"He is not a warrior of the martial arts arena, and he has never fought a battle here."

"Even he himself... does not belong to this era."

Sau Rui's words echoed over the entire audience through the commentary broadcast.

After hearing this, everyone frowned slightly.

Immediately afterwards, many people said:

"Has Sao Rui eaten too much shit? What's wrong with him? How can someone who has never fought a battle match the Almighty God of War?"

"He doesn't belong to this era yet, and he's still a riddle man."

"Brothers, don't pay attention to this idiot. It's estimated that the matching system of the martial arts arena is wrong, and Brother Wushen met a poor guy who just applied for an account."


Most people immediately began to denounce Sao Rui's words.

And Sao Rui looked solemn and ignored it.

He looked at the opponent of the Almighty God of War, and showed a very rare expression of respect.

Sau Rui's change stunned everyone.

He didn't get angry and tease the players as usual, and he was full of meanness.

This was the first time that everyone had seen Sao Rui like this.

The opponent that the Almighty Martial God matched this time seemed to be really different from the previous ones.

Then, these ordinary audiences turned their eyes to the Almighty Martial God.

At this moment, Su Gu was tense and exuded a fighting spirit.

It was very unusual that Brother Wushen was like this before the fight even started.

"Who is this person? How come I have never heard of him?"

"I usually watch all the high-level battles in the martial arts dojo, but I have never seen this person."

"Who is he?"


The identity of the Almighty Martial God's opponent has caused a lot of discussion, and more and more details have been discovered by these meticulous ordinary audiences.

"Why is the style of the military uniform this person is so old? It must have been out of production 70 or 80 years ago."

"Now that you mentioned it, I also noticed that it's not just the military uniform, he has a lot of wounds on his body. Some of the wounds look like minor injuries just now."

"It's getting more and more weird. You don't mean that this person's ability is to travel through time and space, and he traveled through time and space?"


Finally, in the discussion, someone suddenly said:

"Have you noticed that he looks like a certain historical figure?"

Everyone realized that the black-haired oriental man in front of them looked almost exactly like a general in the Dark Ages.

"Could he be the descendant of that person?"

Someone speculated excitedly.

And at this moment, Sao Rui's voice sounded again.

"The reason why the virtual spirit world was formed is because the great martial arts martyrs could not bear to see their martial arts skills lost, so they uploaded their consciousness and protected their heritage in the form of digital life."

"And that network domain could not carry so many great wills, and eventually mutated, and this last free land of mankind was formed."

"Many people have stayed in the martial arts arena for a long time, and seem to have forgotten that those heroes who contributed everything for the inheritance of mankind are still there!"

When Sao Rui said this, he paused, and then the whole person became excited.

The eyes looking at the opponent of the almighty martial god were full of honor.

And those spectators also realized something at this moment, and they all widened their eyes in disbelief.

They vaguely guessed something, but no one said it.

"Although it is extremely rare, some heroes will indeed reveal their martial arts will after meeting rare human geniuses."

"Inheriting their own martial arts will, they will push human geniuses to a new realm."

"The probability of this triggering is extremely small, so small that it can be ignored."

"I have been explaining for more than ten years in my life, and this is the first time I have encountered it."

Sau Rui's tone became extremely excited.

"This time, the opponent of the Almighty Martial God is not the descendant of a great existence, he is the great existence itself."

"He is a hero from the Dark Ages, named Ji Lie!"

After hearing this, everyone subconsciously held their breath.

Ji Lie, that is a great existence written into human history.

It is said that in his time, he was the most dazzling genius.

He was invincible in the self-cultivation realm, the self-seeking realm, and the soul-shaping realm.

His terrifying potential eventually attracted the attention of the alien race in the starry sky. Under the deliberate design of these despicable enemies, Ji Lie was led into a desperate situation.

Three king-level aliens surrounded and killed him, trying to strangle him in advance.

In that battle, Ji Lie broke through and entered the Free and Easy Realm.

He killed three king-level aliens with his own strength.

The terrifying record is recorded in history.


Because of this battle, Ji Lie's body was also left with an unhealable hidden injury.

This injury eventually affected his martial arts limit, and he was stuck in the Free and Easy Realm and could not make any further progress in his life.

This incident was officially listed as one of the hundred regrets of mankind in the Dark Ages.

"How to fight this?"

The fans of the Almighty Martial God said in despair.

Ji Lie's ability can be invincible in the Free and Easy Realm.

Such an opponent can't be beaten.

"Don't worry." Sao Rui said in a deep voice:

"The martial arts will left by these martyrs is to temper future generations, not to torture."

"They will definitely fight with the realm they were in and the abilities they had at that time, and will not take advantage of future generations."

After hearing this, those who were completely desperate breathed a sigh of relief.

Then they thought about this carefully and immediately felt suffocated.

It's easy to say that they are fighting at the same realm.

The one in front of them is a real person who has left a mark in history.

He was a genius who was deliberately targeted by the enemy in the Dark Ages!

"It's useless to fight against such a person, just surrender directly."

Someone whispered.

And this time, it was rare that even the fanatical fans of the Almighty Martial God did not mock him.

Even if he is in the same realm as me, this person is invincible for an era.

How to fight?

This is too desperate.

"But as long as the Almighty Martial God can win, doesn't it mean that he has the ability to transcend the times."

Just when the fans of the Almighty Martial God were all in anxiety, Ma Mingjie's voice suddenly rang out.

"And you see, Brother Wushen himself hasn't given up either."

All the fans finally reacted and looked at the almighty Wushen.

At this moment, Su Gu stared at his opponent, and the fighting spirit in his eyes seemed to be burning like a raging fire.

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