After seeing the rising rune fire, Yan Xia couldn't help but rub her eyes and pinch her arm, as if to confirm whether she was dreaming.

Liu Guang, who was standing next to Jia Xiudao, had his mouth open enough to swallow a teacup.

He never expected that just now, the junior student with a humble face was discussing with him the experience of visualizing the rune system.

In just twenty minutes, he was able to achieve this.

"Jia Xiudao, please tell me whether the twenty minutes we have been waiting for are worth it."

Lan Qing, who was on the side, secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Jia Xiudao with a smile.

Saying these words can be regarded as ending the depression in his heart.

Jia Huidao, on the other hand, looked unwilling and pursed his lips.

He never imagined that he would see this scene in less than twenty minutes.

However, he still pretended not to care and said:

"Teacher Lan Qing, your vision is indeed unique."

"Although I don't know what the progress of Sugu's practice will be in the future, at least his speed at getting started is considered excellent."

Lan Qing himself understood the sourness in Jia Xiudao's words and said with a smile:

"It doesn't matter. I believe we will know how Sugu's practice progresses in a few days."

"But next, I have to trouble you to comfort the little girl who was just hit."

After hearing this, Jia Xiudao frowned and turned to look at Yan Xia, whom he had always been quite optimistic about.

At this moment, Yan Xia's eyes were dazed and dull, and her walking movements were slightly uncoordinated.

Obviously, he was shocked by the news in front of him.

After Jia Huidao thought for a moment, he patted her shoulder and said:

"You don't need to be too nervous. Maybe this Sugu has strong learning and comprehension abilities."

"This allows him to get started quickly when learning the rune system."

"But it's just an introduction. If you want to refine it, you need more abstract thinking skills."

"This is completely different from the practice of martial arts, which requires specific and rigid repetition of each breath."

"The difference is as big as oil painting and abstract painting."

"At that time, Sugu's progress will naturally slow down."

After hearing Jia Xiudao's words, Yan Xia became a little nervous. After thinking for a moment, her expression relaxed again.

She said secretly in her heart:

"Instructor Jia is right. It's just an introduction. It's still far from threatening my position."

"It's not like there haven't been talented martial arts talents who can get started quickly in the laboratory before."

"But after these people started, without exception, they couldn't make any progress for several months, and finally had to give up."

"This Sugu must be in the same situation. There is no need for me to be nervous."

Although she thought so in her heart, this time Yan Xia stared at Su Gu who was still practicing, but she no longer showed any impatience.

He never said anything about leaving immediately.

Her eyes were fixed on Sugu without blinking.

It was as if a wild cat had noticed that another of its kind had entered the area where it was feeding.

Including her, Liu Guang, Jia Xiudao, and Lan Qing all stared at Sugu seriously.

They all looked forward to knowing how far Sugu could achieve his first practice.

And Sugu, who was stared at by so many people, felt an indescribable sense of joy in his heart at this moment.

In the process of constantly visualizing runes and imagining the connection between those abstract runes and his own abilities.

There was a long-awaited sound in his ears, a sound that only he could hear.

[Run analysis of the mastered fire ability. 】

[Complete one breath, fire power rune experience +37]

[Complete one breath, fire power rune experience +63]

[Complete one breath, fire power rune experience +41]


Listening to the intermittent sound, Sugu was so excited that he almost wanted to shout to the sky.

His superpowers could finally be the same as his combat skills, and he could keep getting stronger every time he breathed.

This feeling has been long gone.

The increase in experience points brought about by one's own hard work and breathing.

At this moment, Su Gu felt that his understanding of the analysis of rune control abilities was getting deeper and deeper.

The flames guided by Sugu's runes were running wildly in this space.

And the amount of fire spurting out from his body was increasing.

And the burning of this rune flame seems to have nothing to do with oxygen.

It was surrounded by Sugu and turned into several rings of fire.

At the same time, everyone in the same space as the ring of fire felt an unbearable high temperature.

"It's already 73 degrees in the room, and the temperature is still rising. I feel like I'm going to be cooked if I stay any longer." Liu Guang looked at the ring of fire and joked.

Everyone frowned after hearing these words.

Although the people here are all warriors, this temperature is not fatal to them.

But staying in this environment for a long time will still make people feel uncomfortable, especially when there is an old man like Lan Qing here.

"Teacher Lan Qing, let's step back first." Jia Xiudao said:

"If you successfully channel your own power, this power will be uncontrollable for a long time."

"We stay here too long and just make ourselves miserable."

Lan Qing nodded and said, "That's true. Let's go to the compartment to observe first. We'll wait there for Sugu to finish his first retreat."

Everyone nodded in agreement, just as they were about to leave for the glass partition in the next room.

The flames that had been raging before suddenly seemed to have calmed down.

The unrestrained fire circle began to slowly shrink.

"This is impossible!" Yan Xia couldn't help but exclaimed.

While visualizing the runes, control your own abilities so that they will not harm others.

This... what a joke.

Even for me, in order to reach this point, it took me more than a month to find that vague feeling.

This Sugu has only been exposed to the rune system for a long time. There is no way he can do it!

At this moment, the ring of fire, which had been shrinking, began to stop shrinking.

Such a scene made Yan Xia let out a long sigh of relief.

Sure enough, I just thought too much.

How could this person master this skill so quickly?

At this moment, Liu Guang on the side suddenly said in surprise:

"I...the temperature in our room is starting to drop now!"

After hearing these words, Yan Xia's eyes widened.

She snatched the thermometer away from Liu Guang's hand and looked at the temperature display on it.

After confirming that the temperature in the room was indeed dropping, the expression on her face became dull.

Jia Xiudao on the side couldn't say anything to comfort her at this moment.

Now his mouth is so wide that he can stuff a can directly into it.

After a moment, he took a few steps forward and tentatively touched the shrinking fire ring with his hand.

"Maybe I made a mistake."

He couldn't help but think.

His right hand was immersed in the flames, and it didn't take long for the expression on Jia Huidao's face to become extremely wonderful.

He murmured: "This flame is warm."

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