Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 230 Fatty's Complaint

After finishing his conversation with Bai Yujing, Su Gu returned to the dormitory he had not seen for a long time.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard Ma Mingjie's screams coming from inside.

"Fuck you, Brother Su, you are finally back!"

Before the dormitory door could recognize Su Gu's fingerprint, the door was opened by a familiar figure.

Then the fat man Ma Mingjie grabbed Su Gu's arms directly, and the whole person kept shaking.

Looking at the fat man in front of him, Su Gu was stunned for a moment.

"Have you lost weight?"

Ma Mingjie's body was "round" before, but now this "circle" has been stretched and turned into an oval.

This body is visibly thinner.

"Brother Su, during the time when you didn't know where you were, Yin Lao Hu and Principal Cheng Ziwen suddenly came to my house and took turns to arrange a training plan for me and urged me to practice more."

"These two scumbags are simply not human. Can the training plan they listed for me be completed by a human?"

"When you were away, your brother's life was almost tormented to death."

After hearing this, Su Gu was stunned for a moment, and then touched his nose awkwardly.

Because Fatty finally got interested in martial arts before, Su Gu had always been with him to practice and practice.

As a result, during this period, Su Gu was suddenly pulled into the Rune Laboratory by Lan Qing to practice, and stayed there for several months.

Considering that the dead fat man's martial arts needed guidance, otherwise he would probably go astray.

So Su Gu asked Lan Qing at that time to find a few reliable people to guide Fatty for him during his absence.

"I didn't expect that Instructor Lan was really powerful enough to directly call these two free and easy realm warriors over and take turns to guide Fatty."

Su Gu whispered softly.

"What did you just say?" The fat man looked at Su Gu with red eyes.

"Nothing, you continue..."

"Those two people are really not human. Every time I feel like I'm going to die, these two people still pull me to continue to practice..."

Suddenly, the fat man looked at Su Gu in confusion and said:

"Brother Su, how could these two people come here suddenly? Is it related to you?"

"Ahem!" Su Gu coughed a few times and said:

"How is it possible? How can I have such a big face to invite these two great gods to race with a fat pig every day."

The fat man thought about it and felt that it made sense.

Although Su Gu is very strong now, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that he has unlimited potential.

But Cheng Ziwen and Yin Jun who came to teach him are both serious free and easy masters, elites among humans.

It's not necessarily that they gave Su Gu such a big face and took turns to practice with him for several months.

But it wasn't Su Gu, who made him spend four months like hell?

As the fat man was thinking, he suddenly realized something was wrong and waved his hand:

"How can I still be a fat pig now! My father is so thin that he feels bad."

Faced with the fat man's protest, Su Gu immediately chose to ignore it.

Then he quickly changed the subject.

"Okay, fat man, two powerful men in the Free and Easy Realm took turns to spend time training with you alone. Most people would probably wake up laughing in their dreams, and you still have the nerve to complain."

Su Gu complained:

"By the way, nothing else happened during the time I was away, right?"

The fat man rubbed his already somewhat shriveled stomach, and then slowly said:

"Actually, there are some things that make people worry."

"The main thing is that Arnold and that Yue Yuzhong came to see you."

After hearing this, Su Gu raised his eyebrows.

"These two people are your opponents, so I am very concerned about this matter."

"In fact, I think that Arnold has probably guessed your identity as the Almighty God of War."

"But he is quite sensible and didn't spread this matter around."

Su Gu nodded. At that time, Arnold was the only one alive in the Star Air Brigade who witnessed his killing of two commander-level aliens and Tachibana Takayuki.

In addition, he had a vague feeling before that he could guess Su Gu's identity, so Su Gu himself was not much shocked.

"And that Yue Yuzhong, after my trick, he probably regarded you as a comrade-in-arms who could get along with him."

"After all, the specific details of why he was driven out by the federal army are in doubt."

"But judging from your performance in the battle, it is probably related to the Star Alien Race."

After hearing this, Su Gu also nodded in agreement.

"These are all unimportant little things."

He walked quickly into the dormitory and took out the X device that was placed in a prominent position in the living room.

"Brother Su, are you going to the martial arts arena?" Ma Mingjie said in surprise.

Although Su Gu has always been a martial arts fanatic, this is the first time he has been so eager to face the X device.

"After all, I haven't fought for a long time."

Su Gu sighed.

These days, he has been staying in the rune laboratory and has no chance to fight with others.

This made Su Gu, who is warlike in his bones, hold back for too long.

"Let's go, Fatty, accompany me in."




When the Almighty Martial God's account logged in, too many people's mobile phones rang.

No matter which planet in the solar system, no matter whether it is night or day.

When they heard the familiar reminder tone of the Almighty Martial God that they set.

These people immediately jumped up, put on the X device, and prepared to enter the virtual spirit world.

"Damn, Brother Wushen is finally online again. How long have we been waiting for this time?"

"Hurry up, hurry up, if you are late, there will be no place at all."

"Damn, brother, wait for me, my girlfriend has taken off her clothes!"

"Choose your girlfriend or Brother Wushen."

"Woo woo woo~"


The Stark family, one of the top ten families, because their princess confessed to the Almighty Martial God in front of the whole world last time.

In the Stark family, the Almighty Martial God has almost become a taboo.

As Ke Yuya's younger brothers, Anderson and Schiller are even more miserable.

It's okay to be scolded by the upper class of the family, but they have to be forced by Ke Yuya to investigate who the Almighty Martial God is.

God bless you, if the identity of this mysterious virtual spirit world warrior is so easy to find out, will it be their turn!

"Schiller and Anderson, you two hurry up."

Ke Yuya's voice came over, and she had already used the X device while speaking.

Seeing the excited look, Anderson and Schiller looked at each other and sighed.

"Half a year ago, even if you killed me, I would not believe that our boss could do such a thing." Schiller murmured.

Anderson patted his shoulder and said softly: "Forget it, we don't care so much, hurry up and follow."

After that, the two also entered the in-body X device warehouse.


Among them, in the dormitory of transfer students at Starry Sky Martial Arts University, Arnold and Yue Yuzhong's X devices sounded a special prompt sound at the same time.

The two looked at each other and said:

"The Almighty Martial God has landed."

Both saw a ray of fiery light in each other's eyes.

Without saying much, they all made the same action and quickly landed in the virtual spirit world.

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