Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 205 Hot Search and Analysis

"The winner is the almighty martial god."

When the system prompt sounded, after the victory or defeat was confirmed, Su Gu quickly logged off as usual.

The audience sitting in the audience fell into silence.

Anderson and Schiller sat dejectedly in their seats, and Sao Rui slid directly from the chair he was sitting on to the ground like a puddle of mud.

After confirming the final outcome, the three of them all had the same look of despair.

Ma Mingjie looked at Sao Rui beside him with a smile, and then patted his shoulder generously and said:

"Don't worry, I'm not such an unkind person."

After hearing this, Sao Rui turned his head and looked at the fat man with hope.

Could it be that this guy has a conscience when the time comes? After all, we are colleagues who commentate together, so let me go.

And Ma Mingjie's next sentence made his eyes darken.

"Don't worry about the manure pit. I'll help you arrange it. The quality will satisfy you and the quantity is guaranteed to be large."

"I'll find a professional photographer to record these 24 hours and put it on our Martial God's Home website."

"I believe you will be very popular. Maybe you can become a little famous."

Fuck you!

Sao Rui wanted to curse, but he couldn't say anything with his mouth open. It was as if something was blocking his chest.

After a while, his eyes went black and he fainted again. This time he lost consciousness, and Sao Rui's consciousness here was directly forced to retreat by the system of the martial arts dojo.

Probably the physical body in the real world also fell into a coma and it would be difficult to wake up for a while.

After this episode,

the other ordinary audiences realized the truth of what was happening in front of them.

The almighty martial god really defeated the top genius of the top family!

After a full minute of silence in the entire audience, there was a thunderous cheer.

"Fuck, the Almighty Martial God actually won?! This is one of the ten great families, the future heir of the Stark family."

"It turns out that ordinary people can also achieve this..."

"Brother, do you think Brother Wushen is an ordinary person? As an ordinary person, I don't think I can be described with the same adjective as Brother Wushen."

"Ahem... When I say ordinary here, I mean that Brother Wushen's background is definitely ordinary compared to Ke Yuya."

"Why say so much, Brother Wushen is invincible!"

"That's right, the Almighty Martial God is invincible!"


Breaks of thunderous cheers resounded throughout the arena.

For these fans of the Almighty Martial God, every victory of the Almighty Martial God is like a festival worth celebrating.

However, the cheers this time are different from the past. This time, no one mocked Ke Yuya.

Not only because this is indeed a wonderful battle, she has demonstrated from beginning to end the dominant strength that is enough to dominate the realm of Xunwo.

The more important reason is her ID "Cangyue Wolf".

As fans of the Almighty Martial God, they are still waiting for Ke Yuya to make a strategy for this battle.

If the big guy is really angry and runs away, who will explain to them, the atmosphere group who can only shout "Fuck" and "666", how strong the Almighty Martial God is.

As expected, after the warm cheers, these ordinary people who have a strong interest in martial arts began to discuss this battle enthusiastically.

"What is the matter with Brother Wushen's ability? Can it be classified as an S-level combat skill? If so, what god name should be used?"

"I don't know. How can we know the naming rules of S-level abilities?

But Brother Wushen's ability is indeed strong enough, not inferior to other S-level abilities."

"I hope that Boss Cangyue Wolf can quickly get over this failure. What's so shameful about losing to Brother Wushen? It's impossible for us little fans to match Brother Wushen now."

"That's right, I hope to wait for Boss Cangyue Wolf's analysis video tomorrow."

"But didn't Boss say before that she has no interest in the analysis of the battle of the Almighty God of War?"

"Ah? Then what should we do..."


The debate about this battle began to spread from the virtual spirit world to the normal Internet world.

And because of this battle, two traffic hot words worth writing about appeared-"Heir of the Stark Family" and "Almighty God of War".

The various discussions about this battle quickly topped the hot search list of major platforms.

What is surprising is that in the past, such hot searches involving their own family would be quickly removed, but today they are still on the hot search list.

"Damn it, damn it!" Anderson cursed: "Don't let me know which shameless guy did this!"

Although Ke Yuya is the most promising and promising heir of the Stark family, there are indeed other competitors.

This time the hot search was hung high and was not replaced in time. It was obviously a means for other people in the family to put eye drops on Ke Yuya.

"It's really shameless. Knowing that it is impossible to beat the boss in the competition of martial arts talent, now you actually use such a shameless method." Schiller also cursed.

At this moment, the training room of the Stark Family University where the two were was pushed open, and Ke Yuya walked out of the door with a dark face.

"Boss." Schiller walked in and greeted Ke Yuya nervously, then said:

"Leave this matter to us. We will definitely solve this matter in a short time."

Ke Yuya frowned: "What should I teach you?"

"Your defeat was on the hot search."

Ke Yuya tilted her head and said: "Oh, this matter, I don't care. If you lose, you lose, and you can't let others talk about it."

"Ah? But this matter will affect your evaluation from some old guys in the clan!"

"It affects it, I never care about such things." Ke Yuya said lightly: "I became one of the candidates for the successor, and I was forced to do it by some people. I don't care about it myself."

"Rather than fighting openly and secretly for such boring things, I came here to borrow the equipment here and conduct a battle review."

When he said the last sentence, the expression on Ke Yuya's face was obviously excited and excited.

Anderson was stunned for a moment, and said with some doubt: "Boss, didn't you say before that after the battle with the Almighty God of War, you probably wouldn't waste time making videos anymore?"

Ke Yuya glared at him and said: "I regret it, can't I?"

"If you're okay, I'll give you some extra training later."

Anderson shuddered and quickly covered his mouth.

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