Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 219: Su Gu is going to end his training?

"It's actually... It's really done like this..."

Looking at this scene, Lan Qing said this in disbelief, and even his usually calm tone became a little trembling.

Using runes to control superpowers is, after all, using "external objects" to control superpowers.

The two are not so harmonious.

And let the external objects and abilities completely blend, complement each other, and burst out more powerful power.

All the people in this state laboratory only have such an effect when dissecting the leader-level alien race and observing their racial talents.

And the difference between alien races and humans is too huge. Can this ability really be reproduced in humans?

The existence of this topic itself is marked with a big question mark.

And now, this question mark has finally become a period here in Su Gu.

"Finally found a genius who can push the rune system to a new level." Lan Qing said excitedly:

"I believe Su Gu can definitely do it, and he can definitely fulfill my long-cherished wish."

Yan Xia, who was standing aside, heard this and looked at the terrifying flames surrounding Su Gu. The expression that was originally full of fighting spirit once again became confused and sluggish.

At this moment, she was like a dog that had lost its direction, and she didn't know how to face her life for a while.

Just now, she had challenged Su Gu, hoping to see who could reach this realm first.

And now, Su Gu has done it?

And the person who could push the rune system to a new realm as mentioned by Lan Qing was not Yan Xia?

How could it be? How could it be like this!

An unimaginable sense of frustration grew in her heart, making her breathless.

Finally, she couldn't bear it anymore and knelt down directly.

"How could such a monster appear in this world?" She said bitterly.

No one answered her question, and even Jia Nidao, who had been taking care of her emotions before, ignored her at this moment.

At this moment, Jia Nidao, like Yan Xia just now, showed a sluggish expression.

After a moment, he seemed to be out of control, pulling his hair frantically and saying:

"How is this possible? Am I dreaming?"

"This is fake, yes, it must be fake!"

At this moment, his originally slightly low voice became sharp and even broken because of his out-of-control emotions.

It made his voice sound a bit funny like a clown.

Liu Guang, who was standing by, saw this scene and shook his head helplessly.

At this moment, he was the calmest one among all the people.

It was not because he was not shocked that Su Gu had reached this level in such a short time.

But as a useless person who had the most superficial understanding of the rune system among all the people present, and could only use runes to draw out the supernatural power from the body.

In such a short time, Su Gu broke all kinds of records and created miracles one after another, which had long exceeded the limit of his imagination.

And he was different from Yan Xia. Facing a monster like Su Gu, he could not have the slightest intention to compete.

So after being shocked several times, he became calm instead.

Commonly known as numbness.

"These two people are father and daughter, right? Their performances are exactly the same."

Liu Guang looked at the mentally collapsed Jia Nidao and Yan Xia, and couldn't help complaining.

"They are adopted father and daughter. Yan Xia's parents are very good friends and colleagues of Jia Nidao.

And they were killed by the aliens who were sent to the dissection table in order to study the rune system.

So Yan Xia has been raised by Jia Nidao since she was a child." Lan Qing said with a smile.

At this moment, he was in a good mood, looking at Su Gu with hope and expectation.

The first time he came into contact with the rune system, he had just practiced for less than three hours, and he had already reached this realm.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, even he, Lan Qing, would think it was a fantasy and unimaginable.

"It seems that I can see the birth of the first superpower warrior before I die of old age." Lan Qing said softly.

If he said his ideal to Su Gu before, it was just a sustenance, now he really regarded Su Gu as hope.

"Teacher, in your standards, what does it take to be a superpower warrior?" Liu Guang asked curiously while looking at Lan Qing.

Lan Qing stroked his beard, and after a moment of silence, he said:

"Being able to use the rune system to build and possess three different superpowers, I think this is the most basic."

After hearing this, Liu Guang on the side took a breath.

Being able to resonate with the superpowers that he already possesses with runes and then guide them out is already difficult for Liu Guang.

And the requirement for superpower warriors is to create from scratch, and at least two? !

"This realm may have nothing to do with me." Liu Guang smiled bitterly, and then looked at Su Gu and said:

"I am afraid that even for a monster like him, it is difficult to imagine and reach the realm."

Lan Qing nodded and agreed with this sentence.

As the most important founder of the rune system, he understands how difficult it is to become the first superpower warrior.

Of course, even he can't imagine that the number of superpowers in Su Gu's body has long been plural.

“Now Su Gu’s supernatural fire has begun to fade away. I’m afraid his training has come to an end.

Soon he will come out of his deep meditative state. Lan Qing said:

"Have someone send you some more meat from the high-level starry sky aliens. He has consumed too much energy now and needs to replenish his body urgently."

Everyone watched the terrifying rings of fire gradually disappear, and after hearing Lan Qing's words, they all secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Especially the father and daughter Jia Huidao and Yan Xia, both had a bitter smile on their faces.

The two of them have been shocked too many times today.

Is it finally over now?

Jia Xiudao said: "I will ask someone to make arrangements for the alien meat."

Yan Xia continued to glance at Su Gu, with a hint of stubborn pride in her eyes.

"Even if you are extremely talented, I will never let you fall too far behind. From now on, my monthly practice time will be doubled!"


The flames surrounding Sugu had completely disappeared at this moment.

Although he no longer uses runes to activate supernatural powers, Sugu still hasn't woken up from his deep meditation state.

This made everyone present couldn't help but frown.

They gradually realized that Sugu's body was still in a tense state.

It was like a volcano about to erupt, accumulating energy.

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