Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 212 Some things need to be done by someone

Teacher Lan Qing's words startled Su Gu, who was just immersed in his own world and carefully considering his future course of action.

Looking at Su Gu's confused look, Lan Qing could only repeat what he had just said.

"I ask you, are you willing to help me do martial arts experiments?"

"This experiment is related to the martial artist's supernatural powers, and you should be able to gain something."

After listening to this retelling, Su Gu's face showed a strange look:

"Teacher, didn't you just say that the Federation and the ten companies strictly prohibit civilian research in this area?"

"Is it appropriate for you to just pull me in?"

After hearing this, Lan Qing nodded and said softly:

"From a procedural point of view, it is indeed inappropriate. The laboratory recruits people, and it must be approved by others. I directly invite you to join, which is actually a bit beyond my authority."

"But sometimes, if you follow the rules too rigidly, you will miss the real opportunity."

The turbidity in the eyes of the old man Lan Qing disappeared, and a scorching brilliance bloomed in his eyes.

"After you obtained the evolution potion and took it, I considered whether to invite you to join."

"But the reason why I didn't choose to invite you immediately is that doing this kind of thing can be regarded as doing it for the future of mankind and against the world.

I was not sure at the time whether you had the qualities we needed. After all, this is the most important quality to join us."

"But in the previous Star Air Brigade, you gave me an answer sheet with more than 100 points."

"In the extremely critical situation at that time, in fact, with your ability, you can choose other methods to escape.

This will be safer for you."

"But you chose without hesitation the most difficult and dangerous method, which is also the method that can save the lives of the most young warriors-directly go to the central area to destroy the blood sacrifice array."

"Although the conspiracy involved in the interests of all parties in this Star Air Brigade is so dirty that it makes me feel sick."

"But in this extremely dangerous conspiracy, the brilliance of human nature will be more dazzling."

"The most dazzling one among them is you, Su Gu."

After hearing these words, Su Gu subconsciously touched his nose. He felt a little embarrassed to be praised in person by his respected elder.

But he still asked the question in his heart:

"Teacher Lan Qing, since your laboratory already has a process for selecting members and has a division of power internally.

I dare to guess that you have been studying the method of replacing alien blood and improving superpowers for some time."

Lan Qing remained silent.

"And this method is very concealed, and even the selection of members is very strict, which indirectly shows that you have achieved extremely rich results."

"Even its results are so rich that once they are exposed, it will cause you a lot of trouble."

Lan Qing sighed and said: "You kid, you are really too sensitive. Ask whatever you want to ask."

Su Gu considered his words and said:

"This kind of thing is too dangerous, and there is no way to obtain funds through external channels. I am afraid that the difficulty is unimaginable."

"As far as I know, most of you martial arts researchers have talents that make it difficult for you to enter the free and easy realm in your lifetime.

So your research results are unlikely to benefit your own martial arts."

"So you try your best to study, what is the purpose."

Teacher Lan Qing cast his eyes on the coffee table, and then stood still, as if he was going through a long period of thinking.

After a moment, he slowly said:

"In fact, your analysis is correct."

"I have devoted my life's efforts to research in this area. But I can't say why I have to risk doing this."

"It's just that I know in my heart that some things always need someone to do them, why can't I do it."

After saying this, the old man raised his eyes full of determination and stared at Su Gu and said:

"Young man, I will ask you one last time, are you willing to help me?"

"Whether you refuse or accept, I will not do anything to you. I believe that your character will be kept secret for me."

Facing the eyes of the old man, Su Gu smiled.

"I have the need to improve my supernatural powers. You are just giving me a pillow when I am sleepy."

"And you are so old, so as a young man, I should be more ambitious."

"Of course I will help."

"Please take me there now."

After hearing this, Lan Qing showed a satisfied smile on his face.

Then he laughed and scolded:

"You little brat, you are still an old horse waiting for the saddle, I am not that old!"


After accepting the invitation, Su Gu was immediately taken by Lan Qing to the mysterious experimental base.

To Su Gu's surprise, Lan Qing did not take him far away.

But he went directly to the basement of the apartment where he lived.

He walked to a paper bookshelf and picked up the books on it in a certain order. Soon, a secret passage leading directly to the underground appeared in front of the two of them.

"You actually do this kind of taboo experiment directly in your own home!" Su Gu raised his eyebrows and said in his heart.

At the same time, he also admired Lan Qing's courage. He actually dared to do this kind of taboo research directly under his own home.

The two walked down the secret passage leading to the underground, and encountered several iron gates blocking their way. Lan Qing needed to use biological information to prove that they could continue to go down.

Under his leadership, the two finally came to the "laboratory" mentioned by Lan Qing.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Su Gu raised his eyebrows slightly, and was a little shocked.

The environment here is much larger than he imagined.

Hanging above his head is a large light that simulates the sun's ultraviolet rays. It will adjust its brightness according to the light of the sun outside.

And on the walls around, square iron plates that can resist missile bombing are firmly anchored.

From top to bottom, this place looks like a huge underground residential building.

If Lan Qing hadn't said in advance that this was a laboratory, he would have thought it was a refuge base used by the school to avoid nuclear explosions.

"Welcome to my experimental base, Su Gu." Lan Qing said to Su Gu with a smile.

At this moment, the smile on the old man's face became more naughty, like an old naughty boy showing off his toys to a child.

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