Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 217: Are you sure you consider Su Gu as your opponent?

"This flame is warm."

After these six simple words came out of Jia Xiudao's mouth, the expressions of everyone present changed.

Liu Guang pinched his arm hard to confirm that he was conscious.

Then he looked at Sugu sitting cross-legged on the ground, in a state of deep meditation, and the pupils of his two eyes were slightly out of focus.

After a moment, he spat out two words:


Yan Xia on the side slowly walked to the corner of the room, holding one hand on the wall.

It seemed that he was relying on the support of one hand to prevent himself from falling like this.

Lan Qing's wrinkled face was also filled with surprise at this moment.

After a while, he stroked his beard with his hand and murmured:

"This is much more exaggerated than I expected. Is there any secret hidden in this little guy?"

Freely controlling the temperature of the flame, there is no doubt that Sugu has successfully found a way to accurately control supernatural powers using runes.

If it takes twenty minutes to channel his own superpower, the quick start can be said to be Sugu's good luck, or it may be a coincidence.

The scene that happened now in front of everyone made everyone present, no matter what their attitude towards Sugu, clearly realize one thing.

Sugu is an out-and-out genius in the rune system.

His talent is enough to suppress Yan Xia, who has been cultivated as a seed by everyone.

"I'm dreaming, I must be dreaming!"

"This is fake, yes it is fake."

From the beginning, Yanxia, ​​who had been holding on to the wall, kept saying these two sentences repeatedly.

And suddenly, her body, which had been holding on to the wall, slid down.

As if one hand could no longer support her body, her posture changed and she began to lean on the wall.

At this moment, the impact on her heart was too strong.

It was clear that just forty minutes ago, she was the number one genius in the rune system in the laboratory.

She is also the person most expected to become the first supernatural warrior in human history and leave her name in history.

And now, right in front of her, a genius with more powerful qualifications than herself appeared immediately.

In her heart, she really couldn't accept this kind of thing.

Jia Xiudao looked at Yan Xia, who was looking dejected, with a look of intolerance on his face.

After thinking for a while, he considered his words and said:

"Yanxia, ​​you don't have to be like this. The appearance of Su Gu may not be a bad thing for you."

After Yan Xia heard Jia Xiudao's words, she turned her head and looked at him blankly.

Jia Huidao continued:

"This Sugu is a martial arts genius himself.

In his life, he invested a lot of time and energy in the training of combat skills and martial arts.

At this point, it is impossible to completely give up martial arts and devote yourself to the exploration of the rune system. "

"But you are completely different. Your martial arts qualifications are not excellent, but your sensitivity to runes is unparalleled.

Being able to upgrade your C-level ability to A-level in just two years further illustrates your talent.

More importantly, you have long made up your mind to dedicate the rest of your life to the rune system.

Maybe Sugu's talent may be better than yours.

But compared to him, I think that you who devote all your energy to the rune system will definitely achieve higher achievements on this path in the future.

This is your biggest advantage compared to Sugu. "

"What you have to do now is not to regard Sugu as an opponent who is about to replace you, but to regard him as a goal to spur you on.

With such a goal, I believe your achievements will be even higher in the future. "

"You, Yanxia, ​​must be the first supernatural warrior born in the human world!"

After hearing what Jia Xiudao said, Yan Xia lowered her head and thought for a moment. After a while, her dull eyes regained their sparkle.

She moved her body away from the wall she was leaning on, took a long breath, and looked at Jia Xiudao with firm eyes, exuding full of fighting spirit.

"Teacher Jia, you are right!"

"It doesn't matter if Sugu's talent is very high, I'm not much worse than him!"

"And he not only has to practice martial arts, but also learn runes. How can the time he spends on the runes be compared to me?"

"I just need to treat him as a piece that can make my whetstone sharper!"

"The one who can become the world's first supernatural warrior must be me, Yan Xia, not him Sugu!"

Jia Xiudao looked at Yan Xia who was inspired by him again and nodded with some relief.

This is the future of the rune system that I am optimistic about.

Lan Qing also nodded. As an educator, he has always been happy to see competition between students and warriors.

This will make both sides become stronger.

"It's just..." Lan Qing gently rubbed his sunbeam when no one was paying attention.

He said secretly in his heart:

"Is it really appropriate to designate the competitor as Sugu?"

He couldn't help but think of how he looked when he was a freshman in the same class as Sugu during the freshman competition. That was really...

Thinking of this, Lan Qing couldn't help but look at Yan Xia with some sympathy, and then thought secretly in her heart:

"Probably not. After all, this practice system was born not long ago, so there shouldn't be such a big gap."

Under Lan Qing's unnoticed, worried gaze.

Yan Xia looked at Su Gu with a firm face and said:

"After he finishes his first rune system training, I will tell him in person that I want to challenge him.

I want to compete with him to see who can completely hide the runes on the supernatural power first.

This subtle state of controlling and integrating supernatural powers and runes is exactly the next state I am pursuing.

With this whetstone, I believe it won't take long for me to take this step."

Yan Xia's voice was clear and calm. She issued a letter of challenge to Su Gu in front of everyone.

At this moment, Su Gu, who was in a deep meditation state, did not hear what Yan Xia said five meters behind him.

Of course, even if he knew, Su Gu would not care at all with his personality.

His vest, the Almighty Martial God, receives countless challenge letters of various forms every day.

If he had to deal with them one by one, he would be exhausted to death.

At this moment, Su Gu was completely immersed in the joy of becoming stronger through practice.

"My condition today is exceptionally good." Su Gu said to himself in his heart.

And in his ears, a voice could not help but ring.

[Analysis of the runes of the mastered fire power. ]

[Complete one breath, fire power rune experience +77]

[Complete one breath, fire power rune experience +83]

[Complete one breath, fire power rune experience +79]


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