Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 214 This kid is not completely useless

"Rune system."

Sugu muttered this term silently in his heart.

At this moment, his heart was filled with shock.

Before coming, he had already had great expectations for the research results of Lan Qing and others.

But he didn't expect that what he saw far exceeded his expectations.

These people actually tried to rely on their own research to build a practice system that relied on the existence of supernatural powers!

If this kind of thing really gets out, it will really shock the world.

Jia Huidao's previous statement that the results of their laboratory are enough to change the world is not an exaggeration.

“Based on our dissections and experiments on alien races, a total of seventy-two types of runes have been extracted.

The combinations of runes are ever-changing.

What you need to do next is try to use your own perception to understand these runes.

Then use the runes you understand to summarize your own abilities.

This generalization will change differently depending on your own state of mind.

By visualizing the runes every day and insisting on making this summary, you can slowly improve your own abilities. "

Lan Qing softly introduced how to use his own hard work and this rune system to improve his own abilities.

Jia Huidao on the side added: "Don't think it's easy, let alone think that just because you are a so-called martial arts genius, you will be able to master the rune system quickly."

“This system is completely different from martial arts practice.

If you take your previous practice experience and bring it into understanding the rune system, you will probably go in the opposite direction. "

“And this rune system, under the leadership of Mr. Lan, has achieved quite dazzling results.

But after all, it was born less than ten years ago. There are too many imperfections, and you have to explore many things by yourself. "

While Jia Xiudao was speaking, the middle-aged man who had been sitting cross-legged in the center of the experimental site suddenly covered his head in pain, and then let out a scream.


The skin on his body still hardened, and then he hit the ground hard.

Bang, bang, bang!

Amidst the continuous crashes, he made a small crater in the ground.

Jia Xiudao looked at this scene and frowned and said:

"Liu Guang, how many times have I advised you. Meditation is different from practice. We cannot follow the path of bravery and diligence you did before."

"Once you use runes, the ability you perceive and summarize is not accurate enough, which will cause the power to go out of control."

"Stop practicing today and heal your injuries first."

The middle-aged man named Liu Guang lowered his head with a dejected look on his face, his eyes full of unwillingness.

And Jia Huidao turned to look at Sugu and said:

"This Liu Guang is still your senior. He was ranked in the top 20 that year. He graduated from Xingkong Martial Arts University. Like you, he can be regarded as a genius in martial arts."

"He is a typical example. Although his martial arts qualifications are not bad, his understanding of the rune system is too dull."

After hearing this, the middle-aged man named Liu Guang just lowered his head and did not refute.

Obviously, being hit like this has become a common occurrence while here.

At this moment, the girl who was sitting cross-legged next to Liu Guang, silently meditating on the runes, also began to feel strange in her body.

All over her body, streaks of lightning were like little snakes, swimming around her body.

It's just that she is different from Liu Guang's loss of control. The little snakes are playing around her quite nimbly. Obviously this power is under her control.

Looking at the small snakes, Sugu's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Although it is very slow, the intensity of her superpower is really slowly improving. The intensity of this superpower is probably quite good for A-level."

"Furthermore, if you look closely at these small lightning snakes, you can see traces made of runes.

It is very likely that this ability was promoted from a low level to a high level. "

After listening to Sugu's words, Jia Xiudao looked at him in astonishment.

"What a keen perception. Now I actually believe that your martial arts talent is the first person to establish Xingwu University."

"But it is a pity that I have experimented many times, and those with high talents in martial arts practice often have a much slower understanding of the rune system."

"Just like that Liu Guang."

"I sincerely advise you, don't waste time, give up as soon as possible."

Liu Guang on the side listened and his face twitched.

What does this have to do with me?

At this moment, Sugu completely ignored Jia Xiudao. He was immersed in his own world and ignored external objects.

Seeing this, Jia Xiudao snorted coldly, turned to Lan Qing and said:

"Three months ago, Yan Xia's supernatural appearance was completely composed of runes."

“And now those runes have disappeared to the point where they are almost invisible.

This means that her understanding of runes and control of supernatural powers have reached another level. "

"I can only say that the existence of Yanxia proves the truth that God will not open doors and windows at the same time for one person."

"Those who have martial arts talents and understand the rune system are indeed worse than ordinary people."

"I don't think it is necessary for this Sugu to learn the runes here. This is just a waste of both of our time."

Lan Qing looked at Jia Xiudao silently, then shook his head after a moment and said, "Let him try it first."

"No matter what you think, I think the only person who can realize your dream is Yanxia." Jia Nidao said in a deep voice.

The people around him kept belittling him, but Su Gu ignored them at this moment.

His eyes were completely attracted by the runes in the practice room and Yanxia who was improving her superpowers.

At this moment, his eyes were already shrouded in excitement.

His superpower is that breathing can increase the proficiency of a skill, but superpowers, in his judgment of superpowers, are not a mastered skill.

So it cannot be improved.

If you can comprehend the rune system and structure superpowers through runes.

Then it will definitely lead to the improvement of superpower levels.

After so long, I finally saw the hope of making up for my own shortcomings!

The way Su Gu was attracted by Yanxia was naturally seen by Jia Nidao, which made him nod secretly.

"It seems that this kid is not useless. At least he can see the profundity of the rune system and the gap between himself and Yanxia."

He thought in his heart.

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