Under the expectant gazes of the crowd, the energy column that Ke Yuya blasted out in the video bloomed like fireworks in front of the Almighty Martial God, bursting out with blazing white light.

And in this piece of white light, the figure of the Almighty Martial God was completely obscured.

And at this moment, the barrage seemed to have reached a critical point of endurance and suddenly exploded.

"Damn, it's like this again. How can we analyze the battle in such a scene?"

"I felt very happy watching it at that time, but I didn't expect that there would be controversy afterwards because I couldn't see the scene of the release of the superpower of Brother Wushen."

"Damn, it's the same here. I tried my best to see the release of the superpower of the Almighty Martial God, but I couldn't see anything."

"Me too, it's mainly because the level of the two warring parties is really too high, otherwise they wouldn't even be able to capture the scene of the release of superpowers."

"It feels like we still can't know what the superpower of the Almighty Martial God is in the end. Will this thing become an eternal secret for us?"

"Damn, I'm so unwilling to accept it when you say that."


The battle scene was submerged in white light, and no scene could be seen at all.

And the release of superpowers is often in an instant.

On this basis, it is simply hellish to want to see how the superpower of the Almighty Martial God is released.

If you don't even know how the superpower comes from, then judging the superpower level of the Almighty Martial God is even more of a pipe dream.

This is also the reason why the fans of the Almighty God of War have been arguing for so long.

"Wait, don't be impatient. The boss of the Blue Moon Wolf is still operating!"

Just when the fans of the Almighty God of War were a little discouraged, a striking bullet screen with a color title floated in the center of the video.

At this time, everyone noticed one thing.

Ke Yuya's analysis video did not immediately advance to the next battle scene because it did not capture the scene of the release of superpowers.

Instead, it captured a fleeting frame of the picture, froze it, and then the picture of this frame began to zoom and move to the upper left corner.

The video played the battle of this stage again, but the difference here was that Anderson and Schiller recorded the pictures from different angles in the audience.

It also paused until the Almighty God of War faced the offensive and released superpowers.

Then came the video resources left by other perspectives that were circulated on the Internet. All of these were found by Ke Yuya and captured at similar locations.

Then, through Stark University, the top battle modeling software, this frame of the picture was reconstructed again.

Seeing this scene, all the people watching the video subconsciously held their breath and concentrated.

Even those who don't understand this technology can see the huge amount of engineering work required for these technologies.

"Boss Cang Yue Wolf is really awesome."

At this moment, they all understood why the analysis video came out a little later than usual.

It's not because the boss was upset because he lost the battle, but because the amount of engineering work required to do such a thing was too terrifying.

After a while, the video restoration and reconstruction work was completed.

"Is it finally done!"

"Boss Cang Yue Wolf is awesome! (broken voice)"

Amid waves of fierce voices, the light curtain of the last confrontation of the Almighty Martial God was completely eliminated.

In addition, that frame of the picture was also restored into a three-minute short video.

In the video, the Almighty Martial God still maintained his calm posture most of the time.

But at the very end, five balls of light of different colors flew out from his body.

They rotated with each other and finally became the mysterious white light circle that resolved Ke Yuya's attack.

"Damn it!"

The boss of Cang Yue Wolf actually reconstructed the scene of the almighty martial god's ability release based on this information on the Internet!

"From my point of view, the different colored light balls that make up the aura of the Almighty Martial God represent the abilities of five attributes. And these five abilities have a mutual catalytic effect.

My current inference is that the energy of his five attributes corresponds to the five elements in the Xia region legend.

Relying on the mutual generation of the five elements, he formed a white aura.

This white aura has the characteristic of extreme stability, and it is difficult to defeat it with ordinary attacks. It can even absorb the energy dissipated by the attack and replenish the user of the superpower. It can be said to be quite abnormal."

"And that black aura must be generated by using the principle of mutual restraint between the five elements."

"Completely opposite to the white aura, it has the ability to decompose and collapse everything."

"This is the power that really broke the balance of my battle with the Almighty Martial God. As usual, the Almighty Martial God once again used an ability beyond common sense."

Ke Yuya calmly and objectively analyzed everything he saw and heard.

At this point, she paused and continued:

"In terms of the complexity of the ability and the defensive performance, it can be said to be abnormal. It is no exaggeration to say that the strength of this ability is not inferior to the general S-level ability."

"But unfortunately, I don't think his ability can be rated as an S-level ability."

"But in this battle, I can clearly feel that the almighty martial god is not proficient in using this ability state."

"So when he allowed me to continue fighting him, he was sure that he could use it as a whetstone to hone his own abilities."

When Ke Yuya said this, everyone was dumbfounded.

What does it mean?

So we have been arguing for a long time, but in fact, the ability of the Almighty God of War is neither an A-level ability nor an S-level ability.

He is in the state of just awakening?

Whose ability can be so strong after just awakening? You are kidding.

"Boss Cang Yue Wolf, are you playing an April Fool's joke in advance? Please, this is not funny at all."

A line of words quickly passed by the barrage, but no one echoed it.

After all, Ke Yuya has long become a well-known analyst in their circle with one high-quality analysis video after another.

Since she said so, it is impossible that she is talking nonsense.

That is to say, the ability of the Almighty God of War is far from being developed to the limit, and it can become stronger? !

After realizing this, everyone subconsciously took a breath.

This is really too abnormal.

"Fuck, if there really is such a thing as God, then his preference for Brother Wushen is too much."

"Just his fighting talent, as well as the number and level of fighting skills he has mastered, are already enough to defy the heavens. Now you tell me that his supernatural powers are also so abnormal, how can ordinary people like us survive?"

"God, or anything else, please give me some of Brother Wushen's talent, I don't want much, just a little bit."

"I feel like you have no chance in this life, why don't you try to restart?"


The entire barrage erupted in heated discussions, and everyone envied the qualifications of the Almighty God of War.

After all, fighting skills can still be practiced through acquired efforts, but if you don't have supernatural powers, you can only rely on restarting.

And just after the heated discussion in the barrage, some people gradually noticed something wrong.

It stands to reason that after the explanation here, the analysis of the battle of the Almighty God of War has ended.

But the video of the Cangyue Wolf has not been played yet.

After the entire screen went black, the progress bar slowly moved forward, as if a storm was brewing.

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