When Su Gu finished speaking, Liu Guang just finished his practice.

He stood up and looked at Sugu, with water sparkling in his eyes.


He said nothing more, knelt down directly towards Sugu, kowtowed seriously:

"Brother Su, Master Su, thank you for your kindness."

Seeing this, Su Gu raised his eyebrows and quickly stepped forward to help Liu Guang up.

"What are you doing? When I didn't understand anything before, didn't you teach me how to get started? Neither of us owes anything to the other."

Liu Guang looked at Sugu and said with shame on his face:

"Brother Su, are you kidding? How can the things I told you compare to what you gave me."

"Do you know what you just gave me? The hope of promotion."

Seeing that Liu Guang still refused to get up, Sugu directly lifted him up with his hands.

Liu Guang, who had cultivated in the Soul Shaping Realm, was actually lifted up by Su Gu with one hand, which made everyone present slightly twitch their brows again.

"I just showed you the way, I didn't give you the blood of a foreign race that can improve your abilities."

"You should leave this kind of kneeling ceremony to your parents. I can't bear it."

Seeing this, Liu Guang stopped struggling. After standing up, he bowed deeply in the direction of Sugu and left.

This time, Sugu didn't stop him.

"Can I get such guidance after just teaching basic things?" Yan Xia felt extremely sour at this moment.

Sugu had clearly reproduced his own powers just now, but he didn't pay much attention to himself. This must be the reason.

"Obviously Lan Qing asked me to introduce Sugu at the beginning. Why didn't I insist anymore? Why should I be so impatient?"

Yan Xia felt extremely regretful at this moment.

And Jia Xiudao's heart was also sour at this moment.

He once invited many trustworthy martial arts geniuses and wanted them to try to comprehend the runes.

But the current situation is that his adopted daughter Yanxia is the most talented among them.

This made him stubbornly believe that rune talent and martial arts talent were incompatible.

Now it seems that it is very likely that the runes they found are not comprehensive. This resulted in those martial arts geniuses being completely unable to comprehend.

This was the reason why Yan Xia was regarded as a rare genius.

"Damn it!" He cursed angrily in his heart.

Jia Huidao felt that everything he experienced today was like a dream.

Of course, this is a nightmare.

"How on earth did you do that?"

At this moment, Lan Qing finally couldn't suppress the curiosity in his heart. He looked at Sugu in surprise and asked:

"Why are you able to discover powers that we haven't noticed during your practice? Is there any skill behind it?"

As a researcher, he was really curious about Sugu's method of finding new runes.

Everyone on the side immediately pricked up their ears and listened carefully to the conversation between the two.

They are also full of curiosity about this matter.

"It's actually very simple." Sugu spread his palms and said without any intention of hiding anything:

“Like putting together a jigsaw puzzle, when all the surrounding patterns are put together except for the last piece, it becomes obvious what the answer is.”

"This is how I found the remaining runes of the petrification power."

"Actually, I'm also curious as to why you can't do it."

After hearing these words, everyone's expressions began to twitch.

This is a rune used to connect superpowers. Could it be the same thing as the puzzle you mentioned?

But the desire to complain crazily in their hearts gradually dissipated when they looked at Sugu's natural and extremely sincere expression.

They vaguely realized that Sugu might have really given everything to him without any reservation.

This made them even more desperate.

"Maybe this is the real genius."

Jia Xiudao let out a long sigh and said helplessly:

"Even if he wants to teach us, we mortals can't understand it."

Yan Xia and Liu Guang had the same bitter smile on their faces.

They are the ones who can best understand how perverted Sugu's natural words really are.

Sugu looked at these people and touched his nose helplessly.

Is it really that difficult?

Just take a few breaths and increase your understanding of the rune system, and that's it.

"By the way, Sugu, can you please suspend your practice these days?"

"I hope you can help us study the runes."

"With your help, we researchers wouldn't have to face dangerous alien races every day."

"It can greatly improve the safety of personnel and laboratories."

Suddenly, Jia Huidao seemed to have remembered something, and walked towards Sugu excitedly and said.

After hearing this, Sugu touched his head in embarrassment.

He had just come into contact with a new practice system, and when he was in high spirits, he didn't want to waste a second of practice time.

When Jia Huidao saw this, he gritted his teeth and suddenly knelt on the ground.

As someone who has lived in this laboratory all year round, he knows what safety means and what its value is.

Yan Xia's parents were killed by a leader-level alien race who managed to break free while studying runes.

"I know there was some unpleasantness between us before, and I hope I can make you forgive me by doing this."

Yanxia saw her adoptive father like this, thinking of her dead parents, and also sighed, and walked to Jia Nidao and knelt down together.

"If...if Su Gu could have appeared earlier, would my parents not have died?"

Yanxia murmured this sentence.

But no one, including Jia Nidao, could answer his question.

"Tong Su Gu...ah, no, Mr. Su Gu." Jia Nidao looked at Su Gu and said incoherently:

"Please come and assist us in our research. With your help, we can avoid many casualties in the future."

"Maybe my previous words and actions made you unhappy. I sincerely apologize to you now."


Seeing this, Yan Xia on the side also gritted her teeth and said:

"I beg you too. Just think of it as helping us to avoid the same victims as my parents in the future."

After hearing these words, Su Gu sighed helplessly:

"Teacher Jia, why are you doing this?"

"Since this research room is related to Teacher Lan Qing, if there are any difficulties, I will naturally do my best to help."

"It's just that I still want to study and practice for a while, not to reject you."

After hearing Su Gu's affirmative answer, the two of them let out a long sigh.

At the same time, their good impression of Su Gu increased in their hearts.

It would be terrible if their behavior pushed a genius like Su Gu to the opposite side.

Fortunately, Su Gu is a nice guy and easy to talk to.

Fortunately, he has a close relationship with Lan Qing.

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