"Damn, I forgot my phone."

Sugu, who had just come out of the laboratory and walked several kilometers, held his forehead and said.

After spending several months in the underground laboratory, he had become accustomed to not having any electronic equipment on him.

So much so that he suddenly left and left behind something that belonged to him.

Sugu looked at the vast Xingkong Martial Arts University campus and rubbed his head with a headache.

"It's not easy to decide on the last class. It's also my first time taking a professional class at Xingwu University. I don't want to be late."

"But the entry procedures for the rune laboratory are too cumbersome. It's too late to go back and get your phone now."

"And if you don't have a mobile phone, you can't ask for a hover car to take you to the command academy, and the use of combat skills is prohibited in the academy.

Otherwise, I could just use the S-level step combat skill to fly over. "

"It seems that the only way forward is to run."

After thinking for a while, Sugu immediately decided on a plan. Then he took a deep breath and kicked his feet hard towards the ground. His whole body rushed on the ground like a cannonball.

Looking at Kuai Kuai, only a few afterimages could be seen on the sidewalk, and pedestrians along the road frowned.

"Who! Do you have a sense of public morality? Don't you know that the use of combat skills is prohibited in public areas?"

"Although that man ran very fast, the fluctuations in his soul power were extremely stable. Maybe others did not use combat skills."

"You mean, he reached such a terrifying speed without using any supernatural powers or combat skills? Are you kidding me?"

"Did you feel that the man who just ran over looked familiar? He seemed... he seemed..."

"Holy shit, he's Sugu! No wonder it's so fast!

He is a graduate of our Xingwu University, a human hero! "


After a heated discussion, many people along the way confirmed Sugu's identity.

Those who just condemned the use of combat skills in public areas now immediately changed their expressions.

"Is this the personality and strength of a top genius?

The school obviously has free hover scooters, but it still has to run on its own.

Sure enough, there are some fundamental differences between geniuses and us mortals. "

"It is rumored that Sugu is very diligent in his practice. Maybe what he is doing now is some kind of practice."

"Practice, what can you cultivate by running?"

"We ordinary people, don't try to figure out what the master is thinking. If you want to become stronger, just follow suit!"


Amid a burst of exclamations, the discussion about Sugu gradually went sideways.

Gradually, it became a group of students calling for friends, asking people to come over and follow Sugu for a soulless run.

Sugu naturally noticed that a group of runners followed him at some point.

But he was in a hurry to go to class, so he didn't bother to explain it with his mouth.

But the running speed started to get faster. Start using speed to throw these people away.


When Sugu entered school, the Command Department of the Command Academy he applied for was recognized by Star Martial Arts University as the most useless college and the most useless major.

This is an area specially designed to accommodate rich people in some places who want to give their children a level of wealth.

To put it simply, if you have money, you can get it.

Also because these people are so useless, the Command Academy is the only academy within the Starry Sky Martial Arts University that is equipped with a security system and security guards.

After all, with the basic quality of the students here, if they had a conflict with people from other colleges, they might really be beaten to death.

So just isolate them.

"It's class time now at the Command Academy."

"Which college are you a student from? What are you doing in our command college?"

As for Sugu, he was stopped by an old guard with gray hair, imposing manner, and thermal imaging mechanical eyes on his blind eyes as soon as he arrived at the gate of the college.

Looking at the military uniform lining the old man's security uniform, Sugu said in a gentle tone.

"I asked for leave before, so I haven't come to class. Also, I'm not familiar with the roads here at the Command Academy, so I got lost for a while. Please let me in, sir."

"Ask for leave? Don't you know the way yet? Do you think I'm old and easy to fool?"

My mechanical eye can display the heat distribution of soul power in a living being. Our college has never had a student as strong as you.

You must be a student from another college and want to sneak into the Command College to cause trouble. "

"That's not true, uncle, you believe me." Sugu said with a headache.

The guard's mechanical eyes flickered, and after a moment he said:

"In that case, tell me your teacher's name, and I'll call him to confirm if he has you as a student."

Sugu said helplessly: "I actually don't know the teacher's name. I have never had a class since the beginning of the school year."

"Are you entertaining me?" the guard said angrily:

"If someone does this, he will probably be expelled from Star Martial Arts University!"

"But I am really a student here, and I have never taken classes here, so I shouldn't be expelled." Sugu explained with a headache.

And just as Sugu kept explaining to the guard, a huge army of followers who had been following him finally caught up.

Boom, boom, boom!

Listening to the sound of footsteps and the group of people behind him, the guard's expression completely changed.

The eyes looking at Sugu were full of alertness.

"I knew you were up to no good. There are so many people following you, wanting to cause trouble with you."

"I can understand that you warriors are hot-blooded, but it's too much to cause trouble like this."

As he spoke, he picked up the pager, ready to call the dean of the command academy to come over for additional support.

Su Gu's expression twitched, and he completely gave up on explaining now.

Just as the security guard pressed the dial button, the people who had been running with Su Gu suddenly said:

"Damn, Brother Su Gu, you are running too fast. Can you tell us what this kind of running has to do with cultivation?"

"Don't tell me, running in this state without soul power, I feel that my whole state has been adjusted to an excellent state. Maybe this is the effect."

"Brother Su Gu is really awesome. How did he find such a novel method of cultivation?"


Listening to the voice behind him, Su Gu turned his head expressionlessly and said:

"I just ran over to attend class. There is nothing much to do."

At this moment, the phone that the security guard had already connected suddenly slipped, and he seemed to be petrified and motionless.

Then he adjusted the mechanical eye again, turned off the thermal imaging mode, and switched to the normal photosensitive mode.

At that moment, he saw Su Gu's appearance clearly.

It was exactly the same as on TV and in the commendation photo on the school's official website.

After a moment, he shouted from the audience.


"You are the Su Gu who was jointly commended by several top families in the Human Federation?!"

"Oh my God, how come you are studying here at the Command Academy."

Su Gu opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but didn't know where to start.

"These are not important. You can just sign my name on my coat.

My granddaughter likes you very much."

"By the way, do you want to meet my granddaughter? Although she is only 15 now, she is very beautiful."

Su Gu was silent for a while before slowly saying:

"Uncle, can you let me in first?"


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