Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 227 The future belongs to the sea of ​​stars

"Everyone welcomes Sugu," the dean said with a smile.

Sugu, who was standing behind him, had a stiff expression on his face.

He glanced at the dean and the guard beside him.

Then he turned his head and looked at the students from other departments who had been following him in a huge crowd.

Finally, he sighed helplessly and walked into the classroom with a stiff expression.

Looking at this moment, his classmates from the same department had a dull expression on their faces.

"Hello, teachers and classmates, I'm sorry, I really just wanted to attend the class normally, and I didn't expect that it would turn into this situation."

"I didn't mean to disturb anyone."

Sugu said apologetically while touching his nose helplessly.

Even he himself has somewhat underestimated his own influence.

When he was only in his first year of college, he was able to make a move that made the Human Federation and several other major families jointly commend him and designate him as a young human hero.

Such a person, even in Xingkong Martial Arts University, is an out-and-out legend!

Sugu is now an idol figure in the school.

"It's okay, I believe you didn't mean it, Sugu-kun."

"Now hurry up and take your seats, we will start class soon."

Zhu Xing, the professional course teacher on the side, quickly said to Sugu after being stunned for a moment.

Sugu nodded, then glanced at the classroom.

The seats in the back row have been filled, and only the front row is empty.

Sugu had no choice and naturally sat in the front row.

But until Sugu sat down, no one in the originally noisy classroom spoke.

It wasn't until these people actually saw Sugu's back appearing in front of them that they truly felt that what they were seeing was real.

Everyone couldn't help but gasped.

Ordinary students follow spontaneously without anyone stopping them.

The vicious doorman looked like he wanted to make friends with him.

A dean took the initiative to open the door for a student.

This incident actually happened in front of these people, and it shocked them all to numbness.

There is only one person in the entire school who has such qualifications.

Sugu is really a student of their command department, and he is sitting in front of them now.

"Teacher Zhu, I am Liu Hongxin, a student at Warrior Academy. Can I listen here?"

"Teacher Zhu, I am Zheng Zhi from the Assassin Academy. I also want to listen."

"I am Xu Yanbing who is heavily armed..."


As Sugu sat down, the students from other schools who had followed them and ran all the way over were now rushing to speak.

Looking at the anxious look, if the dean of the command department and the professional teachers were not here, they would have rushed in directly.

At this time, the command team on the side immediately realized that these people were preparing to grab the seat next to Sugu in the front row!

"Damn it, these people from the outer courtyard are shameless! This is our classroom!"

Among the students in the command department, some people immediately said angrily.

But some people with quick thinking got up and changed their positions to the front row.

"The dean and Lao Zhu are blocking it there. They can't come in yet, so I'll take my seat first."

This move made the atmosphere in the already noisy classroom even more chaotic.

No wonder these people are like this. For these ordinary students,

Maybe this is the closest opportunity they have in their lifetime to become a future legend.

Even if they just take the time to take a photo, they can show it off to their descendants later.


The noisy classroom atmosphere ended when Sugu promised to take photos with these students one by one after class.

The classroom became quiet again, and this time everyone was waiting seriously for the teacher to teach.

Zhu Xing, a professional course teacher, walked up to the podium with an embarrassed expression on his face.

As a teacher, he is naturally happy to be able to maintain such a quiet classroom atmosphere.

But in this atmosphere, no one paid attention to him as a teacher.

All the students' eyes were looking in Sugu's direction like sunflowers facing the sun.

"Ahem." Zhu Xing coughed a few times, dispelling the embarrassment in his heart and breaking the excessively quiet environment in the classroom.

He looked at Sugu and asked him nervously:

"Student Sugu, can you tell me why you suddenly chose to come here to take professional courses?"

"Are you particularly interested in the command and control course of the interstellar expedition ship?"

"Also, with your ability, you can choose from other majors in Xingwu University.

Why do you have to come to the command department? "

The sudden question made Sugu's face twitch.

How to answer?

It can't be said that it's because I entered this school and never came to class, thinking that it would have a bad impact, so I came here.

In fact, I have no idea what this class is about.

As for the second question, it is even more nonsense for Sugu.

He chose to apply for the command department because it was convenient to apply for other combat skills to learn. He didn't care at all about what the professional courses were about.

"Can the truth of these things be told in front of so many people?"

Sugu looked around and saw the expectant eyes of so many commanding students.

He deeply understands the sadness of public figures.

Su Gu's smile froze for a moment, and then he said the answer he had thought about:

"Yes, both the command class of the interstellar fleet and the command department itself have special meanings to me."

"Back then, the dark age of interstellar expeditions opened up for mankind, and the development of interstellar expedition technology entered a comprehensive contraction stage.

This is particularly sad in my opinion."

"This is also wrong."

Su Gu's words shocked everyone present.

"The future of mankind has infinite possibilities, but no matter how glorious the future looks, if ordinary people cannot travel freely in the galaxy.

In my eyes, it is all gray."

"Humanity belongs to the sea of ​​stars, and will definitely sail to the sea of ​​stars again in the future."

"Never give up a beautiful future because of a little pain brought by aliens."

"So I chose the command department, so I chose to take this class."

Su Gu's calm and firm words spread in this tiered classroom.

The faces of those who listened to this were all in a trance.

The future of mankind, the sea of ​​stars.

What a beautiful word.

These words can actually be associated with the command department of them who just eat and wait for death.

Clap, clap, clap!

After a moment, the dean of the command academy took the lead and stood up to applaud Su Gu.

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