"In this case, I won't be polite."

Sugu said with a smile.

Then, two haloes of different colors appeared on his right hand and left hand.

Five elements treasure light!

The reverse five elements treasure light!

These two were unable to coexist with each other a few months ago.

After Sugu's hard work on the rune system, he can now use it at the same time.

It's not over yet.

Sugu put his hands together, and the black and white halo began to fuse alternately under the influence of his will.

Black and white blend into a chaotic state like a fluid painting.

A strange and powerful energy burst out from Sugu's palm.

And this energy can be shaped at will according to Sugu's own will.

The energy group generated by the supernatural power began to lengthen.

Then, under the stunned eyes of everyone, it turned into a simple-looking spear.

The color of the gun was chaotic, flashing with the aura of destruction.

This is the first time that Sugu has used the power of runes in actual combat since he understood the rune system.

This is a new usage developed by Sugu relying on the precise control of supernatural powers by runes.


Many people in the audience said in disbelief.

Most of those who murmured these words were strong men who had made some achievements in martial arts.

The stronger the person, the more he understands the terror of the Almighty Martial God's hand.

“The composite superpower with multiple attributes is already abnormal enough.

He can also give shape to supernatural powers and condense them into a gun? Can superpowers still be used like this? "

"What a powerful ability to control supernatural powers. Those who have been clamoring on the Internet before, the all-powerful Martial God with supernatural powers, can shut up now."

"This alone does not require ten years of hard work. Don't even think about it."


Listening to those exclamations, Sao Rui, who claims to be the most powerful fan of the Almighty Martial God, smiled disdainfully.

“Fancy, flashy.

“It just looks cool, but it’s probably a silver-stemmed wax-tipped gun.

In my opinion, this is the Almighty God of War, making his final death struggle. "

Regarding Sao Rui's words, those knowledgeable warriors didn't even bother to refute them.


Silver tipped wax gun?

Not to mention other things, just speaking of the control that can condense supernatural powers into reality, it is not something that ordinary people can achieve.

I am afraid that there are less than fifty people of the same generation as the Almighty Martial God who can do such a thing.

If this can be said to be flashy, then I am afraid that 80% of the warriors in this world are just clowns trying to please others.


In the arena,

The battle continues.


Sugu stepped on the ground hard and rushed towards Ji Lie's direction again.

Still the same position, still the same unpretentious stab.

Sugu's spear pierced Ji Lie's head again.

What is the Almighty God of War doing?

Why try a move that has already been used again?

Everyone present was doubtful, and in the next moment, this doubt was solved by itself.

When Sugu used the spear of chaos condensed with supernatural powers to point out.

The tip of the gun started to crack like glass in the void.

Then that layer of glass quickly fell off and rotted.

That space was completely torn apart by this shot.

not good!

This time, Ji Lie had a bad feeling in his heart.

The smoke clouds scattered around began to gather, condensing into Ji Lie's physical body.

S-level combat skills, walking in the clouds!

He subconsciously wanted to retreat.

But at this moment, it's too late.

Terrifying power gathered at the tip of Sugu's spear, absorbing and annihilating the surrounding enemies like a black hole.

The wisps of smoke that escaped from Ji Lie's body were captured and absorbed by the black hole, and then annihilated.

Even if Ji Lie used S-level step combat skills, he couldn't break free for a while.

"Damn it!"

Ji Lie cursed angrily.

After seeing that his body could not break free, his body once again scattered into smoke.

The four smoke clouds used each other's strength to escape.

After his struggle, a piece of smoke finally escaped from here.

The remaining three points were all annihilated by Sugu's terrifying spear of chaos.

The quarter of the smoke that escaped condensed into Ji Lie's body.

He transformed into a human again, his face was like gold paper, his eyes, nose, mouth and five orifices were bleeding.

"Can't you even kill me?"

Looking at his appearance, Sugu said in surprise.

And what he said, to the ears of other viewers, was a naked pretense.

This is the genius who once suppressed an era.

In the battle with the same realm, he was actually killed like this by Sugu.

Many people's eyes changed when they looked at the Almighty Martial God.

There is no doubt that the person in front of him, whose name has never been revealed, does have the ability to leave his name in human history.

This is true for ordinary viewers, let alone Sao Rui as a commentator.

Seeing Ji Lie who was seriously injured, Sao Rui felt like he was completely stupid.

Damn, did you make a mistake? Do you want to be so fierce?

This is a powerful genius who has left his name in history!

Sauri was surprised in his heart, and then lowered his head silently.

He knows best when to be polite and when to be a coward.

"Ouch, Saori."

"What's wrong with you?"

Ma Mingjie, who was standing by, imitated Sao Rui's tone and spoke to him in a sarcastic tone.

Looking at the fat man beside him, Sao Rui turned his head away and pretended not to see it.

At this time, the fat man turned his head again and continued:

"What did you just say? I didn't hear it clearly."

"Can you say it again? It's that, 'flashy', 'silver rod wax head gun'."

When the fat man spoke, he completely imitated Sao Rui's demeanor and tone, even the mean look of begging for a beating, he imitated it vividly.

When he finished speaking, the whole venue burst into amazing laughter.

"Sao Rui, are you really capable? I feel that putting a pig in your position is more reliable than what you said."

"Brother, Brother Wushen can condense his supernatural power into a physical entity. Do you know what this means?

You actually say that this ability is flashy and impractical? Do you really know how to do it?"

"Every time Sao Rui speaks, there is a kind of beauty that lacks IQ."

The mocking voices made Sao Rui grit his teeth, but at this moment he could only bow his head and couldn't even be tough.

Who told the other party to win?


At this moment, Ji Lie looked at Su Gu, and the expression on his face changed.

As the martial arts will stored here by the main body, the meaning of his existence is to polish some outstanding young people through the battle of the same realm.

I'm afraid the main body itself didn't expect that such a monster would appear in this era.

As the whetstone for polishing the other party, it was almost broken.

At this moment, Ji Lie looked at Su Gu, and the expression on his face finally turned into excitement.

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