Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 220 The birth of the world's first superpower warrior

After stopping the practice of fire powers, Sugu began to review his practice in his heart.

"Now, I have reached the limit of what I can achieve at this stage with the resonance between the fire power and the runes."

"If you continue to practice in this area, you will just be doing simple repetitive work."

"And my cultivation state today can be said to be excellent. It would be too wasteful to just do these things."

"In this case, do you want to try to cultivate other powers in your body?"

Sugu thought silently in his heart.

This proposal was quickly rejected by himself.

"When fighting in the virtual spirit world, I mix the five kinds of powers according to the five elements. I can still say that the five elements' precious light is my real power, so I can get through it."

"And now the researchers who are watching my practice have devoted their whole lives to the study of supernatural powers and runes."

"If I use other powers that I didn't report in front of these people, no matter what excuse I make, they will be seen through at a glance."

"When the time comes, it will be a trivial matter for the Almighty Martial God to be exposed. As the first human being to awaken more than one superpower, it is hard to say whether they can continue to regard me as a human being."

"In this case, the gain is not worth the loss."

Sugu kept thinking in his heart.

"But now that I'm in such good shape, it would be a pity to stop practicing like this."

In Sugu's mind, the scene he saw when he just entered the practice room began to emerge.

The small lightning snake around Yan Xia and Liu Guang's layer of petrified skin were fixed in his mind.

Two different powers, two different runes on the powers, every detail will appear in Sugu's eyes.


"What's going on? Is there something wrong with Sugu's practice?" Liu Guang looked at Sugu and said with a frown.

His two questions brought out the doubts in everyone's mind.

At this moment, Sugu's body could no longer see the supernatural fire.

They have already put away their supernatural powers. It stands to reason that the meditation practice can be ended long ago.

Sugu, what on earth is going on? what's going on?

"Teacher Lan Qing, why don't you try to forcefully wake up Sugu."

"I feel like he is a bit obsessed now during his martial arts practice."

"If such a genius is wasted because of something like this, it will really be a waste."

Jia Hui said on the side and suggested to Lan Qing.

At this moment, Lan Qing was also frowning. Even he had no clue how to deal with this situation.

Jia Xiudao's suggestion made him fall into deep thought. After a moment, he slowly said:

"Wait a little longer, wait ten minutes at the end. If ten minutes doesn't work, I'll force Sugu to wake up as you said."

After hearing this, everyone nodded.

No matter what attitude these people have towards Sugu himself, they are people who are willing to devote their lives to the rune system.

No one really hopes that something will happen to a genius like Sugu.

Time passed by, and ten minutes later, Sugu, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, still showed no sign of getting up.

Lan Qing frowned, nodded and said, "Force wake Sugu up."

Jia Xiudao listened, nodded, and walked cautiously towards Sugu.

He patted Sugu's shoulder with his hand.

A normal meditative state can be easily broken with just a little external force.

But when Jia Xiudao's hand patted Sugu's shoulder, an accident happened.

Boom, boom, boom!

A dull sound sounded on Sugu's shoulder as Jia Huidao struck.

That sound is definitely not a sound that the human body can make.

"what happened!"

Lan Qing exclaimed, could something really happen to Sugu?

And as everyone looked at him worriedly, Sugu's skin turned gray at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, he seemed to have become a human-shaped stone sculpture.

This is exactly the C-level power, petrified skin!

"Isn't this my superpower!" Liu Guang exclaimed.

He thought he wouldn't be shocked by Sugu's incident today, but at this moment, his power was broken.

Jia Xiudao, who was closest to Sugu, jumped suddenly like a frightened animal.

"This...how is this possible? Isn't his power a fire power?"

Everyone looked at Sugu's skin that turned gray and felt that they were about to become petrified.

Isn’t this Liu Guang’s superpower? Why does Sugu also use it? And isn’t his super power fire?

So what happened?

Everyone looked at Liu Guang and then at Sugu, their eyes full of confusion.

They did not realize that Sugu had used runes to successfully construct the petrification ability.

Everyone present now, because at this moment, their brains were hit too hard, they fell into a "stuck" state of sluggishness.

"He, Sugu, succeeded in possessing the second superpower, and he took that step!"

After a moment, Instructor Lan Qing was the first to react. His whole face turned red, and he danced his hands happily without even caring about his past image.

After everyone heard Lan Qing's judgment clearly, their eyes widened.

But at this moment, another change occurred.

A "cracking" sound began to sound on Sugu's gray skin.

Snakes made of lightning began to appear around his body.

Looking at the swimming lightning, everyone's face fell into deep thought.

"Just a glance, and successfully reproduced Yanxia and my superpowers?" Liu Guang murmured:

"This is not going to let people live!"

"Good, good, good!"

Lan Qing, who was standing aside, waved his arms vigorously, and he didn't look like an old man at all.

It seemed that he couldn't express his excitement without doing this.

Although he invited Su Gu to come here, he had high expectations for him.

But Su Gu easily exceeded his expectations in less than three hours here.

Now the realm that Su Gu has reached has exceeded his own imagination, and far exceeded his expectations.

"Maybe in my lifetime, I can really see the day when Su Gu will carry forward this rune system."

"By then, superpower warriors will be everywhere like warriors of the other four professions." Lan Qing thought excitedly.

Then, he looked at Jia Nidao beside him and said:

"Jia Nidao, help me record the experimental log."

"Time, June 1, 314th year of the Federation Calendar."

"Location, the underground superpower and rune laboratory of Starry Sky Martial Arts University."

"In human history, the first superpower warrior was born at this moment."

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