Instructor Lan Qing invited himself in his own name?

A trace of astonishment flashed across Sugu's face.

During the freshman competition, instructor Lan Qing invited himself to become his student.

But he refused at the time.

It stands to reason that after this incident, it would be difficult for the two of them to have any personal contact anymore. I didn't expect that he would take the initiative to come to see me.

To go or not to go?

With almost no hesitation, Sugu immediately decided to go.

I am currently troubled by supernatural matters. If I can get some advice from Lan Qing, the treasure-level mentor of Xingwu University.

It will definitely be of great benefit to my future practice.

After making the decision, Sugu quickly booked a special car through the campus software that went directly to Instructor Lan Qing's residence.

Then, amid the fat man's protests, he took away the fruit he had just bought.

Then he rushed all the way to the appointment.

"Sugu, you're here." Seeing Sugu arrive early, Lan Qing, who was sitting at the door and basking in the sun, smiled with the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes.

"Thank you for the invitation." Sugu politely put the fruit gift box aside.

"You kid, you're already here, why don't you bring some fruit?" Lan Qing glanced at him with a smile.

"It's still a variety grown on the moon. It's very expensive."

"It's not bad, it didn't cost much." Sugu said modestly.

Lan Qing smiled, and his favorable impression of Sugu increased.

Then he took Sugu and walked towards his residence.

Although Lan Qing has a transcendent status in Xingkong Martial Arts University, the place where he lives looks quite simple both inside and outside.

It's not even as good as the most ordinary student apartment in Star Martial Arts University.

"I heard that you have awakened your superpower? Congratulations." After the two of them sat on the wooden sofa, Lan Qing poured tea while chatting with Sugu.

"It's just an ordinary B-level superpower. I'm afraid it won't be ranked high in school." Sugu said casually.

It's hard to say what kind of power he will develop into in the future. If the power he awakens to the outside world is a B-level fire power, there will be room for explanation for other changes in the future.

"You can't be ranked in the academy? You can't say that." Lan Qing said with a smile:

"Now that you are officially recognized as a human hero, many people in the school admire you very much."

"Because of you, two young people with great potential even chose to join our school."

"Even Cheng Ziwen spent some time to meet them in person."

"I guess these two people want to see you now."

Sugu didn't say much more on this topic. He took the tea handed over by Lan Qing and took a small sip.

After putting the tea cup down, he looked at Lan Qing seriously, and then said the purpose of his visit today.

"Teacher, apart from the blood of aliens, is there really no way to improve superpowers? If the superpowers are not strong enough, will it have any impact on the future path of martial arts?"

Lan Qing seemed to have expected that Sugu would ask such a question, and quickly said:

"Currently, humans have not yet mastered the means of improving superpowers other than different blood."

"As for the issue of superpowers and martial arts, it is said that if there are no S-level superpowers, it will be difficult to move up the martial arts after reaching the realm of freedom."

After hearing these words, Sugu's heart was once again filled with a layer of gloom.

He didn't want his future martial arts career to be hindered by something like this.

"Teacher, may I ask why humans haven't found a way to replace alien blood for so many years?"

"I have reviewed most of the research literature on supernatural powers, and it can be said that there is very little research in this area."

After hearing this, Instructor Lan Qing looked at Su Gu in surprise and said, "You have actually gone so far? You are really keen."

Then the old man thought for a moment and said: "This matter is an unwritten rule for us researchers, so it's natural to tell you.

But Sugu, you have to be clear. Once you know these things, you must not spread them everywhere. Otherwise, it will bring you a lot of trouble. "

After hearing this, Sugu nodded without hesitation: "Don't worry, old gentleman, I have a very strict tone."

Seeing this, Lan Qing nodded slowly and said:

"After this Star Force brigade incident, you must have guessed that the high-level human beings are more or less colluding with alien races.

Then this is for you. It’s not difficult to understand. "

"For these top forces, monopolizing the way to obtain different blood is equivalent to monopolizing the path to promotion to the top of martial arts."

"This can guarantee them that no matter what changes the human world undergoes, they will always be at a high level."

"So what you mean is that in order to keep your empire forever, you don't want your monopoly on different blood to be subverted.

The research to replace alien blood was jointly banned by all the top human forces? Sugu said with a frown.

The moment Lan Qing gave the direction, he guessed the answer. But the answer was much worse than he expected.

“There is really no express rule prohibiting research in this area.”

Lan Qing said: "But if you dare to engage in research in this area publicly, you will definitely be suppressed to varying degrees depending on the depth of your research."

"Is it true that no one has done any research in this direction?"

"I want to find another way to improve my abilities, but is there really no way?" Sugu said unwillingly.

"Yes." Lan Qing said.

These two words gave Sugu a glimmer of hope, but the next sentence extinguished this glimmer of hope.

"As far as I know, the ten major families and the Human Federation have been advancing research on replacing alien blood."

"If you are willing to join these forces, you should be able to become a guinea pig for their experiments."

Sugu picked up the tea again and drank the hot tea with a gloomy expression on his face.

Lan Qing continued:

“For these top forces, the power to bring about change must be in their own hands.

Otherwise, they would rather the progress of human martial arts be slower. "

A sarcastic smile appeared on Sugu's face.

“It’s really ironic, in the dark ages, you kill aliens and get alien blood to evolve yourself.

This is a symbol of martial arts seniors transforming themselves into sharp swords to kill powerful enemies in order to evolve themselves for mankind. "

"But now the blood of these alien races has become a shackles that binds mankind itself!"

"Are those human beings who sit in high positions really just useless people?"

At the end of the sentence, Sugu could barely restrain his voice, which was rarely mixed with anger.

Lan Qing said: "You can just talk about these things here with me. Don't talk nonsense outside, it will cause trouble."

Sugu nodded.

And his mind was gradually drifting away at this moment.

Is there really nothing you can do?

Why not try to join the military, go to the most dangerous places, and try to capture a few aliens alive?

Then he interrogated the aliens’ practice system.

After all, the superpower comes from a foreign race, and the two are very similar, so there must be reference value.

Just when Sugu was thinking about various plans for the future, he began to feel out of his mind.

Instructor Lan Qing's somewhat cloudy old eyes were staring at Sugu unblinkingly, as if observing a piece of beautiful jade that had not yet been completely polished.

After a moment, he slowly said:

"Sugu, since you are interested in promoting superpowers, are you interested in helping me do an experiment?"

"Maybe it will bring you unexpected gains."

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