Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 233 Please give me your advice

"That's right, Brother Wushen himself hasn't given up yet. What right do we fans have to feel desperate for him!"

Ma Mingjie's words inspired all the fans of the Almighty God of War.

They cheered up again, and one after another thunderous cheers echoed in the arena.

"Come on, Almighty God of War!"

"Brother Wushen is invincible!"


Just when everyone's passion was ignited again, Sao Rui's voice rang out.

"I really want to see if the Almighty God of War can continue to maintain his personality in the face of this genius who can suppress an era.

A few more random weapons and random battlefields."

There was undisguised gloating in his tone.

Since he had a complete fall-out with Ma Mingjie, the Almighty God of War's die-hard fan next to him, he made up his mind.

In the future games of the Almighty God of War, he will spare no effort to black him.

Not only to avenge his defeat, but also because black and red are also red.

"Sao Rui, what are you talking about! What do you mean by maintaining a persona? Brother Wushen is a warrior who pursues martial arts, not an internet celebrity!"

"Damn it, who are you disgusting with your weirdness all day long?"

"Bitch, can you shut up your stinky mouth!"


One after another of abuses resounded in the arena, but Sao Rui remained motionless.

And Su Gu in the arena had blocked out the noise, his eyes only fell on his opponent.

After a moment, he made the natural choice again.

Two roulette wheels spun rapidly beside him.

"Sure enough, this is not maintaining a persona, what is it? Who dares to do such a thing in the face of a peerless genius of the same realm who has proven his talent."

Sao Rui laughed and sneered:

"Although the Almighty Wushen is a warrior, his behavior is no different from those internet celebrities with no bottom line in my opinion."

It has to be said that Sao Rui seems to have a natural talent for how to anger others.

Before he finished a word, the cursing in the audience rose to a higher level, and the atmosphere of the venue was almost heated up by him alone.

For a time, the entire audience was filled with cursing.


"The words are rough, but the truth is not rough." In a corner of the audience, Yue Yuzhong said in a deep voice:

"In front of a strong man like Ji Lie, using any weapon makes no difference, so I think it's okay to use random weapons.

But the battlefield environment still needs to be carefully considered."

"But the Almighty Martial God gave up the right to choose this battlefield directly."

Arnold on the side frowned slightly and said unhappily:

"The Almighty Martial God probably has his own considerations. We ordinary people can't understand his affairs."

Yue Yuzhong glanced at Arnold.

I really didn't expect that this serious guy next to him was a crazy fan of the Almighty Martial God.

He didn't believe that Arnold couldn't see what he just said.

"Okay, let's see the result."

Yue Yuzhong said lightly.

After all, this is a battle. As long as they can win, whatever the winner does is right.

There are great scholars who will debate the classics for them.


Ke Yuya looked at the situation on the field, her eyes full of worry.

Her two hands were clenched tightly, and she almost wanted to leave the field.

Anderson and Schiller looked at each other, and both saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

In the past, the boss would comment on the field neutrally and objectively no matter what happened.

Now this is completely biased.


With the lesson just now, Anderson and Schiller will not continue to offend the boss in this matter.

The trio was silent.


"The result of the weapon is out!"

The crowd who were cursing Sao Rui until their mouths were dry suddenly exclaimed.

A straight black spear fell to the ground, and the tip of the spear fell at Su Gu's feet.

Looking at the spear, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, at least this time, Brother Wushen had a normal weapon.

"If the weapons given to Brother Wushen are not too outrageous, this is really great. Now I think Brother Wushen has a 50% chance of winning."

Someone in the audience said happily.

If it is just to fight against the weak, these two random options are nothing.

But when encountering a real strong enemy, the random weapons and random battlefield fighting style of the almighty Wushen.

It can really scare these little fans to have a heart attack.

"Ji Lie's weapon is also out, and his choice is still the double-edged sword that he was best at when he was alive."

"No, these two swords are the two he used when he was alive!"

The black sword appeared beside Ji Lie.

In his era, there was no metal material like black gold.

The material of these two black double swords turned black completely because of the blood of the enemy.

These two swords accompanied Ji Lie in the fight, stained with the blood of the enemy, and were fed by Ji Lie's soul power with all his strength, and finally became real magic weapons and sharp blades.

The two strong men were facing each other at a distance of 500 meters, and they both felt the strong fighting spirit on each other's body.

"The battlefield selection is about to come out." Someone suddenly said.

At this moment, the rotation speed of another wheel that was constantly spinning beside the Almighty God of War also began to slow down.

The elegant pointer slowly stopped and finally froze in an area.

Battlefield, zero-gravity space.

After seeing this battlefield choice, everyone present was stunned.

Then many fans couldn't help but cover their faces, as if escaping reality.

"What's so surprising, what's so desperate." Sao Rui said with a smile:

"Isn't it normal for the Almighty God of War to be backlashed for his arrogant style of play?"

"Fighting in zero-gravity space with a great warrior who was born in the dark ages and spent most of his life in the universe against the alien races in the starry sky."

"Fuck, I can't do it. I can only say that this time the choice of the Almighty God of War makes me feel a little humorous."

Sao Rui's unscrupulous ridicule made Ma Mingjie beside him glare.

And those ordinary fans also clenched their teeth tightly, making a creaking sound.

"Although what Sao Rui said is really mean, it is true."

Yue Yuzhong in the crowd slowly said:

"In the modern world, even warriors in the Soul Shaping Realm rarely have the opportunity to fight directly in the universe."

"But in the Dark Ages, even small warriors in the Self-cultivation Realm had to wear life-support clothes and kill enemies on the battlefield."

"And Ji Lie was one of the most shining geniuses of that era."

"Fighting him in a place like this, I'm afraid... it will be quite difficult."

Arnold on the side pursed his lips and continued:

"There will always be a way."


"The Almighty Martial God will win." Ke Yuya said quietly.

When she said this, she seemed to be stuck, and she couldn't say how to win.

Would you rather give up your common sense of martial arts and embrace the inexplicable metaphysics than believe that the Almighty Martial God would lose?

Anderson and Schiller looked at each other, both in each other's eyes, and sighed at the same time.

As expected, love makes people stupid.


In the arena, the environment began to change.

Su Gu raised the spear in his hand and pointed it directly at Ji Wu.

"It is my honor to meet you today."

"I hope you can teach me!"

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