Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 213 Rune system, control supernatural powers!

"Besides my home, there are four places that can directly enter the laboratory. One of them is a reserved escape passage. Since you have joined us, Sugu, you must remember the location of that passage."

“The entire laboratory is equipped with military electromagnetic interference devices, and any civilian electronic office equipment cannot be used here.

Here, all documents used internally can only be recorded using the most original banknotes. "

"Most of the people who work long hours here are clerks. Although there are some warriors we trust who will help us deliver experimental materials, most of the time here, combat is not used to solve problems.

Sugu needs to pay special attention to this. Don't think about beating others just because you have conflicts with them. No one here can withstand your punch. "

"Due to the oxygen consumption problem, the use of flames here requires a report and application, so naturally there is no decent food.

Most of the time, all of us eat military canned food. I hope you can bear the pain. "


Along the way, Lan Qing kept introducing the conditions of the laboratory to Sugu.

Although in his words, the living environment here is very difficult.

But when the old man came here from the ground, he seemed much younger. It seemed that only here could he feel relaxed.

"Actually, I just came to your house and looked at the house where you live, Master Lan Qing. I thought your life was very simple." Sugu said, "But I didn't expect that there is a whole other world underground."

Lan Qing chuckled and said:

"After all, I am also a treasure-level tutor in this school. Using a small privilege to build an underground laboratory of my own in the school does not exceed my authority."

While the two were talking, a figure with two warrior security guards walked towards Sugu angrily.

And when he saw Lan Qing clearly beside Sugu, he restrained his anger and told the security guards following him not to act rashly for the time being.

Then he ignored Sugu and said directly to Lan Qing:

"Teacher, why did you bring people in?!"

"How much does this person know about things here?"

"I know a few doctors who can perform memory erasure surgery for a specific period of time. Do you need us to take him there?"

Faced with this series of questions, Lan Qing pressed his temples slightly and said after a moment:

"Jia Xiudao, don't talk nonsense."

"This is Sugu. I invited him to come over to help us apply our experimental results to warriors."

"I've already told him everything I need to tell him, so you don't have to be so defensive."

After hearing this, Jia Xiudao frowned and looked between Lan Qing and Sugu again and again.

After a moment, he waved his hand and signaled the two warriors following him to leave safely.

Then he said:

"Teacher Lan Qing, for your contribution to martial arts research that can change the world, my personal attitude is completely respectful, I can even say I admire you."

"But you have completely exceeded your authority this time."

"According to our regulations, if a new member wants to officially join, he must have a three-month observation period, and his past experience and background need to be investigated and reviewed."

"In addition, the collective approval of several other managers, including myself, is needed, and only then can we officially announce our joining."

Then he pointed his finger at Su Gu and said:

"And this person, before you just reported his name, I didn't know who he was. How could such a person enter the laboratory."

Lan Qing said: "That's because you were underground and stayed too long, otherwise you should be able to recognize him."

As he spoke, he handed the paper information introducing Sugu's life story that he had prepared early in the morning to Jia Xiudao.

The large pile of documents was quickly flipped through in Jia Huidao's hands.

Then he murmured: "The Star Force Brigade Incident; Turning the Tide; Young Hero. This title is getting louder and louder than the last."

Although he still spoke unforgivingly, Jia Xiudao finally did not express his opposition to Sugu joining.

"Actually, I have always believed that an overly harsh review process will exclude our truly like-minded partners." Lan Qing said:

"However, I did exceed my authority this time. I am willing to take joint responsibility for any negative impact Sugu brings to the laboratory in the future."

After hearing this, Jia Huidao's face, which had always been full of hostility, softened slightly.

"Since you have said so, let this matter be shelved for now. But what you just said, I will respond to others and eventually form a paper document that I hope you will sign for confirmation."


After the two talked about this, the topic of Sugu's identity finally came to an end.

Then Lan Qing began to introduce the identities of the two people.

"Sugu, this is Master Jia Xiudao.

What he is responsible for is to make the results of the laboratory, from the purely theoretical stage, truly applicable to ordinary warriors.

In the future, if you want to practice here using the results of the laboratory, you will inevitably have to deal with him. "

"Jia Xiudao, this is Sugu. The number one student among the current Xingkong Martial Arts University."

Sugu nodded and said "Hello" to the other party.

Jia Xiudao just nodded slightly in his direction, and then turned his head away.

Although he didn't make things difficult for Sugu anymore, he still showed a lack of interest in him.

Seeing this, Sugu would not be hot-faced and cold-butt, and would not speak again.

"Since we happened to bump into Jia Xiudao, let's go to the testing site next." Lan Qing said to the two of them with a smile on his face.

Then he urged Jia Huidao to lead the way.

A group of three people walked down the spiral staircase quickly.

The further down he went, the tighter Sugu's brows became.

A strong smell of blood penetrated directly into his nose.

In addition, some screams and screams for mercy can also be heard.

"It's rare but strange." Sensing Su Gu's strangeness, Jia Xiudao said disdainfully:

"That's the sound coming from the dissection room. The mice used for experiments are all aliens."

Lan Qing also said: "Don't think too much, the person making the noise here is a leader-level alien race who has transformed into a human form."

"As those high-ranking families, the top forces of mankind, have more and more frequent contact with foreign races. The human world has unknowingly infiltrated these monsters."

"Most of the experimental materials in our laboratory are obtained from the help of Cheng Ziwen and Yin Jun, students I trust, from hunting in the human world."

Sugu nodded silently after hearing this.

During the Star Force Brigade, didn't the Tachibana family try to bring the legendary alien gods to the human world?

Nowadays, in the human world, there are people who have been mixed into alien races. He does not find it strange.

After experiencing this little episode, a few people finally arrived at the destination of this trip.

Surprisingly, this so-called test site was empty.

It's just that this room is filled with all kinds of weird symbols.

At first glance, these strange symbols look like ghostly symbols. But if you look carefully, you will feel dizzy.

In the center of the testing site, there was a middle-aged man and a young girl who opened their eyes and stared at the symbols carefully. Even after Sugu and his party entered, they did not notice it.

It seemed that the two of them had entered a deep state of meditation.

Jia Huidao, who was on the side, took a few steps forward, pointed to the ghostly drawings on the wall with great pride and said:

"Based on our extensive dissections of warrior-level and even commander-level alien races."

"We discovered that when aliens use their racial talents, some mysterious symbols will be generated either outside the body or inside the body."

"And the system we are studying and studying is created by imitating foreign races and using their own racial talents."

"For this system, we named it."

"Rune system!"

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