"The Almighty Martial God actually has superpowers?!"

When seeing this white light circle, someone murmured this sentence.

"This... Isn't this natural? Most warriors, don't they awaken superpowers?"

"Yes, it is indeed natural. But... This is the Almighty Martial God, he actually has superpowers?"

"This kind of thing, even if you just think about it, makes people feel so scared."

Everyone in the audience said to themselves.

In this era, it is normal for warriors to have superpowers.

However, the possibility that the Almighty Martial God has superpowers has been subconsciously ignored by everyone.

People subconsciously think that Brother Wushen either has no superpowers. Or his superpowers are too weak and have no function to assist in combat, so Brother Wushen will never use them.

The reason is unimaginable.

It is difficult for ordinary people to imagine that the Almighty Martial God can kill all directions in the martial arts arena just by relying on the terrifying combat skills they have honed.

Add a combat superpower, what kind of power can be unleashed? This kind of thing has exceeded the imagination limit of ordinary people.

And now, the things that everyone subconsciously avoided are clearly in front of everyone.

Everyone looked at the strange white circle wrapped around the Almighty Martial God, and they all knew they were wrong.

The Almighty Martial God not only has superpowers, but can also block Ke Yuya's attack with this terrifying ability alone. Obviously, the status of this superpower is not low.

Ma Mingjie, who was sitting in the commentary seat, opened his mouth so wide that he could put the teacup next to him.

Ma Mingjie, who was on the commentary stand, quietly wiped his sweat.

He was probably the only one who knew that Su Gu's so-called superpowers were not deliberately hidden at all, but had just awakened recently.

But didn't he tell the school that the superpower he awakened was the fire superpower?

What is this?

"Forget it, it doesn't matter." Ma Mingjie thought to himself.

Just now, he was almost desperate, thinking that he would be put into the septic tank next.

But suddenly, the situation took a turn!

Damn it, I will never be brothers with Su Gu in my next life, I am about to have a heart attack.

After many thoughts flashed through his mind, a thunderous roar rang out from Ma Mingjie's mouth.

"Fuck, Brother Wushen is awesome! Kill this Ke Yuya!"

"Throw that bitch Sao Rui into the septic tank and drown her!"

His passionate emotions immediately led to the fans of the almighty Wushen who were just depressed and now a little confused.

Everyone followed him and shouted excitedly.

"Come on, Brother Wushen! Aren't you Stark's people? It's not like we haven't won before."

"I know it's right to believe in Brother Wushen, even though I didn't doubt Brother Wushen just now, he is invincible."

"Bullshit, why did you cover your eyes just now?"

"I was rubbing my eyes, waiting to witness the moment when Brother Wushen returns as a king!"


The originally low atmosphere in the entire audience turned around at this moment.

Sao Rui on the side gritted his teeth. He thought he had already won, but something unexpected happened at this time.

Sao Rui's eyes fell on the almighty martial god and murmured:

"Do you have to be so stubborn every time? Can't you just lose this time?"


As the few people in the audience who sincerely supported Ke Yuya,

Anderson and Schiller also looked unhappy.

"Damn, this Almighty Martial God is really a monster." Anderson said angrily: "Just now I thought the boss won, but he turned out to be unscathed."

"Schiller, you are better than me in all aspects of your studies. What exactly is this superpower? Do you have any clues?"

"It can't be that the Almighty Martial God is a natural S-level superpower awakener like the boss."

Schiller, who was asked, frowned and said:

"In terms of superpower status, the boss should still be higher."

"The Almighty Martial God and the boss stand together, and his superpower energy is almost completely covered by the boss."

"The Almighty Martial God just used a superpower, don't be so pessimistic. Now we still have the advantage."


Su Gu looked at the halo wrapped around him, and his face was also a little surprised.

"It actually worked."

He used the five attributes of superpowers he mastered to transform and catalyze them in his body at a high speed according to the law of mutual generation of the five elements.

Unexpectedly, this temporary trick actually produced miraculous effects.


A terrifying roar sounded again from Ke Yuya's double guns.

One after another, the light beams that seemed to be able to destroy everything hit the white light circle surrounding Su Gu without reservation.

The white light circle began to dim, but then its light became more blazing.

Then the terrifying light beam was dissipated and absorbed by it.

"Is this... is this also an S-level superpower?" Someone in the audience swallowed his saliva and said.

If the Almighty Martial God relied on his martial arts ability and this terrifying superpower to offset Ke Yuya's attack, they could still accept it.

But how could it be possible to wrestle with the power of superpowers and fight evenly?

No one answered the question he raised at this moment.

At this moment, the Almighty Martial God, since being suppressed in this battle, launched a second charge towards Ke Yuya's direction!

Boom, boom, boom!

Naturally, Keyu Ya would not let him achieve his goal so easily, and the terrifying beam of light blasted towards Sugu at high speed.

The beams of light carrying terrifying energy hit Sugu's aperture without reservation.

But that seemingly slender aperture seems to have endless power. Facing such a powerful attack, it didn't show any signs of dissipating.

"Absorption, dissolution, energy storage..." Looking at the scene in front of him, Keyu Ya's eyes widened and he kept analyzing the abilities of the Almighty Martial God.

Suddenly, she seemed to realize something and her eyes widened.

"Are you aware? Your attack energy will be absorbed by my Five Elements Treasure Light, and then completely fed back to me."

"And in this state, my physical abilities will also be fully strengthened."

Keyuya turned around sharply, and Sugu was already standing behind her at some point.

Talking about his abilities calmly.

It seemed like it was being told to Keyu Ya, more like analyzing oneself.

This feeling of calmness makes his opponents feel intimidated.

Keyua subconsciously raised her arms, but was immediately blocked by Sugu.

"We are already at this distance, and you still want to attack me with a gun?" Sugu said flatly.

Then his body took a step forward.

Without any sign of mercy, he punched Keyua directly in the abdomen.

Powerful power poured into her body, causing her to fly backwards.


Looking at Keyuya and the heirs of the ten major families, they were beaten upside down and flew away.

Everyone present felt that their throats were a little sore.

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