Command Department, Interstellar Expedition Ship Operation Command Class.

The teacher named Zhu vigorously knocked on the projection screen and said:

"Don't be idle all day long, just thinking about getting by."

"Although our command system is not popular in the job market now, and its recognition in society is not high enough."

"But in the future, we humans will eventually go to the stars and the sea again. We are now preparing for the future of humanity."

The teacher named Zhu Xing's voice was hoarse, but the students under the stage were still listening to songs and playing games, and everyone was carefree and no one paid attention to him.

One of the thin, white boys yawned and said, "It's still the stars and the sea. Lao Zhu really knows how to joke. Do you believe what he says?"

“Since mankind’s last space expedition attracted the attention of the alien races in the stars, it almost brought annihilation to the race.

All human technologies for interstellar travel have come to a standstill.

Now even interstellar battleships that can reach 50% of the speed of light have their annihilation engines dismantled and placed in history museums.

Crossing the Star Sea can only be the privilege of powerful warriors and has nothing to do with us. "

Although his words don't sound good, they are the current situation of the command system and even mankind.

No one who attends classes here, whether students or teachers, can see the slightest hope.

At this moment, there was a commotion outside their teaching building.

"Holy crap, what happened? Was it an earthquake?"

This group of people ignored the teacher who was still in class and got up and came to the window to see what was going on.

When they saw a group of students from other colleges lining up in a huge queue approaching their command college, they all showed stunned expressions.

"What are these people doing? If we want to wipe out our academy, we won't need so many people."

Thinking of this, the expressions on these people's faces showed a hint of nervousness.

After all, Star Martial Arts University just picks up random passers-by and beats them up like a tiger beating a cat.

Seeing so many people coming now, how could these people not be nervous.

"It's okay. The man outside the door, Lao Zhang, has done his duty. He is from the army, so these people don't dare to cause trouble."

Someone said something like this in a comforting way.

As soon as they finished speaking, the door of the command academy was opened directly.

That group of impressive people, followed by a leading brother, directly broke into the command academy.

"Damn! Lao Zhang is doing something wrong. Why do you let so many people from other colleges in?"

"With so many people, it's enough to bloodbath our command academy. What on earth are they going to do?"

"Lao Zhu, think of a way, Lao Zhu."

This group of command students said slightly nervously in the noisy atmosphere.

Now they feel as if a tiger suddenly came into their own home.

To say that I am not afraid is completely impossible.

The professional course teacher named Zhu Xing, who had been standing in front of the podium, also frowned and ran to the window.

Looking at the huge flow of people outside the command college, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Then he took out his cell phone and tried to contact the school's security department.

But just when he was about to dial, his hand suddenly stopped.

A luxuriously styled hover car descended from the sky, blocking the flow of people who were about to break into the teaching building.

At such a scene, Shang Zhu Xing let out a long breath.

"The dean is here."

These four words he said made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

“Even the dean of our command academy is back?

Either he was trading stocks in the office every day, or he was on vacation on the moon. What happened today? He was actually back. "

"Maybe it's just a coincidence. It seems that we are quite lucky. The terrorist attack on our command college was exposed just like this."

The people in the command system, who were originally worried, finally calmed down at this moment.

Although the dean of the Command Academy must be the least powerful and useless among the deans of Star Martial Arts University.

But even so, it is not something that ordinary students can offend.

Now that the dean is here, these people who break into the college will definitely be punished.

Just when everyone was thinking this, the scene that happened next shocked everyone.

I saw the dean coming out of the luxurious private hover car and trotting all the way to the leader of the intruding students.

Standing side by side with him affectionately, talking passionately.

Although these people couldn't hear what the dean was saying. But looking at his body language, it was obvious that he was quite affectionate.

On the contrary, the one he approached, the leader of the students who broke into the outer courtyard, seemed a little cautious.

"Holy crap, who is this guy's background? Who offended him?"

"Whoever has offended this great god can get out quickly? Just don't spill blood on us when you die."

Seeing this situation, these command students immediately started talking loudly.

At this moment, the teacher named Zhu Xing had a look of deep thought on his face.

There are only a few students in the entire school who can be treated like this by the school dean.

Among them, only one of them is related to their command academy.

"This person can't be Sugu." Zhu Xing said doubtfully.

Sugu? !

After hearing this, everyone was stunned.

"What a joke, why would such a great god come to our command department? We, a bunch of small shrimps, have no chance to offend him even if we want to."

"Damn, this is a great god commended by the Human Federation.

It is said that Arnold, the top genius of Kaiyang Martial Arts University, transferred directly to our school because of him."

"Why did he come here?"

After hearing this, everyone in the command department talked about it.

Zhu Xing coughed a few times, and then whispered:

"In fact, when Su Gu entered school, he applied for the command department."

After Zhu Xing finished speaking, the whole class fell into silence.

This kind of quiet classroom atmosphere, he took his hands and took countless lessons before, but he couldn't achieve it.

And now, because of this sentence, these people completely quieted down.

"Teacher, are you kidding? How could someone like Su Gu apply for the command department like us?" The thin white boy murmured.

And just when Zhu Xing wanted to answer, with a thumping sound of footsteps.

The door of the classroom was opened.

The one who opened the door was the dean of the Command Academy, who had always been a hands-off boss and was elusive.

When he opened the door, he respectfully made a gesture of invitation.

"Everyone welcomes student Su Gu." The dean said with a smile.

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