Ji Lie himself is also an extremely militant fanatic.

Otherwise, in his time, he would never have been able to achieve such an achievement.

Meeting Sugu across time at this moment, the long-dormant fighting will in his heart seemed to be activated.

At this moment, he no longer regards his battle target as a test for Sugu.

Instead, he regards Sugu himself as a powerful enemy that he needs to defeat!

Although they are still fighting in the same realm, when the warrior's mentality changes, the power that bursts out is completely different.

"Ji Lie's momentum has changed." Schiller frowned.

As outstanding warriors of the same realm, they are the most sensitive to such changes.

"The energy of his supernatural powers is constantly rising."

Keyua frowned and said:

"It's extremely close, it's a magical power."

After hearing this, Schiller and Anderson couldn't help but swallow.

They know best what this kind of thing means.

That layer of white smoke began to change.

The white clouds began to turn into black clouds.

Wind, rain, thunder, lightning

The energy of the four attributes flashes in the dark clouds.

Four energies with completely different attributes can coexist harmoniously with the help of the cloud.

They even have the effect of mutual amplification and superposition.

Ji Lie was seriously injured at the moment, but he mobilized this energy without reservation.

His body began to break due to the forced activation of energy.

Everyone watching this scene can feel the belief that he must win in pursuit of victory.

The people in the audience couldn't help but whisper when they saw this scene.

"Let me just say, in the historical video I saw before, Ji Lie fought against the alien army.

One person makes the dark clouds cover the stars and engulf the enemy. Wherever it passes, all life is destroyed.

Just now, I had been wondering why Ji Lie's abilities were different from those recorded in the video.

It turned out that he himself did not use all his strength. "

After confirming this fact, everyone couldn't help but feel chills running down their spines.

After using such terrifying energy, he still hasn’t used his full strength?

How terrifying is this man?


Keyua looked at the scene in front of her and said in a deep voice:

"I haven't used this power yet. I'm afraid that Ji Lie hasn't fully mastered this form of supernatural power in the Seeking Me Realm.

Using this power is also a big burden for Ji Lie himself. "

"The Almighty Martial God has completely aroused his fighting spirit."

Feeling what they saw, Anderson and Schiller both sighed in their hearts.

Is this the state reached by martial arts masters who can leave their names in human history?

Sure enough, it's not something they can figure out.


"I don't know if the Almighty God of War can withstand this disaster."

Yue Yuzhong and Arnold looked at this scene and said nervously.

In their eyes, the Almighty God of War can be regarded as their acquaintance.

Compared to Ji Lie, at this last moment, they naturally still hope that the Almighty God of War can win.


When Sao Rui saw this scene on the commentary table, he was like an unkillable cockroach and immediately resurrected with full health.

"Hahaha, I knew it, I knew Ji Lie must have a back-up plan."

"The real victory or defeat will only begin to be determined now."

"I still think that the final winner is Ji Lie, not the Almighty Martial God!"

At this moment, no one paid attention to his crazy words.

All eyes are on the arena.

Many people even forgot to breathe at this moment.

They were all curious, and even more eager to know what the Almighty Martial God was going to do next.

While these people were thinking, Sugu's whole body also changed.

Strong soul power fluctuations occurred in his body. This fluctuation, like a drumbeat, is getting denser and denser.

Soon, the volatility reached a critical point.

A powerful soul power turned into a pillar of light visible to the naked eye, bursting out from the body of the Almighty Martial God.

This is a state that fans of Almighty God of War are very familiar with.

Fighting attitude.

After seeing this state, those fans did not feel relieved, but felt their hearts twitching.

Powerful soul power and violent abilities coexist in the body at the same time.

As long as there is a slight repulsive reaction between the two energies, it is enough to grind the user into powder from the inside.

Martial spirit and spear of chaos.

Can these two states really be balanced by a mere Xunwo Realm warrior with their own strength?

Those fans couldn't help but show worried expressions.

Sure enough, when Wu's demeanor was fully revealed.

At this moment, blood began to flow from Sugu's nose and corners of his mouth.

It was clear that he was also under great pressure to allow these two energies to coexist.

"It seems like this state is quite a burden on you. Can you still fight?"

Ji Lie asked.

"Don't worry, as long as this state is maintained, it won't be a big problem to defeat you."

Sugu replied calmly.

The two of them looked at each other and saw in each other's eyes the determination and desire to decide the winner.

as well as,

The joy that comes from the heart after meeting a strong opponent.

For people like them, the most pleasant thing in the world is to meet an opponent who can make them fight happily.

The two smiled at each other,

and then at that moment

the terrifying energy blew the entire arena platform into the sky.

The platform floated in the air under the effect of zero gravity space.

Then three seconds later, it was annihilated by the terrifying energy that came from nowhere.

The stone platform was bombarded into dust by the energy, and the air in the entire arena was shrouded in smoke.

Everyone watched intently, and the two powerful warriors kept fighting in the silhouettes projected by the smoke.

Boom, boom, boom!

The sound produced by the collision between the two was like a mysterious ancient giant forging a magic weapon in this area.

The terrifying sound was played in this area.

This intertwined attack that others could not see clearly lasted for ten minutes.

During these ten minutes, in the audience seats that accommodated hundreds of millions of viewers.

No one made a superfluous sound.

Everyone was shocked by the amazing scene created by these two opponents who transcended time at this moment.

They all chose to keep silent.

Gradually, the sound of the giant hammering the magic weapon began to slowly dissipate.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Seeing this, many spectators couldn't help but gasp for air.

Just now, many people held their breath and stared, forgetting to breathe.

At this moment, everyone stared at the arena intently, and they were all curious about this matter.

Who won and who lost?

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