed them as being extremely calm.

"Su Gu, damn, Su God, you are so awesome. I didn't touch him in the exam room just now. Now let me touch him. Maybe my ranking can go up."

"Su Gu, you are my male god from today. When I go to college, I will brag to my roommate about you for three years."

"Brother Su Gu, please teach me assassin skills. Why can't I even catch up with your fur after three years of learning."

Those martial arts exam students who just got off the bus rushed towards Su Gu like brainwashed star-chasing girls.

These liberal arts key class students looked at the martial arts students and widened their eyes.

Are these martial arts students who are in the same school as them and never look at liberal arts students straight in the eye?

Fortunately, there was no major riot in the school. Principal Lu Yuanmin stood between the martial arts class students and Su Gu and dispersed the students.

"Thank you, principal." Looking at the dispersed crowd, Su Gu breathed a sigh of relief.

This is the disadvantage of being famous.

Lu Yuanmin hugged Su Gu's shoulders intimately and said: "Student Su will be an outstanding alumnus who can enter our school's history museum in the future. How can we scare you?"

Then he took his mobile phone and said to Teacher Zhou Li who was on standby: "Come on, Teacher Zhou, help me take a group photo with your students. We will put this photo in the school history museum later."

Su Gu looked at the camera and made a "V" with a stiff expression.

At this moment, the students in the literary exam class who were silently paying attention to this scene felt a little collapsed, and even forgot to call the head teacher Zhou Li who had appeared to eat.

Looking at the kind smile of Principal Lu Yuanmin, their faces were messy.

Is this still their serious principal? What happened in this year's martial arts exam?

"Did Su Gu really get the first place in the martial arts exam?"

The possibility that these people just didn't believe was brought up again, but this time it was not refuted on a large scale.

"But even if he is the first in the school, it shouldn't be like that. Principal Lu didn't look at the first place in the school in previous years like that."

At this moment, these people realized that Principal Lu's eyes were different.

If I have to describe it, it would be:

The way Principal Lu looked at the student who once won the first place was like a loving elder looking at an excellent child.

And now the way he looked at Su Gu was like a filial son who was eager to show his filial piety to his father.

As bystanders, they could quickly see the difference between the two.

And at this time, the radio station of the entire Hangzhou No. 1 Middle School sounded, and Ma Mingjie's voice came from it.

"To celebrate my brother Su Gu, who won the provincial martial arts exam, I booked the Tenglong Hotel, the first in the city!"

"Tomorrow, anyone who wants to eat can come over, and I will pay for all the drinks and meals!"

Martial arts exam? Provincial champion?

At this moment, after hearing the voice coming from the radio, the students in the literature exam class felt dizzy.

"You must be kidding."

They murmured.

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