Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 210 Personal invitation from mentor Lan Qing

Starry Sky Martial Arts University,

Su Gu sat cross-legged in the training room in the basement of his dormitory, silently adjusting his own supernatural state.

Five different colors of supernatural light balls representing the five elements floated slowly around him.

The five light balls rotated quickly, sometimes turning into white, five elements treasure light with extremely strong defensive ability.

Then it quickly turned into black, turning into the reverse five elements treasure light with the ability to disintegrate everything.

Five completely different abilities, under Su Gu's control, achieved a delicate balance in power.

After a moment, Su Gu let out a long breath.

"Sure enough, no matter how many times I tried, the five elements treasure light and the reverse five elements treasure light cannot coexist."

"Otherwise, this form can really not lose to the S-level supernatural power." Su Gu said softly.

He also watched Ke Yuya's analysis video.

In fact, he personally disagreed that the five elements treasure light could be comparable to the S-level supernatural power.

The power of the five attributes merged with each other, which sounded bluffing.

But except for the fire attribute, which has the strength of A-level superpowers, each of the other attributes is only B-level or even C-level superpowers.

According to Su Gu's judgment, the power of the five elements of treasure light that it merged can reach the scope of top-level A-level superpowers at most.

And the reason why this effect can be exerted in the martial arts arena is largely because Su Gu himself is strong enough.

And he suddenly used superpowers to achieve unexpected results.

Su Gu said softly: "My current superpower state is far from being top-level, and there is still a lot of room for improvement."

"The trouble now is that the way for ordinary people to improve their superpowers in this world is almost monopolized by the aristocratic families."

"It is impossible for me to find an unowned alien blood pool within the scope of human survival to improve myself.

And even if I want to hunt the star aliens and bathe in the blood of aliens to improve my superpowers, I can't find a way to hunt aliens at all."

At this moment, Su Gu felt a sense of irritation in his heart.

This feeling of wanting to become stronger but not being able to find a way is really too uncomfortable.

"Brother Su, you want to improve your superpowers." Ma Mingjie said with a smile:

"Consider Ke Yuya Stark, a top rich woman with fair skin, beautiful face and still very young."

"With her family background, if you are with her, you will definitely be qualified to go to the blood pool to improve your superpowers."

"It's just being played with by a steel wool ball. With your body, Brother Su, you can definitely withstand it."

Listening to the teasing of the fat man next to him, Su Gu rolled his eyes at him and said, "So free, have you finished your practice today?"

Ma Mingjie said with a smile: "It's been a long time, brother, I have mastered six B-level combat skills and three A-level combat skills. Just tell me if it's awesome or not."

Since returning from the Star Air Brigade, this fat man suddenly seemed to have changed his nature and began to be less averse to martial arts practice.

He is willing to take time out from lying on the sofa and drinking happy water every day to practice according to the practice plan drawn up by General Yin for him.

Relying on Su Gu's daily guidance, his progress is not bad.

"Oh? So strong, then let's fight. I promise not to use any combat skills above B level, nor any supernatural powers, come on." Su Gu said with a smile.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Ma Mingjie rolled his eyes and said, "Even if you kill me, I won't practice fighting!"

As the two chatted, Ma Mingjie opened the video live broadcast software on his mobile phone and said slyly:

"Brother Su, let me show you something good."

Su Gu looked at it and saw Sao Rui, the commentator of his battle, going into the manure pit.

"Fuck you, you fat guy Ma Mingjie! And that almighty martial god, I can't stand with you!"

Sao Rui, who was shaved bald last time, clamped his nose with a clip and put a respirator on his mouth.

But even so, his face was smoked green.

"This foul-mouthed guy has his day." Ma Mingjie said with a smile:

"You didn't see this guy. The scene of him being fished out of the manure pit this morning was amazing."

"Now the server of the Martial God's Home website has been burned because of your and Ke Yuya's mess."

"When I restore the website, I will upload this video to the website. Then I will do a few famous scene analysis to ensure that the image of this guy will be passed down forever."

Looking at the video, Su Gu also smiled and said, "It sounds interesting."

The fat man suddenly changed the subject and said, "To be honest, Brother Su, do you really have no interest in Ke Yuya? This girl looks really good."

Su Gu spread his hands and said, "Goodbye, I only have martial arts in my heart. Being loved by a woman is just an accident."

Ma Mingjie glared at Su Gu hatefully and said,

"You bastard, just pretend."

"It's not easy to meet a good girl who likes you, but you don't cherish it. You will regret it later."

After that, the fat man ended today's training and left the training ground.

Su Gu, who continued to stay here, smiled and shook his head. He couldn't say some things directly.

Since the Star Air Force Brigade, he has understood that the top forces of mankind are more or less involved with aliens.

And the younger generation like Ke Yuya may not be able to get in touch with such deep family affairs.

But after all, there is the surname Stark behind her name. He must not get too involved with her.

"The most urgent task now is to practice and become stronger. Falling in love can never replace martial arts practice."

Recalling the scene at the end of the Starry Sky Air Brigade, several powerful people from the Ju family attacked and killed him in front of everyone.

Su Gu's heart was covered with a haze.

"I want to become stronger. Even if I don't have alien blood in terms of superpowers, I will try to find other ways to improve."

Thinking of this, Su Gu stopped practicing today in advance.

Took out his mobile phone and opened the various martial arts research papers published in human history collected by the Starry Sky Martial Arts University.

Since you want to find other ways, it is more convenient to find giants who have made achievements in this area than to try aimlessly.

If you have the shoulders of giants to stand on, that would be the best.

"Sure enough, humans have awakened to superpowers for so many years since the Dark Ages."

"It is impossible not to conduct special research on superpowers."

After searching using the entry directory, Su Gu quickly got the paper documents he needed.

Then he ordered a nutritious meal for takeout, projected the papers onto the wall of the training room, and spent an afternoon quickly scanning them.

After an hour, Su Gu carefully read more than 300 documents from beginning to end.

But the more he read, the more wrinkles on his brow twisted into a ball.

"On how to maximize the development of superpower blood", "On the influence of the superpower blood of the Star Titan family on power superpowers", "On the physical adaptation of elemental superpowers after taking and bathing in superpower blood"...

In the field of superpower research, most of them are such practical research papers.

But there are very few basic research on the nature of superpowers.

There are no papers on improving superpowers by means other than superpower blood.

This discovery made Su Gu quite depressed.

Do we really have to try to build a system from scratch to understand superpowers?

When he thought of this, Su Gu felt a little overwhelmed.

He is a combat talent, not a scientific research talent.

At this moment, a special reminder sound came from Su Gu's mobile phone.

After looking at the person who called to remind him, Su Gu was stunned for a moment.

It was Lan Qing, the instructor, who invited him over.

And it was not in the name of the school, but in the name of a private person.

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