At this moment, everything in the arena was destroyed by the aftermath of the battle between the two strong men.

The entire place was filled with smoke, and no one could be seen.

There was no sound of fighting in the venue.

Everyone knew in their hearts that this was over.

Because the system of the martial arts dojo has also come forward to clean up the damaged venue.

This can only mean one thing, the battle has been decided on a winner.

Everyone in the audience was holding their breath at this moment, not daring to take a breath.

There is only one issue that everyone is focusing on right now.

Who's winning? Who loses?

After all, he is the almighty God of War who holds the Spear of Chaos and enters the warrior state, continuing his undefeated legend.

Or is Ji Lie, the genius of the past era, once again leaving his own myth in future generations after his death?

Everything touches people's hearts.

"Is there any need to get to the bottom of this kind of thing?" Sao Rui snorted coldly:

"Ji Lie has already proven in his time that he is invincible in this realm. This matter has been recorded in the history books."

"Do you think that a strong man who has left a name in history will lose to an unknown person who still dare not show his real face?"

"I think there should be no such second-rate people on site."

While everyone was quietly waiting for the results, Sauri's taunting was particularly harsh.

Many people looked at him and glared in his direction.

When Sao Rui saw this, he just snorted a few times. With his face, he would have died a long time ago and is not afraid of boiling water.

He doesn't care whether the Almighty Martial God loses or wins. He has found his own position and can peacefully be a black fan from now on.

"Oh, it looks like you are full of confidence, Saori." Ma Mingjie on the side said with a smile:

"In that case, are you interested in playing again?"

"I bet on the Almighty God of War to win, but you bet on losing."

"Let's play bigger this time. Whoever loses will be thrown into the cesspit and sealed until the next Almighty Martial God battle begins."

"Do you think it's okay?"

After hearing this, Sauri was shocked.

It had been a full four months between the last battle and this time for the Almighty Martial God.

In other words, if you lose, you will probably be sealed in a septic tank for four months.

When he thought of this, he thought of the last experience in his mind, and Sao Rui felt a chill in his body unconsciously.

"Oh, trash."

"You don't dare to do that anymore?"

Ma Mingjie said with a smile: "I am only good at talking, but I really don't have any talent."

The fat man had a mean tone when he spoke next to him.

And those beautiful words that pierced the heart, and the veins popped up on Sao Rui's forehead.

"Oh, it turns out that he can still be incompetent and furious."

"Come on, let me see if you can bite me when you are extremely angry."

Looking at the other party's appearance, Ma Mingjie not only did not shut up, but also intensified his taunting.

By the way, he stood up and patted his butt in the direction of Sao Rui.

Anyway, as commentators, both of them were just shadows. No matter how angry Sauri was, he couldn't do anything to the fat man.

When physical damage fails, Fatty's trash talk is invincible.

"Damn it, you damn fat man, I'll bet with you again!"

"I don't believe it anymore. I can't even beat you once."

Finally, Sao Rui couldn't bear it any longer, patted the commentary table and said angrily:

"I also never believe that there are people in this world who can keep randomizing weapons and win in the martial arts dojo!"

"Today, the one who loses must be the Almighty Martial God!"

Facing Sao Rui's provocation, the fat man beside him still had a smile on his face.

Then he said:

"Okay, there are so many people witnessing this bet, so don't go back on it."

So there are two commentators who are the number one fan and the number one anti-fan of Almighty Martial God.

Once again, the bet was made in public.


"Who do you think will win?"

Yue Yuzhong looked at Arnold and asked.

"I don't know. The energy burst out by these two people is not much different."

"But I personally still hope for the Almighty God of War."

Arnold said honestly.


"The winner will be the Almighty Martial God." Keyua said firmly.

Anderson and Schiller looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

If you dare to say sarcastic words at this time and dampen the boss's interest, you are really looking for death.


Who actually won and who lost?

This question is on everyone's mind.

Saori, who was sitting on the commentary table, was so sure that Ji Lie would win just now.

But at this moment, I still put my palms together in prayer form.

I really can't lose this time, soaking in the septic tank for so long will really kill someone!

All the smoke floating in the zero-gravity space was gradually cleared by the system.

Gradually, a figure can be seen clearly.

That figure is Sugu!

He is the Almighty God of War!

At this moment, Sugu's Chaos Spear and martial demeanor had all dissipated.

There was a look of exhaustion on his face.

The most shocking thing was the wound on his chest.

The skin and flesh had been peeled away, and his sternum and beating heart could be seen.

Such a horrific wound was undoubtedly fatal.


Sau Rui on the commentary desk couldn't help but jump up.

He stood on the table and danced. He even spent a lot of money to order a bottle of expensive champagne in this virtual world.

After shaking it wildly, the wine was sprayed out.

"I knew it, I knew it!"

"God has eyes, after playing for so long, he finally lost."

"Damn, dead fat man."

"You stay in the septic tank for a while, I want to broadcast live in the entire solar system!

And I have to watch it 24 hours a day, you can't stay a minute less!"

Ma Mingjie looked at the scene in front of him, and his expression was extremely ugly.

Did Su Ge really lose?


The fans of the Almighty God of War looked at this situation with expressions like a bereaved mother.

After so long, they really couldn't accept that their idol lost like this.

And at this moment, when the system cleared all the smoke in this arena.

Everyone noticed the problem.

In this entire arena, only the Almighty Martial God can be seen, and no one else can be seen at all.

"What's going on? Where did Ji Lie go?"

"It shouldn't be, even as a loser.

The system of the martial arts arena will clear his 'corpse' one minute after all the winners.

Why did he disappear?"

This doubt emerged in the hearts of many people.

What's going on?

After a moment, Ke Yuya exhaled, with a strange look on his face.

"I know what's going on. Ji Lie's identity is the martial arts will stored here."

"Naturally, he is not subject to the control of the system here at all."

"So when he loses, he will naturally dissipate, and there will be no 'corpse'."

Anderson and Schiller on the side nodded with a complicated expression after hearing this.

They looked at the position of the Almighty Martial God. Is he still winning streak?

Then the two looked at Sao Rui who was opening champagne crazily.

There was a little sympathy on his face.

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