After Ke Yuya finished speaking, the video that was originally black began to show images.

The analysis video started with the beginning of this battle.

This time, Ke Yuya's analysis video did not jump to explain any battle clips. She started from the initial mutual attack with the Almighty Martial God and explained it in detail bit by bit.

"Here I deliberately let the Almighty Martial God get close, in addition to really wanting to fight him in close combat.

More importantly, with the Almighty Martial God's fighting talent, if he cannot interrupt his momentum at the first moment of the fight, the subsequent use of S-level soul power bullets to suppress him will only have a worse effect.

So in the first encounter with him, I will choose to fight the enemy with empty hands."

Ke Yuya whispered softly, and spoke out her battle ideas at the time without reservation.

When this macro strategy was spoken, there was no reaction in the barrage. After all, even people who don't know martial arts can come up and talk about this big and empty strategy.

Then, after Ke Yuya disassembled the mutual attack with the Almighty Martial God frame by frame, the situation of the entire barrage changed completely.

"The Almighty Martial God swung his first sword at me at close range. At that time, he probably wanted to test my level, so the position of the cut was not particularly tricky, but the difficult part was the combat skills he used.

In addition to the S-level step combat skills that burst forward and provide the power of slashing, the black gold sword is also wrapped with at least four different A-level combat skills. The superposition of the power of this composite combat skill is not inferior to the general S-level combat skills.

And the method of unloading the force I used at that time was..."

From the combat skills and combat skills used by both parties when they met on a narrow road.

From the psychological game between the two sides, and even the inadvertent little habits of the Almighty Martial God in the battle.

These were slowly pointed out by Ke Yuya.

Seeing this, anyone can't help but marvel at Ke Yuya's preparation for this battle.

And I understood a little bit, to implement what she said, at the very beginning, the strategic goal of suppressing the Almighty Martial God. What kind of effort and price will it take.

"It's like this, can't you win?"

In the video, a barrage of sympathy for Ke Yuya floated by.

How strong is the Almighty Martial God who defeated Ke Yuya, who was so well prepared, head-on? This matter has exceeded the scope of understanding of these barrage senders.

"Although I still lost in the end, even if I review the battle part here, I think it is handled perfectly."

"But unfortunately, even if I do this, I still can't beat that person."

Ke Yuya summarized this stage of the battle with calm words. Then continue to move forward with the timeline of the battle.

When Ke Yuya gained the upper hand in the first fight, successfully knocked the Almighty Martial God away and pulled away.

One after another, the soul bullets constructed by the S-level combat skills flew towards the Almighty Martial God.

Watching this scene again, many people still expressed amazement on the barrage.

The S-level combat skills that are rarely seen in normal battles are scattered here like free beans.

I have to sigh at the high level of both sides in this battle.

"The details of the battle here are much rougher than the previous part."

"After all, in the past battles of the Almighty Martial God, it is rare to see him fighting against long-range warriors.

Maybe the system of the martial arts dojo also takes into account that a top-level, all-round warrior like him will be killed in seconds if he is confronted by a general long-range.

So I rarely know the habitual evasive actions of the Almighty Martial God when facing top-level long-range.

Otherwise, I originally expected that at least one of his legs would be crippled."

At this point, Ke Yuya sighed, obviously brooding over this matter.

"But if I lose, I lose. I don't need to make excuses for my inferior skills."

"There is not much I can say about this video."

"This is a competition of basic combat skills between the two sides. I use S-level combat skills to attack, while the Almighty Martial God uses footwork combat skills to evade."

"Friends who are watching the video and are learning to comprehend S-level combat skills can learn how to use the combat skills of the Almighty Martial God. You should be able to gain a lot."

When hearing this, question marks kept appearing on the barrage.

"Ah, I learn this? I have no money to learn it."

"The boss really thinks too highly of us. S-level combat skills, I dare not think about it in this life, I will talk about it in the next life."

"The boss is really joking. My plan this year is to complete the study of three B-level combat skills."

"The high school students who are working hard to learn C-level combat skills are trembling and dare not speak."


The barrage kept sending self-deprecating words.

Today's Almighty Martial God and the opponents he has encountered, as well as ordinary people like them, who can never look up to him in their entire lives.

Those who can insist on watching the Almighty Martial God's battle replay here are curious about the martial arts world of the top geniuses.

The more important reason is that they hope that this mysterious Martial God can take their dreams a little further.

So when they heard Ke Yuya say that they wanted to learn from the Almighty Martial God, they would have this reaction.

If I can learn it, do I still need to spend time replaying here?

Ke Yuya, who made the analysis video, obviously doesn't care about these issues.

This stage of the battle was played forward at normal speed. When the feast of S-class combat skills was over, Keyua continued:

"At this point I have noticed something is wrong. Although I still have the upper hand on the scene, the Almighty Martial God has become more and more comfortable in responding to my attacks."

"If we continue to fight like this and let the Almighty Martial God continue to adapt to my attack rhythm, I will definitely be the loser."

"This is why I am responsible for speeding up the pace of the battle and entering the superpower mode in advance."

"I originally thought that even if I couldn't completely suppress the Almighty Martial God, I would still be able to cause him big trouble, thereby laying the foundation for my future victory."

"I didn't expect that until this moment, the Almighty Martial God also hid his trump card."

In the screen, when Keyua uses the S-level power, Melinoe, the power of the undead is used by her.

Immediately afterwards, one after another terrifying energy pillars blasted towards the Almighty Martial God.

Even if the picture is played in frames at this moment, everyone watching here can feel the impact of the energy released by Keyua.

The camera switches to the Almighty God of War.

Facing this impactful force, the Almighty Martial God's expression was dull.

"coming soon!"

On the barrage, this line of words flashed across the screen in an instant. Everyone subconsciously held their breath and concentrated, and even their sitting postures became nervous.

After so long, we finally came to the main show.

It's what everyone is making noisy and waiting for,

Analysis of the Almighty God of War's powers.

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