Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 224 Starry Sky Martial Arts University Team

In the next few months, Su Gu helped analyze runes in the laboratory.

In order to prevent him from being distracted by other miscellaneous things, Lan Qing took the initiative to help Su Gu submit an application for a long vacation to Xingkong Martial Arts University.

The general content was to directly tell Xingkong Martial Arts University that Su Gu would not go to school for classes in the next few months.

I hope the school will not give him any punishment, and at the same time give him all the credits and scholarships he deserves.

If an ordinary person submits such an application, it is basically the same as telling the school that I want to drop out.

But the applicant of this application document is Su Gu's name, and the guarantor is Lan Qing.

This makes everything special.

This special application that an ordinary student would never be able to apply for at Xingkong Martial Arts University was almost approved by Su Gu.

So in the following days, Su Gu never went to school again. He concentrated on following Lan Qing in various places in the laboratory and carefully studied and explored basic runes.

During this time, Su Gu got to know other researchers in the laboratory.

At first, when these people realized that there were other ways to obtain basic runes besides dissecting alien races, their faces showed expressions like they were listening to a fairy tale.

As Su Gu constructed basic runes one after another, these people's attitudes immediately changed.

They looked at Su Gu with respect and awe.

The new research method developed by Su Gu allowed them to dissect the terrifying star alien race without risking their lives for research.

Although everyone here has the awareness of sacrificing their lives for this research, after all, before that time comes, everyone wants to live a little longer.

Everyone here owes Su Gu a big favor.

In addition, during this period, the tense and hostile relationship between Su Gu and Yan Xia and Liu Guang gradually became harmonious as time went by.

After all, Su Gu himself does not bear grudges, and his strength and talent are enough to overwhelm these two.

Yan Xia and Liu Guang are not stupid. For inexplicable reasons, they are really brain-chewing by the alien race if they are not willing to get along with Su Gu.

Therefore, the three of them could often be seen in the canteen in the laboratory, eating nutritious but difficult-to-swallow food while discussing the topic of runes and superpowers.

With the help of these two people, Su Gu had a deeper understanding of the two new superpowers, the Razer and the Petrification.

This leisurely time of practice became a rare and beautiful memory for Su Gu.


One day four months later,

Su Gu was suddenly called to his personal research room by Lan Qing.

At first, Su Gu thought that this was the same as usual, and Lan Qing was looking for him routinely to discuss other possibilities of the rune system.

What he didn't expect was that the first sentence Lan Qing said made Su Gu stunned.

"This time, someone outside wants you to go out." Lan Qing said: "It was Cheng Ziwen's request on behalf of Xingwu."

Listening to the unwilling tone in this sentence, it is obvious that Lan Qing is neither willing nor reluctant to this request.

If you think about it, you can understand that during the time Su Gu stayed here, all the research in the laboratory can be said to be in full bloom.

If it was not a last resort, he would never let Su Gu leave.

"What does the principal want to talk to me about?" Su Gu asked curiously.

It must be something really important to let Lan Qing go.

Lan Qing glanced at Su Gu and said helplessly:

"One thing is that I hope you can show up in front of all the teachers and students in the school. After all, what you did in the Star Air Brigade has been rated as a human hero. As a result, you haven't appeared in the school for more than four months. It's really not appropriate."

"The second thing is that because of you, many geniuses from other schools choose to transfer to Xingwu University to study.

Some are people you saved in the Star Air Brigade. Some admire your character.

Among them, there are two talented little guys who are particularly obsessed with you. I hope you can give them a face."

When he said this, Lan Qing paused, and an unwilling expression appeared on his face.

Su Gu immediately understood that the third thing he said next was the key point for Lan Qing to decide to let go.

"The last thing is that the Solar System College Martial Arts Competition is about to begin. The school hopes to hear your opinion on the selection of the school team."

Solar System College Martial Arts Competition?

After hearing this, Su Gu was slightly stunned and continued:

"Is this martial arts competition so important? Isn't this just a battle between schools? What can it decide?"

After hearing this, Lan Qing rolled his eyes and said:

"You really don't care about anything except cultivation."

"The Solar System College Martial Arts Competition is hosted by the top ten families and the Human Federation, the top forces in the human world every year."

"The reason behind this is that the distribution of interests between these behemoths cannot be solved directly by war.

That's why the younger generation will come forward and use their battles to decide the distribution of some sensitive resources."

"And according to the rumors I heard, this year's college martial arts competition seems to be particularly important.

Do you think these people can not care?"

Hearing the words "top ten families", Su Gu frowned deeply.

Some very bad memories came to his mind.

"Don't be nervous. The top ten families are not united. They also have conflicts with each other."

"The host family of this conference is the Mo family, which has the worst relationship with the Ju family, and the venue is on Earth.

Here, the Starry Sky Martial Arts University is still capable of protecting the safety of students."

After hearing this, Su Gu nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll take the time to win the championship."

Hearing Su Gu's speech, Lan Qing smiled.

If it were a few months ago, he would definitely think that this young man didn't know the height of the world.

The teams sent out by the top ten families every year are composed of a group of real monsters.

And this year, which is particularly important, I'm afraid these families will devote all their resources to train participating members.

Who can despise these monsters?

But now, after spending a month with Su Gu, he clearly understands how terrifying this young man is.

I'm afraid that the so-called monsters of the top ten families are really just docile sheep in front of him.

"Since you entered the school, except for the freshman class, you have not attended any professional class of any teacher. It is indeed time to go out." Lan Qing said lightly.

After listening to this, Su Gu touched his nose helplessly.

After the freshman competition, he fought with aliens in the Starry Sky Air Brigade. Then after the fight, he has been studying runes here with Lan Qing.

Speaking of which, except for a few people, Su Gu has been in this Starry Sky Martial Arts University for half a year, and he knows no more than ten people.

It is indeed time to move around.

"By the way, Teacher Lan Qing, the second thing you mentioned, who are the two people who transferred to Starry Sky Martial Arts University because of me?"

Lan Qing said: "One is called Arnold, and the other is called Yue Yuzhong."

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