Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 231: Opponents who do not belong to this era

When Su Gu stood on the field of the martial arts arena as the Almighty Martial God for the first time in a long time.

His fans entered earlier than him.

The vast and boundless audience seats that went straight into the sky were already filled with hundreds of millions of ordinary audiences.

When the Almighty Martial God stepped into the arena, all the audience who came here stood up and burst into strong cheers.

"Almighty Martial God, Almighty Martial God!"

Regardless of planets, regions, and nationalities, hundreds of millions of audiences shouted in unison.

The terrifying sound waves seemed to have turned into substance, with a momentum like a tidal wave.

The extremely penetrating sound seemed to tear down the sky.

Such terrifying support is enough to make any superstar in history jealous and crazy.

And these are just the actions organized spontaneously by the fans of the Almighty Martial God.

From the beginning, watching the battle of the Almighty Martial God, I was just attracted by his arrogant and unique fighting style.

But as he won one game after another, incredible victories were born.

As the heirs of the family, who were not qualified to be approached by ordinary people on weekdays, were defeated by Brother Wushen.

Gradually, these people's attitude towards the Almighty God of War changed.

From the beginning, it was just for fun, but gradually changed to the belief in the lives of many ordinary fans.

They hope to see the Almighty God of War, using this identity to accomplish things that they cannot accomplish.

"Brother Wushen is invincible!"

The screams with strong emotions floated in this arena.

This enthusiastic support finally attracted Su Gu's attention.

He nodded slightly in response.

His action was captured by the floating camera floating around.

After his expression was projected on the big screen, it immediately caused more intense cheers from the crowd.

"The Almighty Martial God actually responded to the audience? I thought he was the kind of person who didn't care about fans at all and only focused on martial arts."

"I guess he was also moved by his fans. Such enthusiastic cheers, anyone would not be indifferent to such things."

"That's right, but the number of fans is so terrifying. I can't imagine what kind of commotion he would cause if he showed up in person.

It would take at least a martial artist in the Free and Easy Realm to stop these fans."

In the crowd, Yue Yuzhong and Arnold chatted.

Compared to others, these two people were much calmer.

But the two of them would occasionally glance at Su Gu in the center of the arena, and their eyes each carried different meanings.


"This is too popular."

In a small corner of the terrifying audience, Anderson said in amazement.

When this Almighty Martial God fought with me, the number of fans might not be as many as mine.

But now, his fans can drown him with just one spit.

This contrast made his mentality collapse a little.

"What's the matter? Isn't this what the Almighty God of War deserves?" said Ke Yuya on the side.

Hearing so many people praising the Almighty God of War, she could hardly suppress the smile on her lips.

Soon she also joined the cheering team.

"Come on, Almighty God of War!"

"God of War is invincible!"

One after another, slightly shameful slogans were shouted from the captain of the Stark family.

Anderson and Schiller looked at each other, and they saw the look of seeing a ghost on each other's faces in each other's pupils.

Is this really the cold boss in our family?

"Love makes people stupid." Schiller said softly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ke Yuya, who had been staring at Su Gu with a crazy look on her face, suddenly turned her head and stared at Schiller and said:

"Your training volume will double tonight, and I will personally train you more."

Schiller opened his mouth wide, and the whole person was motionless, as if he was petrified.


The cheers gradually subsided as Su Gu began to adjust his state and seriously greeted the next opponent.

The atmosphere in the entire audience began to gradually cool down.

And just as everyone was getting bored as the waiting time lengthened.

On the screen used by the Almighty Martial God for live broadcasts, the first pass editing video began to play.

Looking at the video, everyone was stunned at first, and then burst into crazy laughter.

This video is a video of the commentator Sao Rui's bad mouth and Ma Mingjie betting, and after losing the bet, he did butterfly stroke in the manure pool.

Sao Rui stayed in the manure pool for 24 hours, and the edited video was made from the essence of the 24 hours.

Every shot in it looks wonderful.

"Fuck, I can't take it anymore. This is the first time I've seen someone spray feces out of his nostrils."

"How much does this guy eat in a day? He seems quite happy. He won't cheat for food and drink."

"I'm so happy. Sao Rui, this bitch, has such an end."


Amidst the laughter, the atmosphere in the audience returned to normal.

"Who! Who did it?"

Sao Rui, who had been hiding in the commentary booth without saying a word, was about to explode when he saw this situation.

Looking at the scene of himself almost drowning in the manure pool, Sao Rui's face swelled up as red as pig liver.

"Hehehe, who did it? It's really too much!"


The fat man beside him laughed meanly.

That voice made Sao Rui so angry that he wanted to have a duel with him on the spot, a one-on-one duel between commentators.

"Brother Sao Rui, don't be so angry. If you can't be angry, let's bet again?"

"Maybe this time, I'll be the one who goes into the manure pit."

Ma Mingjie blinked at him and said innocently.

Hearing the word "bet", Sao Rui's body immediately felt a chill, and the whole person pursed his lips and didn't say anything.

After this episode, the opponent of the Almighty Martial God began to show up.

Everyone looked at the light of transmission with expectation.

The light curtain dissipated, but no one was seen.

"Empty wheel?"

Seeing this situation, everyone showed a strange look on their faces, and then showed a natural expression.

With the record of the Almighty Martial God defeating Ke Yuya, I'm afraid that few people in the elite stage can fight him.

And the legendary Hall of Fame, most of this stage are monsters who are qualified to inherit the real top power of mankind.

These people will not show up in front of ordinary people easily.

In other words, the number of opponents of the same level that the Almighty Martial God can meet is getting fewer and fewer.

Even the matching system can only leave him empty.

"We can't watch the battle of the Almighty Martial God today?"

"Please don't, just get a less experienced person to come up, it's also good for us to watch Brother Martial God bully the noobs."

"I second the motion, let those two commentators come up, it must be very effective."

"My girlfriend is waiting for me in bed, I came here without wearing pants, you can't do this."


Soon, there were waves of wailing from the audience.

And suddenly, someone asked in confusion:

"Hey, look, who is that person?"

I saw that there was one more person opposite the Almighty Martial God.

He was an ordinary-looking oriental man.

"Damn, are we finally matched? Long live the martial arts arena!"

"Wait, what rank is Brother Wushen's opponent?"

Su Gu's opponents before were all teleported by a layer of light curtain, but the man in front of him suddenly appeared as if he had teleported.

And when he appeared, there was no color indicating his rank.

"Who is he? Don't really get a noob that no one knows."

Everyone frowned subconsciously, and they kept thinking, who is this guy in front of them?

It seems that there is no such person among the famous warriors in the martial arts arena.

And at this moment, some people who know some inside information can't help but shrink their pupils.

"Boss, is this true?" Anderson said with his mouth wide open.

"Yes, the almighty martial god can actually trigger this mechanism." Ke Yuya said in a deep voice.

Finally, in the silence, Sao Rui said softly:

"Everyone no longer needs to think about who the Almighty God of War will be matched with this time."

"He is not a warrior in the martial arts arena at all, and he has never fought a battle here."

"Even he himself... does not belong to this era."

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