After watching Su Gu use his own supernatural power, all the fans felt relieved.

In the last battle, Brother Wushen defeated Ke Yuya, the descendant of the ten great families, who was trying his best, with this supernatural power.

So when Su Gu offered this five-element treasure light, everyone felt relieved.

When the light circle was white, it represented protection, which could almost be said to be absolute defense.

And when it turned black, it seemed to have the power to destroy everything.

In front of this power, they believed that even facing Ji Lie, the prodigy of the last era, the almighty Wushen would still be at an advantage.

"Brother Wushen finally used his superpower. I've been waiting for too long."

"Since the last battle, countless experts have tried to analyze Brother Wushen's superpower, but they have no clue.

What exactly is this superpower? If Brother Wushen can upgrade this superpower to the god level in his lifetime, what will it be like?"

"Why do we care so much? Now I only know that looking at Brother Wushen's condition, I feel inexplicably relieved.

I feel invincible."

"Agree with the upstairs."


The entire audience was talking and laughing, and their expressions were much more relaxed than before.

And at this moment, the two sides in the arena moved at the same time!

The precious light surrounding Su Gu changed from white to black, and turned into a black halo wrapped around the spear.

At this moment, the spear in his hand showed terrifying power.

At the same time, Su Gu rushed forward.

The spear in his hand shook slightly, without any combat skills, and made a straight stab at a very fast speed.


The spear went straight through Ji Lie's face, and his entire head was pierced.


Some spectators couldn't help but cheer.

The outcome of this battle has been decided!

But at this moment, Su Gu frowned.

This feeling is not right.

As expected, after piercing Ji Lie's body, there was no burst of brain and flesh.

Instead, it turned into a cloud of smoke, interweaving with the surrounding smoke.

A warning sign rose in Su Gu's heart.

He subconsciously wanted to transform the reverse five elements treasure light used for attack into the five elements treasure light for defense.

But just as he had this thought, the surrounding smoke and clouds seemed to come alive and rolled back towards Su Gu's direction.

Su Gu rolled the spear in his hand, trying to disperse the smoke and clouds.

But this time, when his spear collided with the smoke and clouds, there was a sound of metal.


Part of the smoke turned into six long swords, directly holding Su Gu's gun tightly.


At the same time, the smoke that rolled back to Su Gu had collided with the white halo, making a harsh sound.

"It seems that my guess is right. Your magical ability is very effective in defending against energy attacks."

"Unfortunately, my ability is not pure energy.

It is also a part of my body, allowing me to switch forms at will."

"Can you defend it?"

Ji Lie's words came from the smoke from all directions, and it was impossible to tell where he was.

But while this voice was speaking, the smoke around Su Gu had changed.

The pervasive smoke had penetrated into the Five Elements Treasure Light!

Su Gu frowned, and a warning sign suddenly rose in his heart.

He had to let go of the controlled spear and retreated.

But it was too late.

The infiltrating smoke turned into long swords at the same time and slashed towards Su Gu.

S-level combat skills, Jingxue Clothes!

He subconsciously used defensive combat skills, but the results were not good.

Several sword beams flashed, and Su Gu's body was covered in blood. He looked like a bloody man now.

The smoke and clouds gathered again, and Ji Lie's entity appeared again.

He smiled at Su Gu, and then played with the spear that he had just taken.

With a casual fold, the spear without soul power broke into several pieces.

Looking at Su Gu's broken spear, all the fans of the Almighty God of War felt as if their necks were pinched by someone.

Even breathing felt uncomfortable.

"How can we fight this...!"

Even the weapons were removed by someone, how can we fight.

Ma Mingjie on the commentary desk clenched his palms tightly.

Fine beads of sweat flowed on the pair of fleshy palms.

"Are we really going to lose?"

Arnold and Yue Yuzhong looked at each other, and both of them showed unwillingness in their eyes.

For some reason, none of them wanted the Almighty God of War to lose like this.

Ke Yuya looked at the situation on the field and held the guardrail tightly.

The virtual guardrail was squeezed by her, making a creaking sound.

"Boss, it's okay. No one in this world can be truly invincible. There will always be failures."

Schiller on the side couldn't stand it and comforted him.

"Get out of here quickly."

Ke Yuya said hatefully.

Schiller quickly covered his mouth.

It's best not to mess with women at this time, and he couldn't afford to mess with the boss at this time.


"Everything is just as I expected." Sao Rui's mean voice echoed throughout the arena.

At this moment, he felt so comfortable in his heart, as if he had just gone out to fight the battle himself.

"Almighty Martial God still has some strength, but his arrogance doomed him to this Waterloo."

"Even if it's not because of Ji Lie, it will be because of others. His failure this time is doomed."

"Please don't worry, fans of Martial God. If Almighty Martial God continues like this in the future, he will encounter more failures."

All fans of Almighty Martial God clenched their fists at this moment.

They wanted to directly scold Sao Rui, the bastard, but now they are most concerned about their idol.

Is there really no way out now?


In the arena, Su Gu looked at the broken spear with a blank expression on his face.

It seems that he is really at the end of his rope as everyone thinks.

And his opponent Ji Lie has a faint smile on his face.

At this moment, the two have not fought again.

Affected by Ji Lie's supernatural power, smoke and clouds are floating around, and the entire arena is filled with a solemn atmosphere.

After a while, Ji Lie's voice slowly sounded.

"You still have a trump card, use it."

"Or do you want to lose like this?"

Everyone was confused after hearing Ji Lie's words.

Now that the weapon has been damaged, what trump card do you have?

Using the empty-handed style against such a formless enemy?

It doesn't sound reliable.

After hearing what his opponent said, Su Gu smiled and said calmly:

"In that case, I won't be polite."

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