Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 209: Confession, a woman's intuition

At this point in the analysis video, there is almost nothing to say.

After all, even the most concerned issue in this battle has been answered.

But the progress bar of the video is still moving forward slowly. Until the battle video with the Almighty God of War was played, Ke Yuya did not say a word.

At this point, the entire analysis video entered a black screen, but the progress bar was still moving forward, and there was only one minute left.

The barrage of the video gradually disappeared at some point.

Everyone who watched this video realized something and remained silent at this time.

When there were only the last twenty seconds left, Ke Yuya's voice sounded.

But this time, unlike the voice in the analysis video, it gave people a feeling of coldness and unattainability.

Instead, when speaking, there was a kind of shy tension.

"Almighty Martial God, after this battle, I can feel that you are about the same age as me.

I hope to meet you and become your boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Of course, if you think this is too sudden, it doesn't matter if we are just ordinary friends first."

After saying this, the analysis video ended.

And now everyone's brain is still in a state of downtime. This sudden information is too explosive, and their brains can't process it for a while.

And a moment later, when everyone realized that just now.

The princess of the Stark family, the possible heir in the future, publicly confessed to the Almighty Martial God? !

The video exploded.


Originally, in the battle, Ke Yuya revealed her identity, which has made this battle between her and the Almighty Martial God more than ten times more popular than other battle videos of the Almighty Martial God.

In the past few days, all planets inhabited by humans, as long as the discussion and comment area related to martial arts, will be flooded with this matter.

And Ke Yuya's confession this time has poured a bucket of gasoline on the already hot event that is like a fire.

Almost on the day when she released her analysis video, countless chat software and websites discussing martial arts were destroyed and suspended due to the popularity of this topic.

The first to be affected were the official interface website of the Stark family and the website for releasing the confession video, the God of War.

The servers of these two websites have been emitting smoke in the past two days.

The heat of the almighty God of War's supernatural powers, Ke Yuya's self-exposure of her identity, and other things were all overwhelmed by this incident.

The public opinion triggered by this incident was like a huge storm, sweeping across the entire solar system where humans live.

Not only professional warriors who focus on practicing, but even ordinary people who work part-time have begun to discuss this matter.

The daughter of a top wealthy family in the human race made a video to confess to a mysterious man who had never shown his face on the Internet in front of millions of people.

This kind of thing, just thinking about it, is enough to stimulate the instinct of human life, the soul of gossip.

"I just looked for a photo of Ke Yuya on Stark's official website. Damn, she is really fair-skinned, beautiful and has long legs. Brother Wushen is so lucky."

"I agree. This is a top-notch replay. And judging from his age, he is only a freshman. If I could experience such a thing, it would be worth it even if I died on the spot."

"Look at your little achievement, so you can never become the great Brother Wushen."

"I still don't know what Brother Wushen looks like. But looking at his figure, he doesn't look bad. I really want to see his wedding photo with Ke Yuya."

"Am I the only one who doesn't care about Ke Yuya at all and only wants Wushen's autograph? After this incident, Brother Wushen should show up."


Similar comments, one after another, keep emerging in major online communities of the entire human race.

It seems that the entire virtual world has fallen into an excited carnival because of this incident.

Stark Family University,

Anderson and Schiller walked slowly into the school's training room, both of them had obvious dark circles under their eyes.

The two looked at each other, and saw deep helplessness in each other's eyes.

"The elders in the family are almost blown up because of this matter these two days.

Now I want to delete the discussion of this battle and suppress the heat of this matter, but I can't do it.

As a result, these people can't control the boss, and they actually vent their anger on us."

Schiller sighed, rubbed his temples, and his face was full of fatigue.

"This is the first time that I have been lectured by these elders one by one, and I have been scolded for 30 hours in a row." Anderson also said with a headache:

"I can only say that you are worthy of being the boss. You usually look listless and have no interest in anything.

Once you meet someone or something you are really interested in, you really feel what you want to do."

"Do you think the boss can really be with the almighty martial god?" Anderson asked suddenly.

"Unlikely." Schiller said without hesitation: "Let's not talk about the big question of who the Almighty Martial God is."

"Since ancient times, the marriage of people like the boss has been mixed with more than just love, but more importantly, the exchange of interests."

"The best ending for her and the Almighty Martial God is that the so-called Martial God will be kept by the boss as a little white face in secret, and will never be seen in public."

"And the one who is openly married to the boss must be an important descendant of an ancient family, or a branch within the family."

After hearing this, Anderson nodded silently.

This is also the real problem that the children of these aristocratic families need to face. They have resources provided by the family that ordinary people can never access. To a certain extent, it is also difficult for them to enjoy the freedom of ordinary people.

Just as the two were talking, the door of the training room was pushed open.

Ke Yuya came in with a brisk pace, with a faint smile on her face.

Obviously, she has been in a good mood since she confessed.

"Boss, do you really want to be with the Almighty Martial God?" Schiller looked at Ke Yuya and couldn't help saying.

"Of course." Ke Yuya said calmly:

"I called you here this time just to ask you to help find the Almighty Martial God.

Based on my understanding of him, I guess even if I confess like this, he won't show up immediately."

Anderson and Schiller looked at each other, and saw deep helplessness in each other's eyes.

The boss is really trapped.

"I will be responsible for finding the way to the Almighty God of War." Ke Yuya said calmly:

"Before the Solar System College Martial Arts Conference, the family will invite some universities in the Solar System to conduct centralized exercises."

"I will draw up the list of invited schools this time. I will definitely find the school where the Almighty God of War is."

Anderson said helplessly:

"Boss, how are you sure that the Almighty God of War must be a college student?"

Ke Yuya snorted and said:

"Women's intuition."

Anderson and Schiller looked at each other helplessly.

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