In the martial arts dojo of the virtual spiritual world, what Sugu pursues has not changed from beginning to end.

That's fighting!

A battle that can really excite him, preferably a life-threatening battle.

“It’s so comfortable!”

Sugu stretched out his right hand and touched the wound casually.

The bloody wound spread on Sugu's chest as his palms rubbed it.

It was as if an ancient and mysterious totem was painted on the skin of his chest.


He snorted softly, and then rushed towards Ji Lie at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

S-level combat skill, Moon Sky Step!

Ji Lie's eyes narrowed.

court death.

In this zero-gravity environment, it is easy to completely lose control of your own body due to inertia when advancing at this speed.

This is giving yourself a living target.

In his heart, he couldn't help but feel disappointed with the young man who woke him up.

Is this era so sad?

No matter what was going on in his mind, Ji Lie still followed the instinct of a warrior and slashed at Sugu with the two swords in his hands without mercy.

This sword is inevitable!

"Is it over?"

Everyone felt nervous.

And just when the swords were about to cut Sugu in half, his body suddenly began to sway at a weird angle like a leaf disturbed by the wind.

That's a weightless step!

It is obviously a combat skill for enlightenment and does not even have a numbered level. However, in Sugu's hands at this moment, it has the effect of turning decay into something magical.

The two swords that were slashing at him, Su Gudu used a very strange posture to dodge them, and the momentum of the spear that he had continued was completed.

S-level combat skill, Tiangang Break!

The spear in Sugu's hand stabbed Ji Lie's heart with unstoppable power.

Ji Lie's eyes were focused, and the sword in his right hand was stuck on the spear, trying to use his own strength to deflect the spear belt.

The sword in his left hand was retracted to protect his heart.

At the same time, he used the first defensive combat skill he used in this battle.

But these are of no use.

The gun in Sugu's hand pointed directly at Ji Lie's body with unparalleled power.

The surging force sent Ji Lie flying backwards.


Ji Lie's whole body fell to the ground, and the position where he was hit seemed to be farther than the position where Sugu flew before.

The situation in front of them made all the audience's eyes widen. It seemed that even they, the fans, couldn't believe that the scene they saw before them was real.

Sao Rui opened her mouth wide, not knowing what to say for a moment.

This... is too outrageous. This almighty god of war is actually competing with the most powerful genius from the Dark Ages? !

"Fuck, I knew the Almighty Martial God was invincible!"

"Sauri, please scream again!"

After a while, Ma Mingjie took the lead in shouting, and at the same time mocked Sao Rui beside him.

Under his leadership and encouragement, the fans of the Almighty Martial God at the scene soon also reacted.

They are also together

Soon, the audience also reacted, and cheers mixed with curses soon resounded in the area.

"Holy shit, the almighty god of martial arts is awesome. As long as he can defeat Ji Lie, he will be a genius beyond his time!"

"Damn it, Gouba Shi Saorui, not only did you eat shit, you also got shit in your head."

"The Almighty Martial God hasn't lost yet, why do you look down on him!"

"Brother Wushen is awesome."


Sugu's strong performance in the arena restored the confidence of his fans.

The sound was cheering and taunting again, which made Saorui's face turn green and red.

"It's just the beginning now, and the Almighty Martial God has just taken advantage of it." After a moment, Sao Rui said in a deep voice:

"The intensity of the fighting between the two sides will become higher and higher in the future."

"I still believe that the Almighty Martial God will be defeated! He has not reached the level of being able to suppress the strong men of the previous era."

Although the wind was now against him, Sao Rui still stood firm and spared no effort to ridicule.

Unsurprisingly, his words were met with boos.


"I knew that the Almighty Martial God would not lose to anyone." Arnold looked at the situation in front of him and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Yue Yuzhong also had a wry smile on his face.

Although I knew before that when the Almighty Martial God fought with him, he must have let his guard down.

But look now, this is not just releasing water, it is simply releasing a whole ocean.

"The gap between people is really bigger than that between people and dogs." He said with some bitterness.


"You really have a temper that refuses to admit defeat. Just after you suffered a loss in combat skills, you immediately retaliate in this regard."

Keyua said while looking at the situation in the arena.

There seemed to be unabashed admiration in her eyes.

Schiller and Anderson, who were standing behind her, both had incredible looks on their faces at this moment.

Even with their critical eyes, the exchange of blows just now was textbook perfection.

Facing the genius of the previous era, he was actually able to perform this kind of operation.

This one is really an out-and-out monster.

The two of them murmured to themselves at the same time.


In the arena, the battle between Sugu and Ji Lie continues.

Ji Lie, who had just been knocked away, had a horrible wound torn from his chest heart to his side abdomen by the spear.

The wound that was so deep that the bone could be seen did not make Ji Lie furious, but instead, his eyes flashed with excitement.

The Yangtze River's waves behind push the waves ahead.

I just underestimated this junior.

But just at this level, don't think you can surpass me like this!


S-level combat skills, walking in the clouds!

This time, Ji Lie took the lead.

He used the S-level steps without hesitation and pressed towards Su Gu.

That strange step seemed to be very slow. But in the blink of an eye, it was already in front of him.

Dang, dang, dang!

The sound of the clash of weapons resounded here again.

Ji Lie suppressed with all his strength, not giving Su Gu the slightest chance.

On the other hand, although Su Gu looked suppressed, he had an amazing resilience.

He adapted to Ji Lie's offensive at an extremely terrifying speed.

From being suppressed at the beginning, he gradually began to take the initiative to fight back.

The two of them continued to attack each other for more than ten minutes, and finally separated after 783 exchanges.

"It seems that I can't take you down with combat skills alone."

Ji Lie said softly.

This was the first sentence he said in this battle.

Then a thick smoke rose around him.

S-level superpower, Yun Zhongjun!

With the use of superpowers, his whole person's powerful momentum and murderous intent became restrained.

It was as if the murderous intent was hidden.

At the same time, Su Gu's body was also flashing with black and white halos.

Fusion of superpowers, five elements of treasure light!

After confirming that they could not use combat skills to gain an advantage over the other party, the two strong men made the same decision.

At the same time, they used their own superpowers.

Push this battle to the next stage!

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