Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 218 Rune simplification, done!

Breathing in and out evenly again and again, Sugu kept adjusting his condition.

At this moment, he felt that he was immersed in an extremely strange state.

Sugu did not have the ability to time, but now he suddenly felt that all the movements around him were slowing down.

Not only that, his own sensitivity to those weird runes has also improved a lot.

Seventy-two different runes were combined wantonly in his mind.

It was like a pump digging underground water, constantly pumping out the supernatural power in his body.

Sugu has become increasingly proficient in the process of using runes to guide his own supernatural fire.

"Now, you can try and move towards the next realm." Sugu murmured.

Sugu took the initiative and began to reduce the use of runes.

I began to deliberately reduce the number of runes I used while ensuring the stability of my ability to guide myself.

All of these have brought about some brand new changes in the flames he guided out of his body.

"Look, the runes that make up Sugu's supernatural fire have been reduced a lot."

Liu Guang pointed to the ring of fire surrounding Sugu and said in great surprise.

After hearing these words, everyone who had just focused on Sugu once again set their eyes on the ring of fire around him.

"That's true." Lan Qing looked at the superpower fire that reduced the runes, his face full of wonder.

As the most important founder of the rune system, he naturally understands what this means.

It was only the first time he faced runes, but Sugu was already trying to reduce the number of runes that guided his own abilities.

This is to hide runes and abilities, one step ahead!

Sugu has actually come this far in such a short period of time!

Thinking of this, Lan Qing once again cast his sympathetic eyes on Yan Xia, who had just publicly clamored to challenge Sugu.

"It's really hard to challenge anyone, but I have to choose this monster."

"She will probably be hit all the time next, and I don't know if she can accept it."

At this moment, Yan Xia looked at the ring of fire around Su Gu. It was clear that there was no temperature on it, but it seemed as if her whole body was being burned.

At this moment, Yan Xia's energy and blood surged up, and her whole person became like a red and warm tortoise.

"As expected of an opponent I recognize, it's great. Only in this way can it give me motivation."

Jia Xiudao looked at Yan Xia and shook his head in pain.

Although the runes have been simplified, Yan Xia has already achieved it.

But that took her almost half a year.

And how long did this Sugu take? Is there an hour?

Yan Xia is a genius, but what she met this time was simply a monster and a pervert! Not human.

“But fortunately, Yan Xia’s understanding of runes is still at a leading level.

It won't take long. I believe that under the stimulation of today's events, Yan Xia will definitely become stronger. "


Jia Xiudao firmly believed in his heart.


[Complete one breath, fire power rune experience +98]

[Complete one breath, fire power rune experience +87]

[Complete one breath, fire power rune experience +83]

[Complete one breath, fire power rune experience +102]

With each breath, oxygen flowed in and out of Sugu's nasal cavity evenly.

At the same time, in his ears, familiar voices kept ringing.

Countless inspirations related to spiritual practice burst out in his mind.

"The simplification of runes to this extent is already the current limit."

"What should I do next to increase the power of the power without being able to increase the level of the power quickly?"

Countless ideas poured out, and Su Gu took advantage of his current excellent cultivation state to quickly experiment one by one.

Some ideas are right, and many more are wrong.

As Sugu kept experimenting, the flames around him also changed.

The originally blazing and dazzling ring of fire surrounding him was constantly changing.

Sometimes it becomes a little dim, sometimes it shrinks a lot, and sometimes it seems as if it is about to become a series.

And Sugu, who was in a deep state of meditation, was in a very bad state, his face was as pale as gold paper.

"The state of Sugu Flame is already unstable." Jia Xiudao said with a hint of excitement in his words.

Yan Xia on the side also had a glint of excitement flashing in her eyes at this moment.

Fortunately, this Sugu is not a flawless person.

I still have a chance to defeat him!

Among all the people present, only Lan Qing shook his head silently.

Among the people present, only he, as the most important founder of the rune system, could vaguely understand it.

Every change of the Sugu flame represents the meaning.

Every failure brought him a few steps closer to success.

Now Sugu is sprinting madly towards the end point he wants to reach.

"Hurry, hurry up and capture that feeling."

Sugu relied on his strong body to resist the runic backlash caused by countless failures.

At this moment, he felt that he was blindfolded and came near the goal he wanted to achieve.

He clearly knew that what he needed was right next to him, but because he was blindfolded and didn't know the direction, he almost touched it every time.

All these caused Sugu to be constantly hit by the severe pain caused by the backlash.

But all these did not make Su Gu impatient.

He inhaled like a whale sucking water, and then slowly exhaled from his nose.

Each time he inhaled and exhaled, he was a few steps closer to his goal.

This was the calmness that the superpower brought to Su Gu. He knew that with the help of this superpower, he would definitely be able to reach the realm he wanted to reach!

At a certain moment when he tried after countless failures, Su Gu's momentum suddenly changed.

At the same time, the superpowers surrounding him also changed.

The runes that formed the shape of the flame seemed to sink into the swamp like stones, swallowed by the fire ring around Su Gu.

The strange runes seemed to have turned into firewood that helped the flame superpower burn, pushing the power of the superpower to a more terrifying level.

Obviously, the temperature of the flame at this moment was still under Su Gu's control and would not hurt anyone.

But everyone looked at the fire ring and felt as if they were in a scorching hell.

The dangerous aura emitted by this ring of fire was more than a hundred times stronger than before!

"It's done!"

Su Gu shouted in his heart. He was in a good mood at the moment.

He continued to immerse himself in the pleasure brought by his self-cultivation.

But he didn't know the shock caused by the change of his supernatural power.

In the eyes of the three people outside, it caused such a shock.

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