After personally going to the battlefield, experiencing this confrontation and battle with the Almighty Martial God, and feeling the power of the Almighty Martial God with her body.

Ke Yuya's speed in making analysis videos has slowed down a lot.

Not only because this is her own battle, the production of this analysis video will be more rigorous than in the past.

The more important reason is that this is the first time that the Almighty Martial God has used his superpower. And the level of this superpower itself is difficult to classify and judge.

Let's say it is an A-level superpower. There are very few A-level superpowers in the world with such great power.

Can it be said that this is an S-level superpower?

When the superpower reaches the S-level, the most important sign is the change to the body of the holder when the superpower is used.

For example, Ke Yuya's Melinoe can transform his body into a dead body that is not harmed by physical attacks.

For example, Ake Patton's Agrus can be said to have permanently changed the physical strength of the holder.

In contrast, the mysterious halo on the Almighty Martial God that can be transformed into black and white is obviously unable to do this.

But it is pure and strong enough.

Ke Yuya split the video of this battle, the fighting dojo sent to herself, and the battle video recorded by Anderson and Schiller outside the field into frames, and watched them carefully over and over again.

From the micro-expressions of the almighty martial god, she figured out the meaning of his every battle choice.

As for the part related to his superpowers, she used the most advanced energy analysis equipment to analyze and disassemble it.

The records related to this battle have unknowingly filled her video hard drive.


While Ke Yuya slowly analyzed the battle content of this battle.

In the ordinary network area, there was already a lot of quarrels about this battle.

"I've already said that Brother Wushen's ability can be completely classified as S-level. You guys can tell me who in history has such an A-level ability!"

"I still think that although this ability is powerful, it still belongs to the category of A-level ability. After all, judging from the performance of the ability, the key to being powerful is not the ability, but the almighty Wushen."

"But I still think it should be an S-level ability, not for anything else, just because the S-level ability sounds more handsome."

"I'm handsome, you big-headed ghost, I see that your homepage is certified, after all, you are also a warrior, can you have some professional qualities."


Ordinary people are arguing fiercely, and major video bloggers who rely on the almighty Wushen to attract traffic have also begun to express their views one after another.

The fans of the almighty Wushen have also begun to stand on their own sides, and the two factions are arguing fiercely.

For this issue, both sides have their own reasons, which can be said to be chickens and ducks talking.

But generally speaking, most people still think that the Almighty Martial God's ability belongs to the S-level ability. Some people have even started to discuss which mythological system of gods is more suitable to name the Almighty Martial God's ability.

For those who really want to learn martial arts knowledge from the Almighty Martial God's battles, the current situation is not so friendly.

At this time, these people began to miss the analysis video of the Blue Moon Wolf again.

"I miss the 30th hour of the Blue Moon Wolf. Woohoo, why hasn't the analysis video of the big brother been made yet? I'm tired of watching a group of low-level warriors talking nonsense in the major comment areas."

"I guess I wouldn't do it either. After all, the Almighty Martial God just defeated me. If there is no grudge in my heart, I don't believe it."



The same trouble is also on Ma Mingjie's head.

The Martial God's Home is already a super website, but there are only a few users on the website who can arouse community activity.

Among them, the ID "Blue Moon Wolf" is one of the top leaders.

Although she posted very few videos, the number of daily active users on the website would increase significantly every time she updated.

"But this girl was beaten by Brother Su. Now, this account is probably useless."

If it was an ordinary Internet celebrity, Ma Mingjie might just call her and have a good chat with the other party using his own business negotiation methods.

With his eloquence, he was confident that he could win the other party.

But when he thought of Ke Yuya's identity, he felt a sincere headache.

If he was qualified now, he could negotiate a business with one of the heirs of the Stark family.

Now he would not still expect to make a fortune by relying on this website.

"It's still too little money. Now the wealth brought to me by the House of Martial God has almost reached a critical point. I have to find other growth points for wealth." Ma Mingjie rubbed his fleshy chin and said to himself in his heart.

At this moment, his business phone made a "ding" sound. After hearing this special prompt tone, Ma Mingjie was stunned.

Then he watched Ke Yuya upload the video. After the review reminder, he was completely stunned.

"After being beaten, he still spent time making videos. Is this heir of the Stark family a masochist?"

"No?" Ma Mingjie frowned and said, "Maybe this woman wants to make a video to criticize Brother Su and ruin his reputation."

"It seems that I have to be a review dog this time and review it for Brother Su."

As he said that, Ma Mingjie clicked on the video without hesitation. His small eyes carefully looked at every sentence and every line in the video, not missing any details.

And when he finished watching it, he looked strange.

"Brother Su, you are blessed."

Then without hesitation, he immediately put the video on the top of the website's homepage for recommendation.


When Ke Yuya's analysis video was uploaded, the massive almighty martial god fans who paid special attention to her account received the reminder immediately.

"Damn, the big boss Cang Yue Wolf is willing to make a video for analysis."

"The big boss is great, no need to say more."

"I'm going to occupy the comment area."

"Too late, I'm already the first!"


After receiving this information, these fans jumped to the link without any hesitation.

The video that was just released for less than 30 seconds has been filled with tens of thousands of barrages in this short period of time.

Even though the Martial God's House has changed several servers, this page has begun to become stuck because of handling so much traffic at the same time.

Amidst the anticipation of the crowd, Ke Yuya's familiar electronic voice sounded.

"I've been waiting, because this is a personal battle for me, and the Almighty God of War also demonstrated his own abilities, so it took more time to analyze."

"And then, let's get started."

After hearing this, everyone subconsciously held their breath and some even began to sit up straight involuntarily.

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