Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 229: Captain of the school team, Seed of Fire!

"Captain of the school team."

After hearing this, Su Gu's expression became strange, and then he looked at Bai Yujing sincerely and said:

"Senior Bai, you can continue to sit in this position.

Even if I really join the school team, I can guarantee that I will completely follow your command in the future. I have no interest in this position."

Su Gu said this with all his heart.

For him, this so-called captain's position has no appeal, and can even be said to be a burden.

"No, Su Gu."

Bai Yujing shook her head and said:

"You may not know what the captain's position means."

As she said this, she pulled up a video on her phone, and when she saw the two people in the video, Su Gu raised her eyebrows slightly.

Arnold and Yue Yuzhong.

I heard before that these two people transferred to Xingkong Martial Arts University because of their own affairs, but I didn't expect to see them here first.

"As the captain of the school team, one of the rights is to designate some students to join the school team, so that they can enjoy the generous resources of Xingwu University for training."

"This is also the intention of the school, a system that allows outstanding students to cultivate their own power."

"Yue Yuzhong, Arnold and your follower Feng Yan are all talents with the strength of the first selection.

If you become the captain, when you become the captain, you can naturally gather them around you, use the school's high-quality resources to train them, and develop your own power."

"I believe that after you graduate, no matter what you do, they can be your helpers."

After hearing this, Su Gu chuckled.

Use the resources of the school to cultivate your own power?

It sounds good. If it is Fatty, he may be very interested.

"If you want to give me the position of captain because I saved you in the Xingkong Brigade, you want to repay the favor.

There is no need at all.

I personally have no interest in this position that represents so-called power."

Su Gu said calmly.

After hearing this, Bai Yujing's face changed slightly, and then gritted her teeth and said:

"I do want to repay you for saving me, but it is not because of this that I decided to step down."

"After that incident, I realized that my own ability was seriously insufficient. I didn't have the courage and ability to fight against those truly powerful opponents."

"And now there are two people in the school who are as capable as me."

"Arnold and Yue Yuzhong."

"Can you imagine that someone like me, the weakest among all people, can be the captain?"

After hearing this, Su Gu was stunned.

He really didn't expect this relationship.

Then, Bai Yujing continued:

"In addition to being able to use school resources, the captain of the school team has another benefit."

Speaking of this, Bai Yujing called up a document, which was the rights and obligations of the captain.

Su Gu glanced at it casually, and his eyes stopped at a three-character line that was listed separately.

Su Gu raised his eyebrows.

"Fire Seed?!"

When breaking through the Seeking Myself Realm and entering the Soul Shaping Realm, the most important sign is to ignite the soul fire.

The strength of the soul fire often determines the upper limit of the warrior in the Soul Shaping Realm.

And the fire seed is a natural treasure that can improve the quality of soul power by one level.

"When the school believes that the school team this year is strong enough and has a certain potential, it will give the captain of the team a fire seed as a reward."

"I don't know if this thing can arouse your interest."

Looking at the three words, Su Gu licked his lips.

Then he said seriously: "Thank you, I will return this favor to you."

After hearing Su Gu's agreement, Bai Yujing smiled and continued:

"Sure enough, only practice can arouse your interest."

Su Gu shrugged without comment.

"However." Bai Yujing changed the subject and said:

"I will fully support you to take the position of captain. I guess it won't be a big problem with the principal."

"But I guess there will still be people who oppose it."

Su Gu said calmly: "Who?"

"Generally speaking, according to the school's regulations, those who can take the position of captain must be at least juniors, usually seniors."

"And you, Su Gu, are only freshmen after all."

"Will the school be entangled in such things?" Su Gu said with a strange look on his face.

"In the school, there will always be some old people with old-fashioned and conservative thinking." At this point, Bai Yujing sighed helplessly.

"Not everyone is like Lan Qing."

"I understand." Su Gu picked up a piece of fish with chopsticks and put it in his mouth. After chewing and swallowing, he said:

"But for me, whether they agree or not is not important."


"Senior Bai, I'm leaving first. I'll treat you to this meal."

After the two finished lunch, Su Gu took out a tissue to wipe his lips, and then said lightly:

"Thank you again for being willing to give me the position of captain."

"I'll remember this favor."

After paying for the meal, Su Gu waved to Bai Yujing and said hello.

Then he left without looking back.

Looking at Su Gu's back as he left, Bai Yujing sighed slightly.

"Don't you give me any chance at all?"

Just now in the command department classroom, those people's discussions, with Su Gu's five senses, it is impossible not to hear.

And just now when eating, Bai Yujing also used the moves she learned from her bestie to hint to Su Gu intentionally or unintentionally.

But even so, he remained unmoved.

"What exactly am I not good enough for?"

Bai Yujing touched her face and said a little disappointed.


"It's the first time I've been chased by a girl like this."

Just after leaving the table, Su Gu's face, which had been stern, collapsed, and he rubbed his face with some embarrassment.

Being actively pursued by an excellent opposite sex, as a man of blood and vigor, how could he not be moved at all?

But now Su Gu is obsessed with martial arts and has no intention of falling in love.

Of course, the most important thing is that he is now being targeted by the Ju family, and Su Gu does not want to increase the number of people who can be close to him for the time being.

In that case, it would just give himself more weaknesses that can be targeted.

Shaking off these thoughts, Su Gu said softly:

"Captain of the school team."

Since he can fight against stronger enemies on a bigger stage, Su Gu is naturally happy to see it.

Not to mention the Fire Seed.

"If you can, go and fight for it."

Su Gu said softly.


(The second update will be later, I have completely run out of drafts QAQ)

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