Ke Yuya's figure flew backwards and then fell to the ground. Looking at the fallen enemy, Su Gu did not continue to chase.

It was not easy to meet such an interesting opponent, so he naturally hoped that this battle could last longer.

And his calm appearance caused a strong reaction from some people in the audience.

"This... this, this is fucking bullshit." Schiller's face turned green after watching this.

It was already ridiculous enough to be able to withstand the boss's repeated air bombings.

He could also absorb the energy attacking him to comprehensively improve his own abilities.

Schiller, who was also a long-range warrior, felt a strong malice in this ability.

Then he turned his head to look at his companions beside him as if he wanted to find a sense of identity and said, "Anderson, have you seen the ability of the almighty god of war?"

Anderson was stunned for a moment, and then shook his head like a rattle.

As a member of the Stark family, there are very few powerful abilities recorded in human history that are completely unknown to both of them.

But this kind of thing just happened.

"Schiller, stop worrying about this kind of thing."

"There are more than one or two things about the Almighty Martial God that are hard to understand. At first I wanted to figure it out, but now I don't care."

"When you see this guy fighting and encounter a completely unclear combat method, just remember one thing in your mind because he is the Almighty Martial God."

Anderson calmly expressed his experience.

Once he was defeated by the Almighty Martial God, he still wanted to practice hard to regain his ground.

He watched his battles one by one, and also wanted to find out the weaknesses of the Almighty Martial God.

But now after so many battles, he understood one thing.

It's really fun to be a pendulum.

Schiller's mouth twitched wildly, good guy, you just lie down like this, right?


Except for Anderson and Schiller, Ke Yuya's "family members" are worried about this battle.

Others in the audience are in a completely different atmosphere.

"Damn, Brother Wushen hit really hard, he doesn't know what it means to be gentle with women."

"Be gentle with women? Try to take the shot just now, then talk about being gentle with women, okay?"

"In fact, if you can change shooting me with a gun and stepping on me with your feet, I will be very willing."

"Bah, you are disgusting and cheap!"


From the extremely tense situation at the beginning to watching the almighty Wushen complete the counterattack now.

In the audience, the atmosphere of Wushen fans has become very cheerful, and many people even made jokes.

As for what the almighty Wushen's superpower is, does it matter?

Brother Wushen is awesome, that's it!


Sau Rui, who was on the commentary desk, held back for a long time, and finally burst out a swear word on the stage.

"Damn, are you kidding me, this is too outrageous."

When he thought that he might really have to soak in the septic tank for 24 hours, Sao Rui couldn't help but want to slap himself in the mouth.

Why is he so cheap?

Ma Mingjie, who was standing by, suddenly patted him on the shoulder.

Sao Rui was stunned for a moment, and then a glimmer of hope appeared in his eyes.

Could it be that this fat man has a change of heart?

He doesn't have to suffer the punishment of excrement and drowning?

As long as he doesn't let himself do this kind of thing, he can do anything.

At this time, Ma Mingjie said: "There are so many people on the field who are unhappy with Sao Rui, and the opportunity is really rare."

"In this case, why don't we hold an auction? Whoever bids the highest price can add his own excrement and fart to Sao Rui's septic tank."

"The person who bids the highest price can make a fresh one on the spot and put it in."

After hearing this, the glimmer of hope in Sao Rui's eyes quickly turned gray.

Damn it!

He wanted to curse, but he felt that he couldn't curse out loud.

He actually fainted on the spot. Before he lost consciousness, he vaguely heard the audience's enthusiastic response to the fat man's proposal.


It is said that the atmosphere in the audience at this moment was very cheerful, but the battle was not over at this time.

After Ke Yuya fell to the ground, she barely supported her body to stand up, and then vomited a large mouthful of blood.

"Are there any other things? Let me see them, otherwise this battle can be over." Su Gu looked at Ke Yuya's appearance and frowned slightly.

The punch just now seemed a bit heavy.

Su Gu's eyes fell on the halo of the five elements treasure light.

Sure enough, this newly created move still has many shortcomings, and he can't control it in detail.

Ke Yuya looked at the casual posture of the almighty martial god and felt the weight of the punch just now.

A smile emerged from the corner of her mouth.

If it weren't for the all-round blessing of her body in the ghost dead zone, her body might be broken by any punch.

Because of her identity, it was the first time since she was a child that someone dared to use such a heavy hand on her.

"Interesting, this is the battle I want."

Ke Yuya looked at Su Gu, and the fighting spirit in her eyes burned wildly.

"Since you want to see something new, I'll grant your wish."

As she spoke, the two guns in her hands completely changed to dark green. Her originally silver hair was also infected by the energy and began to change.

As she changed, the undead in the Ghostly Dead Zone also began to gather towards her position, making sharp cries.

The terrifying power fluctuations rang around Ke Yuya with her as the center. At this moment, the whole world seemed to be trembling for her.

And Su Gu, who was in opposition to her, felt as if he was against this world.

Su Gu frowned slightly, and he could feel a hint of threat in this move.

"It's really interesting." He said with excitement in his eyes.

I have to say that he enjoyed this battle very much.

The vibration of the entire Ghostly Dead Zone made the people in the surrounding audience feel strange.

"Damn, what is this?" These people exclaimed.

"Isn't it worthy of being the heir of one of the top ten families? He has shown such a level of power, and he still has a trump card."

"It's so terrifying. It's really worth it to be able to watch this battle on the spot."


"This is the move prepared by the boss for the Solar System High School Fighting Conference!"

Anderson couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Are you going to use it here now? Didn't we agree to keep it secret?"

Schiller's face also showed surprise.

I didn't expect that the boss, who was always calm, would make such an irrational decision.

It seems that after such a long time of getting along, the Almighty Martial God really has some special meaning to the boss.

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