Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 228 Bai Yujing is looking for you

"Well, that's great!"

The Dean of the Conducting Academy stood up and cheered for what Su Gu had just said.

The Dean's applause aroused the others who had been in a state of confusion at the beginning.

Soon, other students in the lecture hall also stood up and applauded for what Su Gu had just said.

Among them, the thin white boy who originally despised the Conducting Department course applauded the most excitedly.

"That's great. I never thought that I could look at my major from such a perspective.

Su Gu, you have rekindled my confidence in the future."

And those students from other colleges who did not belong to the Conducting Department also had aftertaste on their faces.

They kept recalling Su Gu's deafening speech just now.

"I'm suddenly interested in the command department now. I've decided to take this course next semester."

"'Humanity belongs to the sea of ​​stars, and we will definitely sail to the sea of ​​stars again in the future.'

'We must never give up a beautiful future just because of a little pain brought by aliens.'

So romantic, worthy of being the genius of our school, with a long-term vision."

"Which man can resist the temptation of the mysterious universe?"

Then, the dean looked at the students around him and said:

"Just now I saw someone recording with a mobile phone, send me what Su Gu just said, and I will use it to make a promotional video for the recruitment of the command department this year."


Su Gu looked at this situation and touched his nose awkwardly.

Is this the celebrity effect?

Just saying some chicken soup from a marketing account can have this effect.

All students' interest in learning was aroused by Su Gu's words.

Everyone's eyes began to move from Su Gu to Zhu Xing, the professional teacher of this class.

Zhu Xing, who noticed this, began to become nervous at this moment.

I was just talking about an ordinary course to earn credits, how come the theme has suddenly been elevated so much?

How can I teach next? I feel that everything I say will lower the tone.

Su Gu, I didn't offend you, why do you treat me like this!

At this moment, in Zhu Xing's heart, the excitement of seeing Su Gu coming to his class at the beginning, the excitement of the loose students changing their learning attitude, began to turn into full of resentment.

"Okay, everyone keep quiet. Let's look forward to what kind of wonderful course Teacher Zhu will bring us."

Zhu Xing's resentment reached its peak as the dean of the Conducting Academy, his leader, sat next to the podium and looked at him expectantly.


This professional course of the Conducting Department may be the most efficient class in this academy in the past ten years.

Under the pressure of the dean's eyes, the teacher who taught the class used all his skills to try to make his class sound more interesting.

And those ordinary students of the Conducting Department who originally had no hope and expectation for the future.

Inspired by Su Gu's words, no one was absent in class.

They all stood up straight, holding pens in their hands and writing down notes.

From time to time, someone reached out his hand and asked Zhu Xing his own ideas and questions.

This was completely unimaginable before.


When the bell rang, Zhu Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't know how long it had been since he felt this way. The bell sounded so pleasant.

Feeling that the dean had been standing by his side, staring into his eyes, Zhu Xing felt that he could finally be liberated.

At this time, Su Gu, who had been silent, suddenly said:

"Teacher Zhu, can you say a little more? I also want to know more about the command array of the Star Expedition Ship. How to arrange the array to reduce the space resistance to the greatest extent."

Once you study a subject seriously and have some interest in it. Su Gu is very eager to get to the bottom of what he is really learning.

No way, you're still here?

Zhu Xing wailed in his heart.

And the other ordinary students sitting behind Su Gu also responded.

"That's right, Teacher Zhu, we also want to listen more."

"The teacher said this class very well, let's postpone it for a while."

"We also have a lot of questions, and we want to ask you, Teacher Zhu."


Listening to the series of questions and feeling the eyes of the dean on the side. Zhu Xing felt his scalp tingling and he was about to explode.

And just when Zhu Xing was standing there like a zombie.

There was a sudden knock on the door outside the classroom.

"Excuse me, is classmate Su Gu in there? I have something to ask you."

A clear and pleasant female voice sounded outside the door.

Then the classroom door was pushed open, and Bai Yujing, dressed in black, walked in from outside.

"Looking for me? What's the matter?" Su Gu asked immediately when he saw the senior sister coming.

Bai Yujing, who was famous for her soft but strong personality, subconsciously took a step back when she met Su Gu's eyes.

Then he lowered his head slightly shyly.

Seeing this action, the students in the whole classroom couldn't help but gasp.

There were rumors before that after Xingkong Brigade, Xingwu University's first goddess Bai Yujing had fallen in love with Su Gu.

There are too many boring gossips in the martial arts school, especially for a celebrity like Su Gu.

It's not exciting enough to say that the goddess is in love with him, and not many people take it seriously.

And now it seems that this may not be a rumor.

"Damn, my goddess and my male god... please, put me in the middle."

"I thought I had a chance, woo woo woo..."

"Who urinated yellow, wake them up? Diabetes is at the back, don't let this kid taste the sweetness."


After knowing this, although many people were envious, no one was jealous.

After all, that was Su Gu, there were too many things about him that were worthy of envy and jealousy.

Being admired by the goddess was just one of them that was not worth mentioning.

Feeling the deviated atmosphere in this classroom, Su Gu frowned slightly.

Then he said to Bai Yujing gently:

"Let's go, let's go out and talk."

Bai Yujing nodded obediently.


As Su Gu and Bai Yujing left the classroom together, the dean of the Command Academy disappeared from nowhere.

Zhu Xing, who had been stared at, let out a long breath, and then said to everyone in the classroom:

"Why are you all here? get out of class is over!"


After leaving the classroom, Su Gu and Bai Yujing

Starry Sky Martial Arts University, Command Academy Canteen No. 16.

Su Gu and Bai Yujing opened a private room in the canteen. After all the dishes they ordered were served, Bai Yujing talked about the reason for looking for him this time.

"Su Gu, maybe you know what it is.

I'm going to give you the position of captain of the school team of Starry Sky Martial Arts University this year." Bai Yujing said.

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