"That's a good move."

Sugu's words in a calm and indifferent tone echoed throughout the arena.

The two losers around Keyuya, Schiller and Anderson, had crazy expressions on their faces after hearing this.

It has to be said that the way a person like the Almighty Martial God praises his opponent sincerely in a relaxed tone is more irritating than ordinary trash talk.

However, Keyu Ya was not affected by these words. She squinted her eyes, looked at the black halo surrounding Sugu, and licked her lips.

It is still unclear what kind of abilities the all-powerful God of War in this posture has, and it needs to be tested again.


She bit her lip lightly and spit out this word.

Then some of the undead who retreated crazily seemed to have regained their courage because of her words, and charged again in the direction of Sugu.

But this time, the black halo on Sugu moved from his body towards his arm, and then attached to the black gold sword.

S-level combat skills, Zhou Duan!

Waving his arms, using the same move, the sword light was more intense than before and slashed at these undead.

But the situation is completely opposite,

A series of shrill wails resounded from the mouths of the undead, and then they were all eliminated.

Only a few dead souls escaped this calamity with their S-level body and combat skills.

"Oh no, no! Wasn't the physical attack useless just now? Why is it used again now?"

"Why do you care so much? We may never be able to figure out what Brother Wushen has done in our lifetimes. Just be simple and let Brother Wushen be awesome."

"That's right, Brother Wushen is awesome!"


Everyone in the audience at this moment feels that as a fan of Almighty Martial God, they are really lucky.

He has the most "romantic" fighting style in the entire martial arts dojo, giving his opponents a chance every time. Every battle will make the audience tremble with fear.

But even if he gave his opponent a chance to unleash unimaginable power, the Almighty God of War could still find a way to deal with it and win the final victory.

Apart from anything else, watching a battle between an almighty god of war must bring higher emotional ups and downs than a movie.

"Is this okay?"

Anderson and Schiller, with their big mouths, could not imagine what they were seeing.

Saori, who was in the commentary box, had the same expression at the moment.

He had just woken up from a coma, and he had been happy for less than a minute, but he immediately encountered this situation.

"Get ready to drink excrement water." Ma Mingjie on the side smiled and patted Sao Rui on the shoulder.

An indescribable feeling of grievance echoed in Sao Rui's heart. After a moment, he couldn't restrain himself and yelled: "Damn fat guy, why are you so arrogant? The Almighty Martial God hasn't won yet!"

"This Keyua Stark is the heir to one of the top ten families. She must have cards we can't even imagine."

Then his eyes turned to the arena, staring at Keyuya on the field.

I hope she can pick up other powerful abilities to compete with the Almighty God of War.

Keyua and Sugu were confronting each other in the arena. After a moment, Sugu said with a strange expression: "What's wrong? Why didn't you attack anymore? Although you have killed many undead, you still have other means of attack." "

After a moment of silence, Keyu Ya said: "You are the strange one, right? With the current fighting situation, you are clearly on top, so why are you still not attacking now?"

"After all, you are a rare opponent. I don't know when I will be matched with someone like you next time." Sugu spread his hands and said:

"With such an interesting opponent, I naturally hope this battle can last a little longer. Just like an interesting game, I naturally hope it can be played longer."


Everyone opened their mouths and looked at Sugu in disbelief.

Is the ID that is causing waves in the entire virtual world just a game to the real person behind the "Almighty Martial God"?

Knowing the other party's attitude, Keyu Ya was a little dumbfounded. Considering the opponent's attitude during battles, it seems that he really thinks so.

"But I don't have your calmness about victory and defeat. I want to win." Keyyuya said seriously: "Continue with those painless moves and let you adapt to my attack mode. Then my chances of winning will become better and better. The lower.”

"No matter what happens next, it will be my final blow."

Sugu touched his nose. He really didn't expect that the other party would have such an attitude.

"In this case, I respect your choice and I will defeat you in the next attack."

The words were calm, as if they were saying something that was taken for granted.

This kind of confidence made everyone feel chilled.

Keyua's expression remained unchanged and was not affected by Sugu's words. Around her, the remaining undead began to gather in her direction.

The fire of the souls of the undead ignited outside her body, and soon she seemed to be covered in a layer of armor of the undead.

On Sugu's side, the black Five Elements Treasure Light surrounding him also burst out with blazing light, obviously driven to the extreme by him.

Ma Mingjie, Anderson, Schiller, Sao Rui and millions of viewers all stared at the scene in front of them without blinking.

Everyone subconsciously held their breath and concentrated. They all knew that after this move, the final winner would be decided.

Keyuya raised the muzzle of the gun, and the flames that burned the soul spurted out from it.

The flames fell, and the ground under his feet was burned with holes.

This is Keyuya's unique fighting skill, the Wrath of Hellfire!

Facing this terrifying offensive, Su Gu's figure quickly disappeared, and he moved towards Keyuya's position as if teleporting.

In the last moment, everyone only saw Keyuya's gunfire, shooting at the Almighty Martial God.

At the same time, the fist of the Martial God also hit her heart.

The power of the two people collided with each other without reservation, and the terrifying energy was surging here.

"Have the two decided the winner?"

"Who won and who lost?"

"It should be the Almighty Martial God, yes, it must be him."

Hearing these words, Anderson seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, and turned back to yell at those who were badmouthing Keyuya: "What the hell are you talking about!"

Then he was pulled by Schiller and no longer entangled with these people.

Together with everyone else, they set their sights on the arena, looking forward to the final outcome of this battle.

"The boss will definitely win."

The two whispered in their hearts.

After a while, the battlefield began to change.

The ghost dead zone affected by Ke Yuya, the earth was broken by this battle.

At this moment, all the undead here have dissipated, and a beam of sunlight began to fall and shine here.

It seems that everything here has evolved.

After a while, everyone saw who the winner standing here was, and the system prompt sound sounded as usual.

"The winner, the almighty martial god!"

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